A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1467 Lost Contact

Yoshida Ohno made public the handicap, and Chinese netizens had mixed reactions.

But some people were extremely excited.

Bai Zirui was attending an awards party.

After receiving the news about the handicap, Lao Bai left the field with excitement and excitement.

The organizer begged for help behind his back, but Lao Bai was indifferent.

Let alone the organizer at this moment, even if the King of Heaven comes, I won’t be able to keep him.

When they got to the car, Bai Zirui was about to call Lu Fei when Mr. Fang Shinan's call came in first.

"Good evening, old man!"


"Yoshida Ohno opened the handicap, have you received the news?"

"Just received."

"What was Xiao Fei's reaction?" Fang Shinan asked.

"Master, just prepare the funds!"

"Xiao Fei said, as long as the little devil opens the hand, we will fight back immediately."

"I'll contact Xiaofei right now and report to you as soon as I have the results!"

"Good, good, good!"

"Please tell Xiao Fei for me."

"Whether he is unsure or not, the old man will definitely support him!"

"Damn it!"

"Island people are so arrogant, we must not get used to it!"


"You are right, you must not let it get used to you."

"You should rest early. I will inform you of the results immediately."


After hanging up Fang Shinan's call, Qian Chaoyue called again.

"Old Bai, something big happened."

"Yoshida has opened his hand."

"I'm not blind, why should you tell me?"

"Okay, please stop talking nonsense. I'm about to call Lu Fei."

"I'll let you know when the results are available."


"I can't wait another fucking minute."

"Where are you? I'm going to find you right now."

"so troublesome!"

"Okay, you can come directly to my house!"

"Call Lao Huo too, so he won't bother me anymore."


After hanging up the phone from Qian Chaoyue, another call came in.

This time, Bai Zirui didn't even look at the caller ID, he swore and turned off his phone.

He took out another mobile phone and called Lu Fei.


"The phone you dialed is switched off."


"Depend on!"

"What kind of plane are you doing?"

"Why do you kid turn off your phone at such a critical moment?"

After complaining for a while, Bai Zirui called Lu Fei's other internal number.


"The phone you dialed has been switched off."

"My day!"

"This grandson won't go to Mars!"

"It's so fucking evil!"

Lu Fei's phone is rarely turned off.

Even if the social phone is turned off, the internal number can definitely be reached.

But now both phones were turned off, and Bai Zirui suddenly became furious.

He spat, and then dialed the little milk dog's phone number.

Fortunately, this product is not turned off.

As soon as the call was connected, Bai Zirui started to complain.

"What kind of plane are you doing?"

"Why is Lu Fei's phone turned off?"

"Why don't you want to play with your buddies?"

"Fuck you, uncle!"

"I'm still anxious to find my brother!"

"How do I know he turned off his phone for Mao?"

"We've been out of contact since noon. I'm so fucking anxious." said the little puppy,


"Lost contact?"


"Jiang Zhihui called at noon and wanted to invite my brother to attend the press conference on the shanty town management work."

"But I can't find anyone."

"All three mobile phones were turned off, and no one knew where he went."

"It's so mind-numbing

Heart! " said the little milk dog.


"What's happening here?"

"Is something going to happen to Lu Fei?" Bai Zirui asked.


"What could happen to my brother?"

"You said nothing happened, but what about others?"

"If you ask me, who should I ask?"

"Brother Ji said he would take Xiao Jin'er to the airport at noon."

"In the past few days, my brother has been tired of being with that woman."

"Maybe the two of them went to find a place to have fun."

"You said you were having fun, so why are you turning off your phone?"

"What a delay!"


"Don't talk nonsense, Lu Fei is not that kind of person."

"If you are misunderstood by Chen Xiang, you won't be able to eat and walk around."

"Where are you now? I'll go find you."

"Let's talk about it when we meet," Bai Zirui said.

"We are at Island Villas, come over quickly!"

After hanging up the phone, Bai Zirui looked confused.

Quickly contact Qian Chaoyue and ask them to gather at the airport and fly directly to Hong Kong Island.

Bai Zirui arrived at the airport, Qian Chao Su He, Huo Sinan and Kong Jiaqi were both there.

When it was said that Lu Fei had lost contact, everyone felt incredible.

I bought a nine o'clock flight direct to Hong Kong Island.

It was already one o'clock in the morning when we arrived at the villa.

Even though it was late at night, the villa was still brightly lit, and no one, including the female relatives of Ji Hongxuan and Zhao Jianyun, had any rest.

The reason is that Lu Fei has not been found yet.

The two young men were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, smoking one cigarette after another.

Others also sighed and frowned.

"Lu Fei hasn't come back yet?"

"Isn't something really going to happen?"

"What have you been going through these past few days?"

"Why did the person disappear all of a sudden?" Bai Zirui asked.

Ji Yong posted these days

After telling what happened, Bai Zirui suddenly frowned.

"Hey, isn't it the parents of those young men or the Black Wind Society in the island country who captured Lu Fei?" Bai Zirui asked.

"We've all investigated it."

"Those people are very peaceful."

"Brother Fei sent Xiao Jin'er to the airport and then disappeared," Ji Yong said.


"How could a living person disappear out of thin air!"

"In my opinion, let's go out and search separately. We can't just wait and see!"

"try to find?"

"Hong Kong Island is so big, where can I find it?"



"You all should stop thinking so wildly."

"The small plane has policed ​​people, so nothing will happen."

"All of his cell phones are turned off because he doesn't want us to find him!"

"I guess something special must have happened to him."

"When the matter is finished, he will definitely contact us proactively." Gao Yuan said.


"Brother Yuan is right, Brother Fei will be fine," Ji Yong said.

The little puppy stood up and was about to pour water. Suddenly he saw Lang Lijing in the corner, and the puppy's eyes lit up.


"With your ability, you will definitely be able to track my brother's location, right?" Little Milk Dog asked.

Lang Lijing nodded and said.

"As long as the phone is on him, it's absolutely fine!"

Hearing what Lang Lijing said, everyone became excited.



"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and find where my brother is?"



"You said you could find it just now, why can't you find it now?"

"Gao Yuan is right."

"Mr. Lu turned off his phone just because he didn't want us to find him."

"We should respect Mr. Lu's choice."

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