Speaking of having lunch, the two hit it off and each rode an electric three-wheeler to the town.

"Brother, the ramen, pan noodles, fried noodles and steamed buns we serve here are all great. What do you want to eat?"

"Dude, treat me to a treat!"

"can you drink alcohol?"

"What you're saying is ridiculous!"

"We Northeasterners grew up in wine vats."

"Even old ladies can make a pound." The fat man said with his lips curled up.

"That's okay!"

"I'll have a drink with you later."

"Drinking and eating noodles are not compatible, let's go eat goose stewed in an iron pot!"


When he heard about the goose stewed in an iron pot, the fat man's face turned pale.

"What's wrong, are you allergic to goose meat?"

"No, no!"

"Just eat the goose stewed in the iron pot!"

"Let's go!"

The two came to Sunji Iron Pot for Stew, and the owner greeted them as soon as they entered the store.

"Big Leizi!"

"Rare visitors, rare visitors!"

"Why are you reluctant to come here today?"



"Boss Sun, that's what you said."

"But you can't eat goose for your birthday?" the fat man said with a red face.


"Brother is joking with you!"

"Please come inside quickly."

There are six round tables in Sun Kee’s store.

It was not yet twelve o'clock, and there was only one table of guests.

Lu Fei and the other two came to sit down at the very back and handed Lu Fei a Changbai Mountain. The fat man pointed at the menu posted on the wall and said.

"We don't have a recipe for Gada, just these."

"Whatever you like, just do it."

"Boss Sun, give us a pound of sorghum first."

"Come to 60 degrees!"


Bring the liquor, Boss Sun said.

"Dalei, what do you want to eat?"

The fat man pointed at Lu Fei and said.

"This is my friend, you ask him."

"Little brother, please order!"

Lu Fei nodded and said.

“Let’s have a pot of goose first!”

"I want a big pot!"

"Brother, we have a large amount of food here, I'm afraid the big pot won't be able to finish it all!" Boss Sun said.

"I'm a big eater."

"That's alright!"

"I'll give you two more small cold dishes, which should be enough for you."

"not enough!"

"Bring me another pot of pork."


Fatty Wang frowned upon hearing this.


"One portion of Guobao Pork!"

"Bring me another big carp braised in soy sauce!"


Fatty Wang's face turned green.

"Give me another piece of blood sausage."

"Another piece of grilled meat!"

"Come again."


Lu Fei wanted to order, but Fatty Wang quickly stopped him.

"Brother, I can't finish these."

"In this case, let's eat and see first."

"If it's not enough, let's order more."

"It would be bad if we can't finish the food and waste food."

Lu Fei nodded.

"Okay, let's do these first."

Lu Fei stopped, and the fat man took a deep breath, wiped his forehead and found that he was already sweating profusely.

The iron pot stew is ready-made and served in less than two minutes.

Lu Fei picked up the wine glass and said.

"Thank you for helping me out. I'll drink this first as a token of respect."

Lu Fei said and drank it all in one gulp.

Lu Fei drank all the three ounces of high-strength liquor in one go, and the fat man's mouth opened to the extreme in shock.

The big mouth fork is fully opened. It is no exaggeration to say that when a basket of steamed buns is poured in, even the teeth cannot touch it.

Seeing his surprised look, Lu Fei chuckled.

"What's wrong?"


"Nothing, nothing!"

"do not want

With your small frame, you can still drink! "


"I can't drink it, but I heard that the custom here is to be generous, and you can't break the rules!"


"We only want to see pure men here."

The fat man said, frowning and draining a glass of wine.

"Brother, where are you from?" the fat man asked.

"You call me brother, how old are you?"

"I'm twenty!"


"I'm twenty-three."

"I'll call you Brother Fei from now on."



"It doesn't look like pinching?"

"The buns are meaty but not in the pleats. Do you want to see your ID card?"

"forget it!"

"You're awesome!"

"Can't I call you Brother Fei?"

"By the way, where are you from?"



"Then why did you come to our Gada to collect rags?"


Faced with this problem, Lu Fei was a little worried.

Even he himself doesn't know how he got here.

After seeing Jin'er off on the plane and seeing Ajie's tattoo, Lu Fei was confused on the spot.

Lu Fei was completely shocked when he saw Lang Lijing's cracked video in the parking lot.

What was shocked was not the three Chinese people who attacked Sean David, but the driver waiting on the roadside.

After Lang Lijing processed the picture, although it was still a bit blurry, Lu Fei could still recognize the person.

Because Lu Fei is too familiar with that person, he is Long Yun.

Seeing clearly that it was Long Yun, Lu Fei felt as if a nuclear bomb had been detonated in his mind, and his three souls and seven souls were temporarily in a fugue.

After rearranging all the ideas in his mind, Lu Fei suddenly felt bad.

It was the first time Jincheng Yuye saw that tattoo. Lu Fei must have been watching his mother behind his back.

The second time I saw this tattoo was on Ajie’s body.

Ajie is protecting Xiao Jin'er, who is suspected to be his biological sister.

Long Yun called Xiao Jin'er the eldest lady, and besides doting on Jin'er, he showed sincere respect for her.

Long Yun's specific identity is unknown to Lu Fei, but he can talk directly to Wade and Murray on an equal footing.

He can even trade with him on behalf of the Xiao family and discuss the purchase of the Seven-Star Knife.

With such power, Long Yun's status in the Xiao family is definitely not trivial.

But such a big shot went to Los Angeles to help him solve his troubles, and even concealed the truth.

Why did he do this?

Is it okay to just rely on my relationship with him?


Not to mention Long Yun, Lu Fei himself didn't believe it.

The only person who can let Long Yun help him secretly is his boss.

But I have never met his boss, so why should his boss help me?

When you think about this question, there is only one answer.

Because Long Yun's boss is his mother.

At first, this idea was just Lu Fei's guess, but after repeated consideration and everything he had experienced, Lu Fei was 100% sure of his idea.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei burst into tears.

I feel three parts happy, three parts excited, three parts puzzled, and one part scared.

He was sure that Boss Long Yun was his mother, and Jin'er was 100% his biological sister Lu Yao.

Seventeen years later, Lu Fei was happy and excited with the confirmed news about his mother and sister.

What I don't understand is that since my mother is observing me, why doesn't she meet me?

Even when Lao Lu passed away, she didn't show up.

No matter why they left that year, they were a couple after all!

Why didn't she come?

Why is she so cruel!


Why not let Jin'er go to China?

Why didn't you tell Jin'er that he had a brother?

Why is there no memory of childhood in Jincheng in Jin'er's mind?

My little sister was already five years old when she left. It is absolutely impossible to forget everything!

Also, why did mom change her name?

Why is this all happening?

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