A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1478 Buy half of it

In Jishengtang Pharmacy, Lu Fei has completed the settlement and is about to leave.

When Lu Fei heard the old man mention the dog treasure, out of curiosity, Lu Fei asked the waiter to bring him the deer antler gift box.

While admiring it, take a look at the quality of their dog treasures.

When the haggard young man heard that Liu Shiping had helped find the dog treasure, he burst into tears.

Pushing the golden mountain and knocking down the jade pillar, he knelt down directly.


"Thank you, Doctor Liu!"

"Your great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten by Qichuan."

"I will definitely repay you if I have the opportunity in the future."

The village woman behind Qichuan also knelt down and kept kowtowing to express thanks.

Liu Shiping quickly mixed his hands.

"I can't do it, I can't do it!"

"Get up quickly!"

"Old Ma, help help them up, what's going on!"

The two old men helped Qichuan and the village woman up. Qichuan was so excited that he burst into tears.

"Young man, don't get too excited."

"It is the duty of a doctor to save people."

"Since we have this ability, we will never leave it alone."

"Your wife is a good woman, and I can't just sit back and watch."

"If you want to thank me, just thank Lao Ma!"

"If he hadn't told me in time, Ma Bao would have missed this piece." Liu Shiping said.

Qiqichuan heard this and wanted to kowtow to Ma Guotao again, but was pulled back by the old horse.

"Qi Chuan!"

"Don't get excited. Now is not the time to thank you. The most important thing is to cure your wife's illness first."

"As long as their mother and son are safe, we will be content."


"Thank you so much."

"No matter whether my wife can be cured or not, I, Qichuan, will never forget your great kindness."


"Let's not talk about this for now, Mr. Liu, where is Ma Bao!"

"Take it out quickly!"

After Ma Guotao finished speaking, Liu Shiping still stood there with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Old Liu, didn't you say Goubao has arrived?"

"You should take it out!"

"Human life is at stake!" Ma Guotao said anxiously.

Liu Shiping nodded and said.

"Yes, Goubao has indeed arrived."


"Hey, stop hesitating, what's going on?"

Liu Shiping sighed and said.

"This piece of dog treasure was bought by a friend of mine who works in Shanghai at the Hongyan Building auction on Lingbao Street in Zhongzhou."

"The transaction price was one million."

"For my sake, he only increased the price by 50,000 yuan."

"I know this. Didn't you say it before?"

"I've already told Qichuan that they have prepared the money, so you should take it out!" Ma Guotao said.

"Yes, I did tell you that before."

"However, a high-ranking official in Tiandu City was suffering from esophageal cancer. I found out that he had a dog treasure and insisted on buying it at a high price."

"That senior official is willing to pay three million. This price is far different from what we negotiated before."

"It's not just money."

"If you sell it to that high official, you'll get a big favor."

"If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely choose to sell it to that high official."

"After I begged hard, my friend finally gave me face and agreed to sell the dog treasure to us first."

"However, he proposed a price increase."

"The price is the same as that of the official, three million."

"I discussed with him for more than two hours and finally lowered the price to two million."

"Goubao has been brought over."

"If you can accept this price, I will sell it to you first."

"If you can't accept it, send it to Tiandu City immediately."

"I'll follow first

Make it clear. "

"Conscience of heaven and earth, I didn't make a penny from this. Think about it, do you want it or not?" Liu Shiping said.


"Two million?"

Qi Chuan heard that his legs softened and he collapsed to the ground. .??.

"Two million."

"Two million!"

"Where did I get so much money?"

"Xiaojuan, your life is too miserable."

“It’s hard to find a dog treasure, but I just can’t afford it!”

"Xiaojuan, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you!"

Qi Chuan knelt on the ground, covered his face with his hands and cried loudly.

The village woman's face was pale and her lips were trembling. She squatted down like a zombie and patted Qi Chuan on the shoulder and said.

"Xiaochuan, don't cry."

"This is Xiaojuan's fate!"

"Mom doesn't blame you, Mom doesn't blame you!"

"Let's go!"

"Let's go back!"

"Take Xiaojuan back and stay with her for a few days."

"Send Xiaojuan away and marry another one!"

"Mom doesn't blame you, and Xiaojuan won't blame you either."


"I want to save Xiaojuan!"

"I couldn't watch her die."

"She's still pregnant with the baby!"

"Mr. Ma, Mr. Liu."

"I want the dog treasure, I want it."

"I have 1.05 million here, can you sell me half of it?"


Qi Chuan knelt down and kowtowed again.

Ma Guotao pulled Qi Chuan up and said.

"Xiao Qi!"

"You are a layman and you don't understand."

"Once Goubao is cut open, the efficacy and price will be greatly reduced."

"There is no such precedent for dog treasure trading in the past!"

"Sell this half to you, and sell the other half to you

, they can’t sell it at all! "

"Besides, to treat your wife's stomach cancer, you need at least a piece of dog treasure."

"You can't save her life even if you buy half of it!"

"I know I know."

"But I really can't afford that much money!"

"I sold the house in my hometown and borrowed everything I could."

"And all the savings and real estate of my mother-in-law's family, all added together, there is only so much."

"To this day, my parents in my hometown are still staying at a neighbor's house."

"There's really nothing I can do!"

"Although half of it can't cure Xiaojuan's disease, it can definitely help her live for a while."

"Even if it only allows Xiaojuan to live one more day, I will admit it."

"I have been working hard to make money during this period. If I can save enough money to buy a dog treasure, I will save Xiaojuan."

"If it really can't be saved, then I've done my best to be kind and righteous."

"Mr. Ma, please beg Mr. Liu, can you sell me half of it?"

"Mr. Liu, please."

"Your great kindness and virtue Qichuan will never be forgotten."

"If I can't repay you in this life, I will repay you even if I wear a grass ring in the next life."


Qichuan begged like crazy, the village woman next to him burst into tears, and even the two waiters in the store sobbed quietly.

Liu Shiping shook his head and sighed.

"Young man!"

"This is the lowest price I can get for you."

"As for buying half of it, that's definitely not possible."

"There has never been such a transaction in the past."

"You don't want the other half, and it's useless for others to buy it."

"That friend of mine wouldn't agree either."

"How about this!"

"I will keep you for three more days, Gou Bao."

"You use these three days to think of a solution."

"If it really can't come together, then I can only express my regret."

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