A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1488 Your brain is better

These days, everyone is worried about Lu Fei all the time.

Today is the day when Li Ao celebrates his 100th birthday, and all the young friends gathered in Bianliang City.

But without the presence of that soul in the dinner, even the delicacies were like chewing wax.

I drank like this until midnight.

Drunk and sleeping on the table.

Those who are still awake are suffering even more.

The usual scenes of laughter and banter were nowhere to be seen, and few people were even willing to speak.

Seeing the announcement made by Yoshida Ohno, Bai Zirui couldn't stand it anymore and completely exploded.

After vomiting for a while, I sat down on the door frame and fell asleep.

Li Yunhe quickly asked someone to help him back to his room to rest.

After sending Bai Zirui away, the remaining people remained silent.

After being silent for a while, Li Yunhe spoke.

"How about I tell my sister and ask her to help find Xiao Fei."

"It shouldn't be too difficult for my sister and the others to find someone."

The little milk dog waved his hand and said.

"forget it!"

"I figured it out."

"My brother is not an irresponsible person."

"There must be an important reason for his sudden departure this time."

"With his abilities, if he doesn't want to see us, it's useless for anyone to look for him."

"Let's just do whatever else we need to do!"

"After finishing things, he will definitely come back."

"Brother, you have matured." Li Yunhe said.

"I'm so mature!"

"I really want to be in a hurry with him. Where can I find him?"

"My unreliable brother, why can't you take me with you!"

"I am so angry!"


"Forget it, let's talk about what to do about the handicap, shall we?"

"The islanders are so arrogant. If we don't do something, China will become Yoshida's home court." Wang Xinlei said.

"Do not worry!"

"Getting up early doesn't necessarily mean you'll be in good health."

"Let them chat for a while first. Xiaofei will definitely be able to reverse the situation when he comes back." Gao Yuan said.

No matter how worried others were, Lu Fei had an extraordinarily sweet sleep.

Get up early in the morning and wash up

Bi, I immediately received a call from Fatty.

The fat man asked Lu Fei to go to town to eat noodles, and then go to Shanshen Temple Village to collect rags.

Maybe the fat man went out today and didn't read the almanac. This morning, the two brothers' business was bleak.

After going through four villages, I could barely fill the tricycle.

On the way back to town, the fat man sighed.

"Hey, you're going to be the boss soon. Isn't that the case?"

"Isn't it just that I didn't receive the goods?"

"We will go to Xie's shop in the afternoon."

"That village has goods. I didn't finish the tour last time. It's a good time to go there in the afternoon." Lu Fei said.

The fat man shook his eight and a half pound head and said.

"That's not what I'm worried about."

"What's that?"

"Miss you girl?"


"Don't interrupt me!"

"I didn't sleep all night last night. I thought about it. It's easy to apply for the certificate, but I didn't think of the right place."

"Sanyou has been open in the town for more than ten years, and regular customers know them."

"If we go to town, we won't be able to defeat him for a while."

"It's too remote to go to other places, and people from further away will not come to our place."

“It’s such a headache to choose the right address!”

Lu Fei chuckled.

"The fact that you can think of these things shows that you are really distracted."

"Your analysis makes sense."

"Our flea market must be in town."

"Business will definitely be average in the early stage, but our business is comprehensive."

"This is our advantage."

"I've thought about it."

"When the dishes are put up, let your mother look after the stall and hire a strong laborer to help with the work."

"The two of us went out to collect used goods and appliances."

"The profit is much greater than that of scrap."

"As time goes by, those who collect scrap products will definitely switch to collecting used goods after seeing the benefits."

"Even if you don't specialize in collecting used goods,

, when collecting rags, you must also collect old goods together. "

"They received used goods and they have to come to us to sell them."


"If it were you, would you go to Sanyou's place to sell the scraps, and then come to our place to sell used goods?" Lu Fei said.


When the fat man heard it, his eyes suddenly lit up.


"We collect both scraps and second-hand goods there, and we can do it all at once."

"The price is the same on both sides, you idiot only bothered twice!"


"Brother Fei, your brain is so good!"

While talking, the two came to the Sanyou Acquisition Department.

Sanyou didn't show up today, and his wife Lanhua called them both.

"Sister Lanhua, where is Brother Sanyou?"

"You won't go out to drink wine, will you?" the fat man said with a smile.


"You damn fat man, you can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth."

"Three friends are staying with guests in the house!"

After Lan Hua finished speaking, she continued to address the two of them.

After half of the two carts of scrap were cleared, Sanyou and two middle-aged men walked out of the house.

"Sanyou, if you think about it carefully, I sincerely want to take it over."

"If you can accept my price, we can sign a contract at any time." A middle-aged man said seriously.

"Brother Li, the price you gave is really outrageous."

"The property rights here are all my own."

"For less than five hundred thousand, I will never sell it." Sanyou said.


Lu Fei was stunned when he heard the conversation between his three friends and them.

"Sister Lanhua, what do you want to sell, Brother Sanyou?" Lu Fei asked.

Orchid said with a sigh.

"My mother-in-law broke her leg last week."

"My father-in-law is not young anymore and he is unable to take care of my mother-in-law."

"We plan to sell the acquisition department and return to our hometown to take care of the elderly."


"Business is so good, are you willing to give up?" the fat man asked.

"What can I do if I can't bear to part with you?"

? "

“You can’t just make money without having a home!”

"Go back and start a small business in front of your house. Just make ends meet." Lanhua said.

At this time, Sanyou sent the two middle-aged men back.

Lu Fei dropped his gloves and called him to stop.

"Brother Sanyou!"


"You guys are here!"

"Come on, let's take a break and have a cigarette."

"Let's eat here for lunch!" Sanyou said enthusiastically.

Lu Fei said after taking the cigarette.

"Brother Sanyou, do you want to transfer your acquisition department?"


"Something happened at home. I have to go back to my hometown in Heilongjiang to take care of the elderly." Sanyou said helplessly.

"How much do you plan to spend?"

"Why are you asking about this?" Sanyou asked.

"Your business is booming."

"If the price is right, Fatty and we can take it over and use your fairy spirit to continue the work." Lu Fei said.


When the three friends heard this, they almost choked to death after taking one puff of cigarette.

"Brother, I'm not looking down on you."

"The acquisition department has a big plate, can you handle it?"

"I do have some savings in my hands."

"Tell me how much it is first."

"If it's within my capabilities, let's talk about it later," Lu Fei said.

"Is such that!"

"It doesn't cost much to transfer."

"However, I paid for the property rights of this compound."

"I don't ask to make money, at least I want to protect my capital."

"For less than five hundred thousand, I will never sell it." Sanyou said.

"Do you own this compound and the property?"

"That's right!"

"According to our land price, my place is worth at least 600,000."

"However, I am anxious to go back."

"If anyone offers half a million, I'll admit it."


"Just half a million."

"This acquisition department of yours, Fatty and I will take over."

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