A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1490 If you don’t want to stay here, you will have a place to stay.

Li Xiuli came over to say nice things, and Zhao Laosan was very proud.

But when the fat man shouted, Zhao Laosan's eyes suddenly widened.


"You're awesome!"

"Brothers, Boss Wang doesn't treat us rag collectors as human beings."

"Then there's no need for us to put our hot face on someone else's cold butt." .??.

"We're not that cheap."

"I don't want to leave you here, I have my own place to stay."

"Brothers, let's leave, we won't sell it!"

"I want to see how he can be the boss without us brothers."

Zhao Laosan waved his hand, and four people immediately turned around and left.

The remaining two were undecided.

Looking at Zhao Laosan and then at Fatty, his face was full of embarrassment.

"Xiaodong, Dachengzi, you two are still not leaving?"

"Are you waiting to be slapped in the face?" Zhao Laosan shouted.

The remaining two people trembled and said to the fat man with smiles on their faces.

"Dalei, let's go back first!"

"I'll come back another day."

The fat man nodded and said.

"It doesn't matter!"

"The door of our home is always open to everyone. Whenever you come, I will welcome you with both hands."

I was busy just now, but in an instant, the courtyard became quiet.

Li Xiuli was anxious as she watched the last tricycle leave the yard.

Pointing at the fat man's nose and shouting.

"You enemy!"

"You are such an adult, can't you control your temper?"

"I've offended everyone. What's going to happen with this business in the future?"

Lu Fei squatted in front of Li Xiuli and said.


"It's really not the fat man's fault this time."

"He did exactly the right thing."

"We are the bosses, and the initiative must be in our own hands."

"If they take it, won't we become puppets?"

"If you tolerate them today, they will get worse tomorrow."

"Today you have a bad attitude, tomorrow you think the price is low, and the day after tomorrow there are other problems."

"As time goes by, sooner or later it will explode."

"That Zhao Laosan is just envious and jealous. We must not let him get used to him."

Li Xiuli nodded and said.

"Xiao Fei, I understand everything you said."

“But it’s so unlucky to have this business happen just after we started it!”

"If no one sells goods, why don't they laugh to death?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"You don't have to worry about this."

"There are only two acquisition departments in our town."

"Blind Liu's family is a small place with limited funds, and the amount they collect every day is limited, so it can be completely ignored."

"Our family is the only one left."

"If they don't come to our house, they will have no choice but to go to Shuiquan Town."

"Shuiquan Town is more than twenty miles away from us, and a round trip takes at least more than an hour."

"If I go there to sell, I'll delay at least one trip a day."

"They are not fools. They know what is important and what is more serious."

"They will definitely come back within a day or two," Lu Fei said.

"Can it?" Li Xiuli asked.

"Of course you can!"

"Think about it for a second. If it were you, would you go to Shuiquan Town?"

"Besides, they're not the only ones collecting rags in our town."

"If Mr. Zhao doesn't come, others will come."

"We won't open until tomorrow. You should take the time to take a rest these two days."

"After you open the business, you will be busy."

"I'm not afraid!"

"I'm not afraid of how tired I am!"

"I'm worried about no business." Li Xiuli said.

"Don't worry, our business will be booming."

"That's good!"

"When you say that, I feel relieved."

"It's a shame that my family met you."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to control this coward."

"If he does something stupid in the future, you will beat him up for me."

"If he dares to fight back, I will skin him."


"Are you still my mother?"

"Ha ha"

"That's right, Auntie!"

"Why is there so much business this morning?"

"Even when Sanyou was here, it never happened like this!" Lu Fei asked.

"Boss, I know this."

"The family courtyard of our town's supply and marketing cooperative is preparing to be demolished. Starting today, the original residents will move in one after another."

"Not only from our town, there are also many rag collectors from Shuiquan Town!" said the worker Lao Li.


When Lu Fei heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Fat man, heat up the food and let's eat quickly."

"After dinner, let's go take a look too!"

Outside the acquisition department, several people who followed Zhao Laosan had different opinions.

"Third brother!"

"We are doing business, is there any need to be angry?" Xiaodong asked.

"You know nothing!"

"Big Leizi is so crazy that he knows no bounds."

"And that outsider, at first glance, it seems that he is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

"If we don't give them a blow, will we still have a good life in the future?" Zhao Laosan said.

"We make money selling goods, and they spend money to buy goods. This is not a conflict at all!"


"If we don't commit conflicts now, what about in the future?"

"With Dalei's aggressive nature, if the business is booming in the future, he will definitely lower the price for us."

"We are not well-informed. Even if we were tricked by him, we wouldn't know."

"No way!"

"Dalei Zi is quite honest, isn't he?"

"You're such a righteous Jie Baomao!"

"I heard from Sanyou two days ago that he transferred at least 500,000 yuan to the acquisition department."

"Where did he, the big boy and the outsider, get so much money?"

"It must have been saved by cheating and kidnapping."

"People like them are definitely capable of deceiving people."

When the three friends said this, everyone was speechless.

We are all colleagues, and everyone knows to some extent what the situation of Daleizi's family is.

With the strength of Daleizi's family, it is absolutely impossible to spend so much money at once!

As for the outsider, that's even more impossible.

That guy is only in his early twenties, what kind of business can't be done with half a million?

No one else would choose to collect junk from other places!

"Third brother, what you said makes sense."

"If we don't go to them, where can we sell it?"

"Blind Liu can't eat so much, and Shuiquan Town is too far away."

"We can't afford to go back and forth nearly fifty miles!" Dachengzi said.

"You don't have to worry about this."

"Let's go to Shuiquan to sell it in the next two days."

"In a week at most, Dalei Zi will have to come and beg us."

"This time, if he doesn't hold a big banquet to apologize to us, we will definitely not let him off lightly!" Zhao Laosan said.


"Third brother, is what you said possible?"

"Dalei is a stubborn donkey who never begs for help. Why would he rush to beg us?"


"Without us, his acquisition department would be just a decoration!"

"How much does it cost to feed a horse for a day?"

"He won't be able to hold on for a week at most."

"As long as he realizes our importance, he will never dare to attack us in the future."

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