A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1493 Discerning

At the beginning of the night, more than two hundred old household appliances of various kinds were piled up in the small square, but Lu Fei and Fatty were still surrounded by people.

"Young man, go to my house first!"

"Go to my house first. I only have two items."


"Don't be in a hurry and listen to me."

"It's too late today, I really can't see clearly."

"Everyone go back first. At seven o'clock tomorrow morning, we will bring a few more people over."

“Try to collect all of everyone’s old home appliances in one day tomorrow.”

"Let's stop here today!" Lu Fei said.

"It's only eight o'clock now, why don't we wait a little longer?"

"It's dark and I can't see."

"We won't be able to finish the collection today even if we work all night."

"We might as well continue during the day tomorrow!"

"Everyone, please go back first!"

"I promise to be there on time at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

"That's okay!"

"But we have agreed that we have to take over our house first tomorrow."

"Depend on!"

"Why should I take over your house first? I'm obviously the first in line, okay?"

"Everyone, please stop making noise!"

"I'll bring more people over tomorrow and we'll do it simultaneously."

"Everyone, please disperse!"

After Lu Fei persuaded them, people dispersed one after another.

Asking Fatty to call for a taxi, Lu Fei went to the small square to count the harvest.

This afternoon, it was completely a special performance by Lu Fei.

Not only old appliances, but also two cartloads of various scraps were collected, with a total weight of more than four tons.

Of course, the highlight is the various old appliances in the small square.

After counting, there were one hundred and fifty-five items in total.

The counted numbers were consistent with those in the ledger, and the two of them could finally smoke a cigarette and rest for a while.

After waiting for more than half an hour, three trucks drove over.

These are all villagers from Beisanjia Village who run freight, and they have a very good relationship with Fatty.

When we arrived at the scene, we didn’t even mention the price, but everyone came over to help install it.


At this time, a middle-aged man in his fifties came to Lu Fei with a smile.

"Young man!"

Lu Fei still has an impression of this middle-aged man.

Among the people who were queuing up to sell old home appliances just now, there was this one.

"Man, you haven't gone back yet?" Lu Fei said politely.

"not yet!"

"Let me discuss something with you. Can you collect the junk from my house?"

"It's too late today, let's do it tomorrow!"

"I will be the first to go to your house tomorrow." Lu Fei said.

"Forget it tomorrow. I'm going on a business trip to Tiandu City tomorrow. I really can't make it!"

"Don't worry about others saying you're unfair. I waited until they were all gone before I came here."

"Do you think this will work?"

"You come with me to your house and see how much those rags are worth."

"There's no need to weigh it, just estimate the price."

"Then I'll leave the key with you, and you can come and move your things whenever you have time."

"I've signed the demolition agreement, and I won't come here anymore," the middle-aged man said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

I think this person is quite scheming and his calculations are very clear!

"All right!"

"I'll go with you."

After saying hello to the fat man, Lu Fei followed the middle-aged man into the family courtyard again.

This person was right, I really didn’t meet any other homeowners along the way.

If other homeowners find out that I turned on the small stove for him, then don't expect to rest tonight.

After passing through two alleys, we came to a small courtyard.

The middle-aged man opened the iron door and Lu Fei followed him in.

The houses here are all two rooms spanning a small courtyard of about 20 square meters.

Build a storage space in the courtyard

Between things, only one person can barely pass through the remaining space.

When I opened the storage room, it was filled with dust and cobwebs.

I turned on the flashlight and took a look. There were two broken bicycles and several rotten chimneys inside.

There is also a heating stove and two sets of old 60's radiators. ??

The rest are wooden boards, dry firewood and scattered briquettes.

"We don't want any of these scrap metals and bicycles, including the iron gate outside."

"If you find the remaining wooden boards and briquettes useful, I will give them to you for free," the middle-aged man said.

"That's it, is there anything else?" Lu Fei asked.

"Yes, I have!"

"There is an iron bed and several household appliances in the house. I don't want them all. Follow me in and take a look."

When you open the door, you are facing the living room, with a partition in the middle, and inside the partition is the kitchen.

The furnishings in the room were all outdated and dusty, and it looked like no one had lived there for years.

"Man, how long has this house been occupied by no one?"

"Why is it so thick?" Lu Fei asked.

The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"I'm a businessman in the city and I have some spare money."

"Fifteen years ago, I spent 22,000 yuan to buy this yard. I have been here three times in total."

"Not rented?"


"We are not short of money, but I think the tenants are too troublesome!"

"I originally spent 20,000 yuan, but this time I demolished it and divided it into a 90-square-meter building, and I still have 120,000 yuan in cash."

"How about it? I have pretty good taste, right?" the middle-aged man said proudly.

Lu Fei gave a thumbs up.

"It's really smart to make a lot of money."

I scanned around the living room with my flashlight.

Although the furnishings in the living room are old items, they are quite elegant.

Solid wood coffee table, solid wood sofa cabinet.

There are old-fashioned items on the cabinet

Children's thermos, tea tray, duster bottle.

Especially for the dust bottle, if you look at the paste, it can at least reach the Republic of China.

A 21-inch old-fashioned Sanyo TV is placed on the solid wood cabinet directly opposite the sofa.

This thing is worthless now, but in the past it was a high-end product that even money could not buy!

On the other side of the cabinet, there is an old-fashioned solid wood clock, which is quite well preserved.

This thing is very popular now, and if it is made of good wood, the price is quite expensive.

There was a vertical electric fan beside the partition wall. It was a bat brand, which was also a high-end product at the time.

There is also a washing machine, which is a big brand in the later period.

The kitchen is also equipped with gas stoves and a Haier refrigerator.

"Man, whose house was this before?"

"The furnishings are quite elegant."

"And these electrical appliances, if you didn't have hard connections at that time, you wouldn't be able to buy them with money!" Lu Fei asked.


"You really have a good sense."

"This place used to be the home of a senior leader at the freight station."

"His wife is the second-in-command of the Electric Power Bureau. How can her things be bad?"

"Later, his wife was transferred to the city first, and Leader Gao suddenly died at home alone."

"His wife thought it was unlucky, so she sold it at a low price."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to buy it at the price of twenty-two thousand!"

Then came to the bedroom.

Looking around with a flashlight, there was an iron double bed in the bedroom.

The headboard is decorated with brass carvings, which was extremely popular at the time.

In addition, there is an old-fashioned computer, an air conditioner, and an old-fashioned home theater.

A closet was built into the east wall.

The cupboard door was open and it was empty.

These are the things, but Lu Fei always feels that the layout of this house is a bit awkward.

After taking a closer look, a hint of surprise flashed across his obsidian eyes.

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