A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1499 Move away

It took two days to find out how Lu Fei and the others collected old appliances. Unfortunately, the supply and marketing cooperative's family home, a big customer, had already ended, and Zhao Laosan was furious.

"The supply and marketing cooperative is out of stock, so we will go to other places to collect it."

“No matter how much or how little, you can still make money.”

"Let's go back!"


Large numbers of people lead to high efficiency. Everyone rushed in and dismantled all the old home appliances in more than two hours.

The fat man paid everyone the bill according to the number of dismantlings, and everyone was happy.

"Big Leizi!" .??.??

"How much more can we earn if we dismantle these appliances?" asked a villager.


"Oh, this is your business secret. I shouldn't ask about it, so I won't ask."

"Third uncle, it's not that I don't tell you, I don't know either."

"Brother Fei, can you tell me?" the fat man asked.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

“Let’s use the analogy of an old refrigerator.”

"We charge fifty yuan for a refrigerator like this."

"After dismantling the refrigerator, you can get almost fifteen kilograms of plastic, thirty kilograms of scrap iron, two kilograms of aluminum, three kilograms of copper, and a compressor."

"The price of selling these scraps is about one hundred and twenty."

"In other words, after dismantling an old refrigerator, the net profit is about sixty or seventy yuan."

"My mother-in-law!"

"Can you earn so much?"

"According to this calculation, collecting an old refrigerator in one day will make much more than what I earn in the fields." The villager said with envy.

"indeed so."

"Folks, Fatty and I opened a Dalei flea market in the town."

"When you are not busy, you can go out and collect old appliances and sell them to us to subsidize your household expenses."

"Don't be embarrassed, everyone."

"Collecting waste without stealing or robbing, we won't be ashamed." Lu Fei said.


"This young man is right!"

"I will also collect household appliances tomorrow."

"I'll go too."

see huge

Profits, everyone's enthusiasm is high and everyone is eager to try.

This achieved Lu Fei's goal.

Zhao Laosan is right. If the acquisition department wants to be prosperous, it is impossible to count on scattered customers.

The biggest source of goods is scrap collectors.

Now we can mobilize everyone's enthusiasm. We don't require everyone. Even if one-fiftieth of the villagers are willing to try, this is quite a huge force.

I have decided that Fatty is my friend, and I must help him lay a good foundation before leaving.

The dismantled waste products were temporarily placed in the courtyard. Fatty returned to the purchasing department to accompany his mother, and Lu Fei returned to his rental house.

When they reached the highway, the two parted ways.

Lu Fei walked for more than ten minutes, turned a mountain bend, and saw a Jinbei car in front of him blocking the way.

Six flashy young men got out of the car, holding sticks in front of Lu Fei.

"Rag collector, stop!"

"What are you going to do?" Lu Fei asked calmly.

"Rag collector, I heard that you have a piece of dog treasure in your hand. Hand it over to me immediately."

Lu Fei chuckled.

"If I don't sell it, you plan to rob it openly, right?"

"Where's Zhang Zhaoliang?"

"Why didn't he come with you?"

"Zhang Zhaoliang?"

"Who is Zhang Zhaoliang?"

"Boy, don't interrupt."

"Don't talk about Zhang Zhaoliang. If you don't hand over the dog treasure today, Master Zhang won't be able to save you."


"Can you stop whining like that?"

"If you can do it, don't do it. I have to go back to sleep after this is over!"


"Shameless, brothers, come on."

"Break his legs first and then look for something."


Six gangsters swarmed forward, and Lu Fei jumped off the tricycle and faced them head-on.




"My legs."

The battle ended in less than two minutes. All six gangsters fell to the ground, holding their thighs and howling hysterically.

Lu Fei took the handle of the pickaxe he grabbed and struck each one with a stick.

"Shut the hell up!"

"Whoever screams again, I'll break his other leg!"

Lu Fei's shouting failed to deter the gangsters, and Huang Mao, the leader, gritted his teeth and shouted fiercely.

"Rag collectors, if you dare, beat us to death. Do you fucking dare?" ??

"You can indeed fight, but so what?"

"I have so many brothers, can you fight them?"

"I advise you to hand over the dog treasure to me as soon as possible, otherwise you will never have peace in your life."

"Not only you, but none of your relatives and friends will be well."


As soon as Huang Mao finished speaking, his other leg was broken by Lu Fei.

"Go back and tell Zhang Zhaoliang if you come at me with any tricks. If you dare to hurt my friend, I will dig up his ancestral grave."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he threw away the pickaxe handle, got in the car and left.

He originally planned to go home directly, but after what happened just now, he felt worried about the fat man, so he turned around and returned to the town.

I went outside the acquisition department to observe for a while and made sure everything was safe before returning to the rental house.

When I arrived at the door of the rental house, I found the landlord and his wife waiting outside.


"You're back!"

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Fei asked.

"Something's wrong!"

"It's like this, after my house is sold, people will come to collect it tomorrow."

"Pack up your things and move out now," the landlord said.

The landlord, Lao Zhang, is an honest man. Lu Fei has a good impression of him after several contacts with him.

Now that this happened suddenly, Lu Fei frowned.

"Old Zhang!"

"I paid rent for a year, and we signed a contract

Same. "

"Is this appropriate for you?"

"It happened suddenly, and there was nothing I could do about it."


"This is your rent, and the extra two thousand yuan is considered as liquidated damages for you."

"Hurry up and pack your things and move out!"


All the rent was refunded, and he also took the initiative to pay two thousand as liquidated damages. This is too abnormal.

"Lao Zhang, what's going on?"

"If you don't make it clear, I will never move!"

"Xiao Fei!"

"Don't ask anymore!"

"What we did was unethical, but we also have difficulties."

"It's enough for you to rent another yard with this money."

"You should leave quickly!"


"What happened?"

The landlady said with a grimace.

"Xiao Fei, please stop asking."

"Let's go quickly!"

"Otherwise, can I give you another thousand?"

"sister in law!"

"Did someone threaten you?"

The landlady said with a sigh.

"Okay, just leave now!"

"We can't afford to offend them!"

At this point, Lu Fei completely understood.

Needless to say, it must be Zhang Zhaoliang’s fault.

Damn it!

This grandson will do anything for the dog treasure!

Lu Fei nodded and took his rent. As for the liquidated damages, Lu Fei didn't ask for any of it.

I went back to pack a few clothes and rode a tricycle back to the town.

Lu Fei did not harass Fatty and decided to find a hotel to stay for one night first.

"Boss, open a room."

The boss looked at Lu Fei, waved his hand slightly panicked and said.

"I'm sorry, it's full. Please go and check it out somewhere else!"

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