A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1505 Follow me

At three o'clock in the morning, water vapor is still rising from the ruins of the flea market.

Lu Fei made several calls in a row, and then sat on the side of the road, looking at the ruins and smoking one after another.

Hundreds of people gathered around to watch and take photos, and people kept pointing and talking.


"It opened yesterday and caught fire today. What a sin!"

"Who says it isn't?"

"The only fault is that these two bosses are too young."

"These days, try not to offend others as much as possible."

"I really don't know what kind of petty person would hold a grudge against you."

"Once such an unreasonable disaster occurs, it will be difficult to turn around."


"You mean someone started a fire?"


"The police and fire fighters have investigated the scene and have initially determined that the fire was caused by man-made arson."

"Da Leizi has a hot temper and usually offends many people."

"Maybe I'll make some guy angry!"


“Today’s young people just don’t pay attention to interpersonal relationships.”

"If you are usually more modest, how could you end up like this!"

"Daleizi and the others are nothing, the worst one is Wang Bing."

"Wang Bing messes with whoever he provokes, and he follows suit until he becomes homeless."

"This is still a good thing. If Wang Bing hadn't been clever, he might have died."

"Hey, don't worry about it anymore."

"Daleizi and the others have agreed to compensate Wang Bing for his losses."

"Maybe Wang Bing will be able to make a small profit this time as a blessing in disguise!"


"You can pull him down!"

"The acquisition department has too much time to take care of itself, so how can we compensate Wang Bing?"

"Where did they get the money?"

"This is just a scene. Just watch. Sooner or later, the two families will have to litigate."

During the first half of the morning, this place became the most crowded place in Beishan Town.

Onlookers gathered around the scene, passers-by stopped, and even reporters from the city came over to film and interview. It was a lively crowd.


But Lu Fei never glanced at these, and just smoked silently.

Near noon, the onlookers gradually dispersed, and Dalei Zi came to Lu Fei with a few sesame seed cakes and a cup of soy milk.

"Brother Fei!"

"Don't think too much about it."

"This is our buddy's fate."

"I just discussed with Wang Bing that we would compensate him 150,000 yuan and he would renovate it himself."

"We still have 90,000 yuan in our account, and I will pay back the rest slowly."

"Let's have a bite first!"

Lu Fei took the sesame biscuits and wolfed them down, finishing each one after a few bites.

"How is your mother?" Lu Fei asked.

"She's fine. She cried for a while and is sleeping now!"

"Fat man, you don't have to worry about Wang Bing's losses. I'll take care of it."

"You solve it?"

"How do you solve it?"

"Stop talking this nonsense."

"You are my brother, always will be."

"The business belongs to both of us. No matter whether we make money or lose money, I can't be without my share."

"What a shame."

"It's all Zhang Zhaoliang, that bastard."

"I'm ready."

"If I encounter him again, I have to kill him." The fat man said through gritted teeth.


"A murder must be punished with a life. What will happen to your mother if you die?"

"You don't have to worry about Zhang Zhaoliang's affairs. I will give you an explanation before dawn tomorrow."

"You go back to accompany your mother and do her ideological work."

"Leave with me tomorrow."



"I haven't taken revenge yet, and I'm not going anywhere."

"Just leave like this. I can't afford to lose that person."

"Fat man!"

"Don't talk nonsense, you don't

You are alone, and you have a mother. "

"If you believe me, come with me."

"I promise that no one can bully you again in the future." Lu Fei said.

"where to?"

"Don't ask first, get your mother's permission first."

"I will tell you exactly where to go before I leave."

"Believe me."


"Don't be so ink, I won't hurt you."

"Go back and take care of your mother, don't worry about me."

"All right!"

As soon as the fat man walked away, a sturdy middle-aged man came over and sat next to Lu Fei.

This man was less than 1.7 meters tall, with a Chinese face, a short head, and dark skin.

Although he looks ordinary, he has a unique temperament.

The upper body is a white two-bar vest, and the lower body is black shorts and a pair of black cloth shoes.

He sat down and took out Changbai Mountain cigarettes and handed one to Lu Fei, saying with a smile.

"Hey, I heard you disappeared."

"I didn't expect you to come to our Gada."

"Tell me, buddy, what big, big things have you done these days?"

After taking one look at this man, Lu Fei rolled his eyes.

"why you?"

"What's wrong?"

"Aren't you happy that I'm here to help?"

"Will you sincerely help me?"


"You kid, don't judge a gentleman with a villain's heart."

"Public is public and private is private. I can distinguish between public and private."

"I have long forgotten that you harmed us with medicine."


"Don't you remember it very clearly?" Lu Fei said.

This person is none other than Lin Feng, the captain of the Snow Wolf Brigade.

During the last Five Dragons Competition, Lu Fei used homemade smoke bombs to cause diarrhea and hospitalization for the Snow Wolf Brigade.

Although the two sides settled their differences, Lu Fei still felt guilty when he saw Lin Feng again.

\u003e "Where is Zhang Zhibiao?" Lu Fei asked.

"Don't worry, everyone is in place."

"This little bit of shit won't cause the boat to capsize in the gutter."

"You haven't answered me yet. What have you been doing hiding here these days?"

"Collect rags!"


"Don't make a fuss, I just like this kind of return to nature life."

"I have to say, you have such a big heart."

"It's a mess outside, but you're running to hide and quiet yourself. What do you think?"

"There are no things much ado about."

"Those people are full of bullshit."

"Does the young master's matter have anything to do with them?"

"Is it necessary for them to follow me and make a mess?"

"Eat carrots and worry less"

One afternoon, the two of them sat in front of the ruins and chatted.

In the evening, several luxury cars parked behind the two of them.

Seven or eight people got out of the car, led by Zhang Zhaoliang.

Zhang Zhaoliang squatted beside Lu Fei and said with a smile.

"Mr. Lu, did you not read the almanac when you opened your business?"

"How did it get like this?"

"It's so tragic."

"What are your plans for the future?"

"Do you still want to renovate and rebuild?"

"It's all burned out. How about using wool to rebuild it?" Lu Fei said.


"This is all small money."

"How much does it cost to build a two-story small house, let alone four houses?"

"How about this!"

"Boss Lu, how about selling the dog treasure to me, and I'll build a two-story building for you?" Zhang Zhaoliang said.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"People have to bow their heads when they are under the eaves!"

"I sold the dog treasure, but the price you mentioned is not good."

"At least 15 million, and then repair my compound and the repair shop next to it."

"Otherwise, I'd ruin it now."

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