A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1514 Postponement

Long Yun said goodbye.

Squatting on the ground and looking at the 20 billion Swiss bank cashier's checks in his hand, Lu Fei felt extremely happy.

Lu Fei is indeed short of money.

But compared to money, what makes Lu Fei happier is the answer.

Lu Fei had only guessed before, but with this cashier's check, Lu Fei was 100% sure that Long Yun's boss was his mother.

Otherwise, even if they are threatened with the Seven-Star Sword, the other party will never compromise.

The cashier's check was packed close to his body, and Lu Fei was about to go back for breakfast when Pan Xingzhou's call came in.

"Mr. Pan, good morning."

"You have something to do with me?"

"There is indeed something going on."


"Xiao Fei!"

"I want to inform you of something."

"It's like this. The superiors were worried about affecting your preparation of battle treasures, so they made an impromptu decision."

"The commendation meeting originally scheduled for you on National Day will be changed to after the treasure fight."

"The preliminary plan is to hold it on the day before New Year's Day."

"Xiao Fei, the leaders made the decision to postpone simply because they were afraid that you would be distracted."

"The postponement doesn't mean it won't open. You kid, please don't get emotional!"

"Thank you for your understanding, leaders. There is no problem on my side." Lu Fei said.


"As long as you can figure it out."

"It's less than four months until the treasure fight. You should concentrate on preparations."

"If you need any help from me, just ask."

“Finally, I wish you success every step of the way!”

"Thank you, Mr. Pan, and thank you leaders."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei instantly stopped smiling.

Lu Fei was not disappointed, but the timing of the news gave Lu Fei more daydreams.

Holding a commendation meeting for myself was approved by the highest level of China after two meetings.

The time has already been set and informed to myself.

It stands to reason that as long as it is not the end of the world, the decision of the top management will never be changed.

The reason given by senior management is that they are worried about being distracted, which is simply not true.

The commendation conference mainly commends one's own funds.

Yes, there is no conflict with Doubao.

But this time it happened to change.

The initial plan is to hold it on the day before New Year's Day. This sentence is a vague concept, which means that the time has not been determined at all.

Suddenly, why is there such a big change?

It seems that there must be something going on here.

Pan Xingzhou's phone call and news from the archaeological community made Lu Fei upset.

After breakfast, Lu Fei called Di Chaodong and chatted for a while. At ten o'clock in the morning, he rushed to Tiandu City with the two young men.

When they arrived at Tiandu City, they asked the two little dogs to wait in the Di family courtyard.

Lu Fei came to Chen's house alone.

Wang Wu's eyes lit up when he saw Lu Fei.


"What a rare visitor!"

"I heard that you have been very relaxed recently!"

"Tell me, where did you go to get high?"

"I am refining elixirs in Kunlun Mountain."

"How's your practice going?" Wang Wu asked.

"A huge success."

"I have made three leg-stretching eyes pills in total. Do you want to try one?"


"You better keep it to yourself, kid!"

"Let me advise you, there is no technical content in making the leg-stretching pills."

"Next time I'm going to practice, just take the Shut Up Pill."

"It's the kind that can't speak after ten years of eating."

"That kind of medicine is just right for you kid to take."

"No kidding, where is the old man?" Lu Fei asked.


After Wang Wu walked in, Chen Yunfei was listening to the radio under the grape trellis.

Glancing at Lu Fei, the old man snorted coldly.

"Are you willing to come back?"

"Old man, don't listen to their nonsense, I'm just going out to do something."

"By the way, didn't you say you would stay at my place?"

"Why didn't you go?" Lu Fei asked.

"Stop talking useless words."

"If you're not busy with your little devil's business, what are you doing here?"

"There is nothing to prepare for Dou Bao."

"It's useless to prepare if you don't know the enemy's situation."

"Besides, no one else can help except myself."

"So Xiao Pan called you?" Chen Yunfei asked.


"Master, do you know everything?"


"I have bad teeth, but my ears are not deaf."

"What's wrong, are you in the mood?" Chen Yunfei asked.


"You know me, I don't care about any of this."

"You don't care, I do."

"Listen carefully, your marriage proposal is on hold."

"When will the commendation meeting be held? When will we come back?"


"Old man, can you be reasonable?"

"What does this have to do with my proposal of marriage?"

"We made a good deal, but you can't default on your debt!" Lu Fei said anxiously.


"I'm just a deadbeat, what can you do?"

"If I don't nod, let's see who dares to agree to your marriage."


"You kid, don't be dissatisfied. It's useless to stare."

"I have the final say in this family."

"Please give me some peace of mind these days."

"If you mess up the commendation meeting, you will have to go to Mount Wutai to become a monk."

"No, I have arranged the marriage proposal, but you suddenly regret it. I am embarrassed to tell you."

"That's your business!"

"I also blew it out of the commendation meeting."

"Now that such a commotion is happening, I don't have any face at all!" Chen Yunfei said.

"Old man, you are so unreasonable."

"The commendation conference is just a formality, is it that important?"

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