A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1516 Shen Jialiang

Arriving at the Prime Minister's Office, Kong Panqing made tea for Lu Fei, and then took out a document and handed it to Lu Fei.

"Xiao Fei, take a look at this first."

"What is this?" Lu Fei asked.

"Yesterday afternoon, Deputy General Counsel Secretary Yang Shisong sent it here."

"The document mentioned that major tomb robbery cases have occurred in Chang'an, Shandong and Fengtian, which received our funding this year."

"They believe these three areas are poorly regulated and protected, causing significant damage to the country, and no longer meet our funding criteria."

"Deputy General Counsel Shen Jialiang proposed that we change the funding for these three regions to Suzhou, Southern Fujian and Guangdong."

"I can't make the decision, you have to sign." Kong Panqing said. .??.

Lu Fei took the document and read it carefully.

At the end, his face suddenly darkened.

Just as he was about to speak, Kong Panqing's secretary walked in.

"General Minister and Deputy General Counsel Shen want to see you."

As soon as the secretary finished speaking, two men walked in.

The man in front is in his fifties.

He is less than 1.7 meters tall, bald, with a ruddy complexion, a small nose, and a slightly chubby figure.

The man with glasses who followed behind him was in his early thirties, with a gentle appearance.

The bald man came in with a smile on his face and reached out to Kong Panqing.

"Good afternoon, Director Kong!"

Kong Panqing stood up and returned the smile.

"Hello, Mr. Shen!"

"Director Kong, have you received the documents?"

"Secretary Yang sent it over yesterday," Kong Panqing said.

"That's good, that's good."

"By the way, how did it go?"

"I didn't mean to rush you."

"Comrades on the front line are working too hard."

“The earlier we allocate funds, the earlier we can improve our working environment.”

"Do you think this is true?"

Kong Panqing smiled slightly.

"Mr. Shen, although I am the Prime Minister, I alone have no right to make the decision on such a big matter."

"It just so happens that we land

Always here too. "

"If you have any ideas, you can talk to him."


"That's great."

"Where is Mr. Lu?"

"I want to visit in person." Shen Jialiang said enthusiastically.

Kong Panqing pointed to Lu Fei on the sofa and said.

"This is me, Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu Fei."

"Mr. Lu, this is the newly appointed deputy general counsel, Mr. Shen."

Shen Jialiang turned around and saw Lu Fei, and Laoyuaner stretched out his hand to greet him.


"So you are Mr. Lu Fei!"

"I have long heard that you are young and promising. I never thought that meeting you would be better than being famous!"

"Hello Hello!"

Shen Jialiang took the initiative to come up to him, but what everyone didn't expect was that Lu Fei not only didn't shake hands with Shen Jialiang, he even didn't stand up at all.

He waved his hands casually and said.

"Mr. Shen, please sit down!"

Seeing Lu Fei's attitude, secretary Yang Shisong frowned, and Shen Jialiang looked even more embarrassed.

"Ah, okay, thank you, Mr. Lu."

Shen Jialiang sat down and forced a smile.

"Mr. Lu, it's decided by the higher ups."

"From now on, I will handle the handover with your foundation."

"Mr. Guan is really too busy, so I just want to help him share some of his workload."

Lu Fei was stunned for a moment and said.


"Hand over what?"


“Of course it’s the handover of the foundation’s donated funds.”

“Our foundation’s funding has always been distributed directly to local areas by our professional team.”

"There is no handover at all."

"I don't understand what you mean, Mr. Shen."

When Lu Fei said this, Shen Jialiang's last smile faded.


"As far as I know, wasn't it all allocated to the headquarters on a monthly basis in the past, and then boss Guan gave instructions before distributing it?" Shen Jialiang asked.


"You misunderstood."

"That's just asking Mr. Guan for help."

"As you said just now, Mr. Guan is too busy with work and has no time."

"So I won't bother you."

“Next, our team will directly connect with the donation recipient areas in accordance with the operating regulations of our foundation.”

"This is faster and more convenient." Lu Fei said.

After looking at Lu Fei, Shen Jialiang frowned slightly.

"Mr. Lu, do you distrust me, or do you have any objections to me?"

"I am an outspoken person, you can tell me anything you want."

"You are a big leader, how dare I have an opinion against you."

"The handover plan I'm talking about is the rules and regulations of our foundation."

“Item 5 and 6 are clearly written on the bulletin board in the lobby.”

"You must not misunderstand."

Shen Jialiang smiled slightly.

"So this is ah!"

"Let me just say, this is our first meeting, how could Mr. Lu have any objection to me?"

"When you say that, I understand."

"You are right, it is indeed more convenient to operate this way."

"Then we will follow your foundation's rules from now on."

"Thank you, Mr. Shen, for your understanding."

"Mr. Lu, you're welcome."

"However, the areas receiving donations may need to be changed," Shen Jialiang said.


"The documents we sent over were very clear."

"Since Mr. Lu asked the question, I will explain it to you again."

“Since this year, work in Chang’an, Fengtian and Shandong has

A major mistake has been made. "

"Due to their negligence and mistakes in their work, they have caused heavy and irreparable losses to the country."

"From the grassroots to the leaders, they are all to blame."

"Based on our meeting to study."

"These three regions cannot meet the foundation's donation requirements, so everyone unanimously approved that the three regions receiving donations will be changed to southern Fujian, Suzhou and Guangdong."

“If they do well next year, then consider them.”

"But now, punishment must be given." Shen Jialiang said.

Lu Fei took out a cigarette, lit one, and said calmly.

"You decided in a meeting?"

"That's right!"

"This was a decision passed by a show of hands."

"Mr. Shen, do you understand our foundation's donation standards and operating standards?" Lu Fei asked.


"What do you mean?"

"Mr. Lu, please make it clear."

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Mr. Shen, if you don't understand, I'll explain it to you again."

“Our foundation’s donation criteria are among the top three archaeological discoveries in the country that year.”

"Or a group that has made outstanding contributions or has special significance."

“Based on this requirement, six regions were selected for donation.”

“The remaining funds are dedicated funds for archaeological education.”

"After the ten places are confirmed, our professional team will conduct on-site inspections and reviews for about two months."

"After it is determined that our donation conditions are met, our team will make overall plans and distribute funds or equipment on a monthly basis."

“This is the standard of execution for our foundation.”

"Whether it's donation standards or implementation standards, we only target the regions and collectives that receive donations, and have nothing to do with the headquarters."

"The money was donated by our foundation."

"You went behind our backs and changed the recipient of the donation. Do you think this is appropriate?"

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