A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1523 Meaningless

On behalf of Lu Fei, the little nanny bid for 200 million dollars. The Chinese people who received the news were excited and excited.

However, several American celebrities present still did not give up.

As soon as the little puppy sat down, the number plate No. 15 was raised.

"Twenty-five million dollars."

Not to be outdone, No. 21 asked for 210 million.

Seeing that there were still people competing, the comments in the live broadcast room were full of curses. ??


"These big noses are so disgusting."

"Two hundred and ten million, do they have that much money?"

"Besides, this is the treasure of our country, why are you making trouble with it?"

"Isn't this causing trouble?"

"So damn annoying!"

"Twenty-one million once!"

"The authentic dragon head of the twelve zodiac signs of the Great Water Method in the Haiyan Hall of Yuanmingyuan in China. Mr. No. 21 bids 210 million."

"Is there any higher one?"

"Two hundred and ten million for the second time."

While Prince was rambling, the little puppy raised the number plate again.

"My brother offered 250 million."


"Lu Fei is awesome!"

"Mr. Lu is so awesome."

"come on!"

"Bring the dragon head back, I must go to Jinling to cheer you on."

"Come on, Mr. Lu"

"Two hundred and fifty million for the first time."

"Is there any more?"

"Two hundred million."


"Mr. No. 21 bids 255 million."

"any left."

"My brother offered 300 million dollars."


The price of 300 million dollars was shouted, and everyone at the auction stood up.

Sister Huaji's live broadcast room was temporarily stagnant in time, and everyone was numb.

No. 21 shrugged and put down his number plate with some reluctance.

Prince cleared his throat and said excitedly.

"No. 09 Mr. Lu Fei came out

Priced at $300 million. "

"Is there any higher bid?"

"Three hundred million cuts at a time!"

"Three hundred million cuts twice!"

"Is there any more price increase?"

"Three hundred million cuts three times!"

"make a deal!"

"Let us all congratulate Mr. Lu Fei with warm applause for achieving his wish."

"Successfully received the Haiyantang Twelve Zodiac Dragon Head Great Water Technique!"

After Prince finished speaking, he bowed deeply, and the audience burst into warm applause.

The Huaji sisters jumped up and gave high fives to celebrate, and the live broadcast room was completely boiling.

"Took it!"

"Finally got it."

"Haiyantang's Twelve Zodiac Great Water Dharma, we have gathered eight of them."

"Three hundred million knives!"

"That's more than two billion Shenzhou coins!"

"Mr. Lu is so awesome."

"Do you see it?"

"This is Lu Fei, this is Lu Fei from China!"

"Damn it!"

"From now on, if anyone says Lu Fei is a coward, I will fight him to the death."

"From now on, who is saying that Lu Fei is a coward? I cursed his ancestors for eighteen generations."


"It's so cool."

In front of everyone present, Lu Fei signed a contract with Prince to complete the deal.

After paying 345 million knives including commission, he excitedly held the dragon head in his arms.

The audience burst into thunderous applause again.

Many foreigners took out their mobile phones and recorded the moment.

Lu Fei wrapped the dragon's head with his own hands and gave it to the little puppy, and then shook hands with everyone attending the auction in a gentlemanly manner.

At this point, the ups and downs of the private auction ended.

Lu Fei hugged Prince and was about to leave, but the Huaji sisters rushed up.

"Mr. Lu, please wait a moment!"

Lu Fei turned back to look at the two sisters and smiled slightly.


"Are you also from China?" Lu Fei asked.


"We are international students at Columbia University."

"My name is Cheng Tiantian, and this is my good sister Zhang Lin!"

“We are so excited to witness this great moment with our own eyes,” Cheng Tiantian said.


"It's just an auction, nothing to get excited about." Lu Fei said.

"how come?" .??.

"The dragon head is a national treasure of our country, recording a difficult history."

"The twelve zodiac animal heads are being recovered one after another, which further reflects the unity and great rejuvenation of our nation."

"So, this is a great historical moment."

"Just now our sisters live broadcasted the whole process. In the live broadcast room, more than 50,000 Chinese compatriots witnessed the whole process with their own eyes."

“Everyone is really excited!”

"So many people?"


"If it wasn't too stuck, more people would pay attention!"

"Then you must have made a lot of money!"


The two girls were slightly stunned and Cheng Tiantian said.

"It doesn't matter whether you make money or not, what matters is the significance of this great moment."

"Mr. Lu Fei, could you please say hello to everyone?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"forget it!"

"no point."

"how come?" .??.

“Everyone is really looking forward to it!”

"Please, please?" Cheng Tiantian begged.

"What's there to look forward to?"

"Spending money to bid is my personal behavior and has nothing to do with anyone else."

"not like this!"

"The return of the dragon head is of great significance to our nation and every compatriot!"

Lu Fei waved his hand and said.

"Beauty you

Stop now, I need to correct you. "

"I emphasize again that this is my personal behavior. Please do not associate it with any national interests."

"As for saying hello, it's even more meaningless."

"Those people on the Internet do nothing all day long and spread irresponsible remarks."

"When you are happy, you will lift people up to heaven."

“When you’re not happy, you curse all over the place.”

"Communicating with such boring people is a complete waste of time."


"So be it!"

"I'm leaving first, bye!"

When Lu Fei made these remarks, the netizens in the live broadcast room completely exploded.

Some are ashamed, some are regretful, and most of them are angry.


"What is Lu Fei saying?"

"What's so awesome about him?"

"Did we say it wrong?"

"The little devil is shouting all over the sky, but he cowers in his turtle shell and dares not respond. He has lost all the face of us Chinese people."

"Isn't this cowardly?"

"Isn't this a coward?"

"That's right!"

"I had a little hope for him before."

"Now it seems that Lu Fei is an arrogant maniac."

"From now on, I will never support him again."

Lu Fei and the others walked into the courtyard, and Hua Ji sisters caught up with them again.

"Mr. Lu, please wait a moment."

"What else do you want?" Lu Fei asked.

"Mr. Lu Fei, can we ask you one last question?"

"Please say."

"Mr. Lu Fei, we want to know your plans."

"In other words, we want to know how you arrange this dragon head."

"Are you going to collect it yourself or donate it?" Cheng Tiantian asked.

"It's too early to say that."

"If I make a decision, I will definitely announce it."


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