A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1528 Missing

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, more than a dozen cars drove outside the Phoenix Villa.

The first two people who got out of the car were Shen Jialiang and Yang Shisong, who were tired of their travels.

Dozens of people got out from a dozen cars behind.

These people came to the gate carrying long guns and short cannons. Looking at the signs on the equipment, they were all reporters from famous news media in China and Hong Kong Island.

Song Yang and Huang Bo, who were on duty, picked up their assault rifles and drank with serious faces.

"Who are you?"

"Everyone stand back!"

"we are"

"I don't care who you are. Now step back five meters and find the person in charge to talk to me."

After Song Yang finished speaking, the reporter, Shen Jialiang and others looked at each other in confusion.

Suddenly two gunshots rang out, everyone shivered in fright and quickly retreated ten meters away.

"Xiao Yang!"

"Are you sure Lu Fei is here?"

"Why do his people still have guns?" Shen Jialiang said in shock.

"Yes, this is it."

"This is Phoenix Villa, Lu Fei's private territory."

"This villa has a special privilege and can be equipped with ten firearms. The validity period is one hundred years!"

"But don't be nervous."

"Their privileges are limited to the villa. As long as we don't go in, nothing will happen." Yang Shisong said.

"How about this!"

"Xiao Yang, go out and talk to them, and tell them that we have something important to see Lu Fei."


"Please wait!"

"I'll go over and ask."

Yang Shisong braved his courage and walked towards the door again.

The two men in the hospital raised their guns. Yang Shisong felt goosebumps all over his body and hurriedly stood still.


"Don't get me wrong, we don't mean any harm."

"The man behind me is Comrade Shen Jialiang, Deputy General Counsel of Archeology of China. He has something important to see Mr. Lu Feilu."

"Can you please tell me this?"

"What do you want from our Mr. Lu?" Song Yang asked.


Very important thing. "

"Please help convey that we, Mr. Shen, need to discuss with Mr. Lu personally."

"Excuse me!"

"We, Mr. Lu, just flew back from the United States and are suffering from jet lag!"

"Mr. Lu told me that I won't see any guests today."

"If anything happens, come back tomorrow!" Song Yang said.

"Sir, we do have something urgent. We can't wait until tomorrow!"

"We are all from China, please help us!" Yang Shisong begged.

Song Yang chuckled.

"Everyone who comes to see us, Mr. Lu, has urgent matters."

"We, Mr. Lu, can't see you at all."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu has taken a rest, you should leave!"

"Sir, Mr. Shen, our boss, came all the way from Tiandu City. It is indeed an important matter."

"Can you see if we can make an exception?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"No means no!"

"Leave quickly!"

Song Yang showed no respect at all, and the faces of the dozens of people outside all darkened.

A young mainland reporter glared at Song Yang and said displeasedly.

"Sir, please pay attention to the way you speak."

"Comrade Shen Jialiang is the deputy general consultant of China Archaeology. What you said is really too much."

"I think you should give our Mr. Shen a serious apology."

"What did you say?"

Song Yang's eyes widened, scaring the reporter into a cold sweat.

He said guiltily as he stepped back.

"I said you should apologize."


"I have told you time and time again that Mr. Lu is resting, but you are nagging endlessly."

"I'm being polite by not telling you to get lost. I apologize.

son. "

"You, why are you so incompetent?"

"Comrade Shen Jialiang is the deputy general counsel!" the reporter said.

"Ambassadors from Hong Kong Island have to make an appointment in advance if they want to see our President Lu. How many threads does the Deputy General Counsel have?"

"Cut the nonsense!"

"Get out of here!"

"Give you five minutes and give me at least a hundred meters to evacuate."


"Da da da!" .??.

The reporter was still a little angry. Three gunshots were fired. The angry people were instantly convinced and quickly got in the car and turned around and drove a hundred meters away.

The car stopped, and Shen Jialiang's old face exploded with anger.



"I've long heard that Lu Fei is arrogant, but I didn't expect his men to be so arrogant."

"It's true that those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black!"

"With his arrogant character, sooner or later someone will deal with him!"

"I am so angry!"

"Mr. Shen, please calm down first!"

"The security guard is indeed arrogant, but this does not represent Lu Fei's attitude."

"Maybe Lu Fei is really jet lagged!" Yang Shisong said.


"It's not like you haven't seen him before in the foundation. Lu Fei is crazy and crazy."

"The boss will have the same subordinates. If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, I learned this from Lu Fei."

"Mr. Shen, what should we do now?"

"You have been tired for a long day, why don't we go back to the hotel and rest first."

"Come back tomorrow morning?" Yang Shisong asked.


"We have bowed thirty-six times. If Guan Haishan takes the lead, wouldn't all our previous efforts be in vain?"

"Anyway, this is the road, let's wait here."

"As long as Lu Fei comes out, we will definitely be able to see him!"


"By the way, what are Guan Haishan and the others doing?

What? "

"Do they know about Lu Fei's return to Hong Kong Island?" Shen Jialiang asked.

"Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I'll contact Tiandu immediately."

"Mr. Guan is currently in a meeting at the National Expo, so he probably hasn't received any news."

"Otherwise, he should have taken action long ago."


"It's good that I didn't receive any news."

"Tell Tiandu to find more things to do and try to hold off Guan Haishan."

"The dragon's head is of great importance. We must get the first prize this time." Shen Jialiang said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I've arranged everything."

"I'm just worried, what if Lu Fei doesn't donate?"


"We have brought so many reporters. As long as Lu Fei is blocked, under the strong pressure of public opinion, I don't believe he dares not to donate."

"If he still persists, the superiors and the people will definitely have objections to him."

"Whether it's light or serious, I think Lu Fei can tell the difference."

"Xiao Yang!"

"I'm quite satisfied with your performance this time."

"Take the dragon head and return to Tiandu City. I will personally ask for credit for you."

"Thank you, Mr. Shen, for your cultivation!"

Inside the gate of the villa, he saw the motorcade exiting and Song Yang returned to the concierge.

Wiping the sweat from the palms of his hands, he dialed the little dog's phone number.

"Master Di, Shen Jialiang is indeed here."

"Mr. Lu is really clever!"

"Are they gone?"

"No, I asked them to retreat a hundred meters away. They are all blocking Mr. Lu outside!"

"Well done!"

"By the way, there's something wrong with your voice, Old Song!"

"What’s wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, just a little nervous."

"Are you nervous?"


"I've never spoken out against such a big leader."

"It feels so damn good."

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