A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1530 Flying away again

Hearing the conversation between the two security guards, Yang Shisong almost doubted his life.

But even if he is shocked, the tasks assigned by the leader must be completed to the letter.

Yin Haibo has loosened his tone. The reason why he is showing off his strength is because he dislikes that he gives too little.

As long as the chips are big enough, you will definitely get accurate news.

Yang Shisong reported the situation just now to Shen Jialiang.

Shen Jialiang immediately exchanged cash with everyone present.

All the cash put together is equivalent to more than 50,000 Shenzhou coins.

Let Yang Shisong take the money to bribe the security guards.

After Yang Shisong's hard work, he finally got accurate information from Yin Haibo.

"Report to Mr. Shen!"

"I've made inquiries clearly."

"Lu Fei is dining on the top floor of the Peninsula Hotel!"

After hearing this, Shen Jialiang clapped his hands and said excitedly.

"Very good!"

"We'll leave immediately and go to the Peninsula Hotel to find Lu Fei."

"As long as things are done, I'll treat everyone to a celebration banquet."


Everyone got on the bus and the convoy headed straight to Tsim Sha Tsui.

When they arrived at the Peninsula Hotel, dozens of people rushed inside with guns and cannons.

The spectacular scene immediately alerted the security guards.


"What do you do?"

"We, we eat!" Yang Shisong explained.

"Have a meal?"

"You bring your camera with you when you eat?"

"Do you think we are idiots?"

"We are a high-end hotel here, and interviews are not allowed without permission. Please leave," the security guard said.

"Security Brother!"

"We really came here to eat."

"You said you came here to eat, then tell me, which box did you book?"


"Can't you tell me?"

"As soon as I saw you were here to cause trouble."

"I advise you to leave immediately, otherwise I will call the police."

security guard

The noise attracted dozens of people to watch.

Shen Jialiang was worried that his identity would be exposed, so he had to retreat to the car temporarily.

In the car, while anxiously discussing countermeasures with Yang Shisong, there was another roar in the sky.

"not good!"

"Lu Fei ran away again!"

"Hurry up and chase!"


"Mr. Shen, Lu Fei is in the sky, how can we chase him!"


"This damn rag collector must have sneaked away from us on purpose."

"I am so angry!"

"Xiao Yang, hurry up and find out where Lu Fei is."

"No matter what, we must find Lu Fei."

"Now that Lu Fei has appeared in public, it won't be long before everyone knows that he is in Hong Kong Island."

"If Guan Haishan takes the lead, all our efforts will be in vain."


"I'll investigate immediately!"

As he was talking, a reporter came over.

"Just now a friend of mine sent news that Lu Fei's plane went to Yunlong Building."

"Lu Fei should be at his auction house now!"

"Very good!"

"I'll record the merit for you later. We'll go to Yunlong Building right away!"

Shen Jialiang gave the order and more than a dozen vehicles rushed towards Yunlong Building in Central again.

When we arrived at our destination, before we even entered, the roar pierced the night sky again.


"Lu Fei ran away again!"

"This damn bastard, he must have done it on purpose."

"Lu Fei, you and I are at odds with each other."

"Xiao Yang, check it for me."

Half an hour later, Yang Shisong received the exact news that Lu Fei had returned to Phoenix Villa.

From three o'clock in the afternoon to ten thirty at night, no one even had dinner.

mouth, but did not see Lu Fei at all.

Most of the reporters invited collapsed.

Shen Jialiang found a high-end hotel and spent more than 50,000 yuan to treat all the reporters to dinner.

After the meal, Shen Jialiang made an appointment with the reporters to go to Phoenix Villa at six o'clock tomorrow morning.

When the reporters dispersed, Shen Jialiang was worried and asked Yang Shi to stay at Phoenix Villa again.

Back at the hotel, Shen Jialiang was furious.

I greeted all Lu Fei's relatives more than a dozen times.

The only good thing is that on the Tiandu side, Guan Haishan is on track, and it seems that they haven't received any news about Lu Fei on Hong Kong Island.

After breakfast, Shen Jialiang called the reporters and went to Phoenix Villa.

"Xiao Yang, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard work!"

"It is my honor to be able to solve Mr. Shen's problems."

"Okay, okay!"

"I remember everything you did."

"Don't worry, I will repay you sooner or later."

"Thank you, Mr. Shen."

"By the way, has Lu Fei been out?"

Before Yang Shisong could reply, the luxury helicopter flew overhead again.

Seeing Lu Fei's plane disappear, Yang Shisong almost cried.

Fortunately, it was Yin Haibo who was standing guard at the moment.

Yang Shisong bribed Yin Haibo yesterday, and he was still able to talk.

I don’t know if Yin Haibo was moved by Yang Shisong’s persistence, but he didn’t embarrass him this time.

After chatting for a while, they quietly told Yang Shisong where Lu Fei was going, and the latter was moved to tears.

"Mr. Shen, I know where Lu Fei went!"


"Lu Fei went to the Wang family villa in Taipingshan."

"Mr. Wang Zhenbang is on Hong Kong Island, and Lu Fei came to visit him."

"Very good."

"Let's go to Taiping Mountain right away."

The group arrived at the foot of Taiping Mountain and were following security guard Zhou Xuan.

at this time

, Lu Fei's helicopter flew away from their heads again.

Seeing the plane disappear, Shen Jialiang's head was buzzing, his chest felt hot and he almost vomited blood.

After shaking for a while, he managed to stand still.

"Xiao Yang!"

"Ask where Lu Fei went."

"I have to see him today!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I'll investigate right away."

Yang Shisong was about to make a call when two Flying Women drove down the mountain.

When the car arrived at the gate, the security guard stood at attention and saluted.

The rear window of the first car was rolled down, and a thin face inside nodded to the security guard.

The security guard was so excited that he shouted loudly.

"Good morning, Mr. Lu!"

"You walk slowly."

Not only the security guards were excited, but all the reporters present were extremely excited.

The most excited ones are Shen Jialiang and Yang Shisong.

Seeing this person, Shen Jialiang was so excited that he almost cried.

Because the boy who greeted the security guard was Lu Fei whom he thought about day and night.

After confirming that it was Lu Fei, Shen Jialiang took the lead and stopped in front of the car.

More than thirty reporters raised their long guns and short cannons at the same time, aiming at Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu, I finally found you." Shen Jialiang choked with sobs.

"Mr. Shen?"

"Why are you here?"

"Do you have a problem with me?" Lu Fei asked.

"Something's wrong!"

"Something's wrong!"

"You can make it easy for me to find you!"

Lu Fei got off the car and was instantly surrounded by reporters.

"What are you doing?"

"And Mr. Shen, why are you so anxious to find me?"

"Mr. Lu, everyone in China knows about the dragon head you took in the United States."

"Everyone in China is proud of your righteous deed."

"I am here on behalf of the archaeological community in China to express my special congratulations to you!"

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