A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1534 Response

Lu Fei unconditionally donated the dragon heads of the twelve zodiac signs that were purchased with 345 million knives.

And during the donation ceremony, Lu Fei raised Guanhai Mountain many times.

After this incident, Guan Haishan's prestige increased greatly.

The questioning and cursing of Lu Fei on the Internet has also subsided slightly.

But at this juncture, Yoshida Ohno made another big move.

Yoshida Ohno made the announcement.

Due to the strong support of many companies, the lottery prize pool has been increased from the previous 30 billion knives to 40 billion knives.

Not only that, it also greatly increased Lu Fei's odds.

From the previous pay of three to one, it was raised to pay of five for one.

The announcement was released and spread all over the Internet again within a short period of time.

The difference is that this time it did not cause an uproar.

The reason is that less than twenty-four hours ago, Lu Fei made a public appearance to donate the dragon head.

Everyone believed that Lu Fei would respond strongly this time.

But after waiting for five hours, Lu Fei still didn't make any reaction.

Ten hours after Yoshida's announcement was sent out, there was still no news from Lu Fei.

At this time, the Internet exploded again.

"Let me strangle you, what's going on?"

"Yesterday I donated the dragon head, why don't I dare to challenge today?"


"Donations are donations, fighting for treasure is fighting for treasure. These are two completely different things."

"It turns out that Lu Fei is not as strong as the little devil."

"I don't understand. Why did you agree to bet your family property in the first place when you knew it wouldn't work?"

"Why did you choose Jinling as the location for the treasure fight when you clearly know that you are not strong enough?"

"And it's still such a sensitive time?"

"If I had known this would be the result, wouldn't it have been better to simply reject the challenge from the islanders?"

"Even if you bite the bullet and agree, wouldn't it be a good idea for you to choose overseas as your battlefield?"

"Why did you choose Jinling?"

"This is not in China

To rub salt into people's wounds? "

"It's obviously not possible, but you still have to show off."

"Whether he was slapped in the face now, the faces of all Chinese people were slapped loudly!"

"Damn it!"

"The disgrace has been left at the doorstep."



"Forget it, I have no illusions about Lu Fei anymore."

"In my opinion, everyone should place your bets early and earn some benefits!"

"Now it seems that if you buy Yoshida to win, you will definitely make a profit without losing any money!"

"If you start early, you will get rich sooner. If you start late, you may not be able to buy it!"


"I've already taken action."

"I spent all the pocket money I saved over the past five years to buy Yoshida Win. The total is more than 40,000 Shenzhou coins!"


"Forty thousand yuan is nothing!"

"I bought a total of 60,000 yuan."

"If my wife hadn't stopped me, I would have invested the money to buy a house."


"Are you too cruel?"

"A small amount of gambling will make you happy, but a big amount of gambling will harm your health!"

"It doesn't matter. If you buy Yoshida to win, you will make money. You will definitely make money without losing money!"


"Then I'll buy some for fun too."

Netizens were completely disappointed with Lu Fei, but Murray was extremely nervous.

They were nervous not only because Lu Fei didn't dare to challenge, but they also discovered a most troublesome problem.

Although Lu Fei's odds are as high as 5 to 1, no one is willing to bet on such high odds.

So far, the number of people who have won by buying Lu Fei is less than 100,000 dollars.

But the amount of money that can be bought for Yoshida Ohno to win has exceeded 3 billion U.S. dollars.

The most terrible thing is that 2.8 billion of them were generated within a dozen hours after the announcement.

If this rate of development continues, the 40 billion-dollar prize pool may be bought out before the treasure battle begins.

If that happens, all the 40 billion dollars will be wasted!

Lu Fei didn't fall for the trick, but instead lost 40 billion knives. This was such a fucking loss!

If you don't want to lose the 40 billion dollar prize pool, the only way is to deliberately lose to Lu Fei in the treasure fighting conference.

But that is simply impossible! .??.??

Murray and Yoshida discussed for more than two hours, but could not find a perfect solution. Murray was worried and scolded the street like a shrew.



"That damn yellow-skinned monkey must have done it on purpose."

"He must have done it on purpose."

"He must have calculated this result and deliberately let our prize pool go to charity!"

"This damn bastard, he is so insidious."

"Sooner or later, I will kill him with my own hands!"

"Mr. Murray, please calm down first."

"It's useless for you to be angry. We still have to find a way to make Lu Fei operate according to the orbit we designed." Yoshida Ohno said.


"What you're saying is bullshit!"

"I want to do this too, but that damn bastard doesn't play by the rules at all!"

"Tell me, what else can you do?"

"Mr. Murray, in my opinion, the most important thing right now is that we need to understand Lu Fei's thoughts."

"In other words, we need to know what Lu Fei is thinking?"

"Does he have a guilty conscience, does he have no money, or is he deliberately being mischievous as you said?"

"If he feels guilty, we

Just try to add fuel to the fire and completely anger him. "

"If it were money, it would be easy."

"If his friends knew that he didn't have enough funds, they would definitely help him."

"It's just a matter of time to start a tit-for-tat confrontation with us."

"What I'm most worried about is that he is deliberately playing tricks. After all, that bastard has too many records of deceiving others."

"If he is really mischievous, we should step back from the brink and find an excuse to withdraw the handicap."

"Or one of our own will buy up the prize pool and stop the loss."

Murray nodded and said.

"What you said makes sense, but Lu Fei is so shrewd. How can we understand his true thoughts?"

"Don't worry about this first. Give me a week and I will figure it out."


"Then do it quickly. If you figure it out a day earlier, you can reduce the loss of the day."


Yoshida and Murray were discussing countermeasures when Yoshida's secretary rushed in furiously.

Yoshida frowned and shouted sharply.

"What are you doing?"

"Why did you come in without knocking?"


"There's a big situation!" the secretary said excitedly.

"Tell me quickly, what happened?"

"Boss, Dear Mr. Murray."

"Lu Fei, their handicap has been established."


Hearing these words, Yoshida and Murray stood up suddenly, adrenaline secreted rapidly, and they were extremely excited.

"Repeat what you just said to me."

"Boss, you heard that right, Lu Fei responded."

"Just now, Bai Zirui held a press conference on behalf of Huangtian Entertainment."

"Official announcement, Huangtian Entertainment has launched the Jinling Dou Bao Handicap!"

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