A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1539 Let greedy people go crazy

Lu Fei walked to the door and stood still, turned back to look at Deng Shaohui and said.

"Master Deng!"

"I also have a question for you."

"Mr. Lu, please speak!"

"Shaohui tells you everything he knows!"

"I want to know, is it you, Mr. Deng, or your uncle, Mr. Lan, who wants to cooperate with me, Lu Fei?" Lu Fei asked.

Deng Shaohui chuckled.

"It seems that Mr. Lu knows a lot!"


"Is this a secret?"

"Mr. Lu, I think your question is not important."

"The important thing is, we want to be friends with you."

"Let's put aside all the past stories and forget about them. No one should mention them again."

"As long as we become friends, I guarantee that you will have continuous resources in the future."

"And I will introduce you to more good friends."

"Isn't this a good thing that has the best of both worlds?" Deng Shaohui said.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"I'll take the liberty of asking."

"What if I say no?"

"He who understands current affairs is a hero. I think Mr. Lu should be able to make the most correct judgment."


"That's not necessarily the case!"

"I'm a stubborn person, and sometimes I can't turn my head around."

"And they are a bit conservative in their thinking and find it difficult to accept new things."

"It doesn't matter!"

"We have enough patience."

"I really hope we can be friends!"

"Mr. Lu, please think about it carefully!"

"All right!"

"Thank you, Mr. Deng, for your hospitality. I'll take my leave first. We'll talk when we have time!"

"I'll send you off!"

When they came outside, Little Milk Dog and others were watching from a distance.

I was relieved to see that Lu Fei was safe and sound.

"Master Deng, what did Lu Fei say?"

"Did he agree?" Jiang Ming

Zhe asked.

"How can it be that easy?"

"If he agrees quickly, he won't be the Lu Fei I know."

"Master Deng, I don't understand. Lu Fei and our family are incompatible with each other, so why do you want to show your kindness to him?"

"I'm not willing to fucking give in!" Jiang Mingzhe said through gritted teeth.

Deng Shaohui said with a gloomy expression.

"What can you do if you don't want to give in?"

"Looking for revenge from Lu Fei, are you my opponent?"


"Jiang Mingzhe, I'm warning you, don't forget how you gained your freedom."

"If you dare to spoil our good deeds, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Master Deng, you know that's not what I meant. I'm just a little unwilling."

"Also, with Lu Fei's personality, can he get on our ship?" Jiang Mingzhe said.

"It all depends on human beings. How can you know if it doesn't work if you haven't tried it?"

"Then what do we do next?"

"Are you just waiting for Lu Fei's reply?"

Deng Shaohui chuckled.

"It's simply unrealistic to just expect Lu Fei to figure it out on his own. We have to give him a beating from time to time."

"Only if we let him know our strength clearly, will he be willing to cooperate with us."

"What if he doesn't agree?"

"If you can't get something, of course you have to destroy it with your own hands."

Back in the hotel room, Lu Fei took out his mobile phone and found Dong Jianye's number.

My thumb paused on the launch button for a few seconds, but finally didn't press it.

Deng Shaohui could be released for such serious crimes, so it would be useless to call Dong Jianye.

It is not even ruled out that Dong Jianye has something to do with Lan Xiangdong.

Damn it!

A crime of at least ten years, short

It was released within a few months.

Not only that, Deng Shaohui also won tens of billions of projects.

Moreover, the son of the Lin family of Ao Island and the eldest son of the island's underworld branch were all willing to follow Deng Shaohui.

Even in his heyday, Deng Xinhua did not have such great energy.

Needless to say, these must be the resources Lan Xiangdong gave him.

However, this is still the tip of the iceberg.

There must be a lot that I don’t know clearly.

From this point of view, Lan Xiangdong's strength is really terrifying.

What's scary is not just his strength, but what's even more scary is his scheming and pattern.

With Lan Xiangdong's ability, although he may not be able to uproot himself, it is definitely easy to keep himself in trouble.

But he didn't do that, but took the initiative to extend an olive branch to himself.

Pull yourself on board, and everything you do will become his achievement.

And these achievements will become an important bargaining chip for him to go further.

When he reaches a certain height, cleaning himself up is no different than stepping on an ant.

Today Deng Shaohui represents his uncle's own attitude.

Promise, and everything will be smooth sailing for you in a short time.

If you don't agree, I'm afraid you will be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei laughed helplessly.

Today's financial resources and connections can be said to be the top existence in China.

But even so, in the face of rights, it is still not worth mentioning.

This feeling is really terrible.

Although Lan Xiangdong's strength is terrifying, he doesn't have to worry too much.

There are two backers, Pan Xingzhou and Chen Yunfei.

As long as Lan Xiangdong can't get hold of him, he won't be in too much trouble.

However, you must be cautious in your actions in the future.

If someone really grabs your tail, the consequences will be disastrous.


Two days later in the evening, Yoshida Ohno excitedly called Murray.

"Dear Mr. Murray, I have some good news for you."

"In recent days, the amount of money won by buying Lu Fei has increased significantly."

"As of now, the amount of money spent to buy Lu Fei has exceeded 8 billion dollars, which has exceeded the amount of money to buy me to win."

"If this continues, not only will our market not have to be closed, but we will also be able to make a huge profit!"

"I will ask the secretary to send you the detailed information later."


After hearing the news, Murray not only was not excited, but frowned.

"There were very few people who won by buying Lu Fei before. Why did there suddenly be so many?"

"This is so abnormal."

"Yoshida, please immediately investigate the source of these betting amounts."

"I'm worried that the money was purchased by Lu Fei himself."

"If that's the case, it means Lu Fei is sure of winning, and that would be too bad." Murray said.

"Mr. Murray, don't worry, I have also taken the issues you mentioned into consideration."

"I have been studying the data these days and can basically deny this possibility."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Of the more than eight billion yuan, the largest bet was only 10 million dollars, and it came from a wide range of sources, not only China, but also Southeast Asia and the Americas."

"It is absolutely impossible for one person to do such scattered betting, so you can rest assured."

"I think it must be the huge odds that tempted those greedy people to buy Lu Fei to win."

After hearing what Yoshida said, Murray felt relieved.

"That would be great."

"Yoshida, please analyze the data carefully."

"I'm sure it wasn't Lu Fei's fault. We can increase Lu Fei's odds again."

"Let those greedy people go crazy."

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