A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1541 The stars gather together

Outside the villa, a group of people were quarreling over the position of leader of the treasure fighting organizing committee.

Bai Zirui and the little puppy rolled up their arms and sleeves and almost started fighting.

Kong Jiaqi stamped her feet and shouted loudly.

"Shut up, everyone!"

"Old Bai, come here with me!"


"Come here as soon as I ask you to. What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I dont go!"

"I'll count to three, don't regret it if you don't come!"

Although Bai Zirui didn't know what Kong Jiaqi asked him to do, he felt a little guilty for no reason, and finally followed him.

Two minutes later, Kong Jiaqi walked over arrogantly.

Bai Zirui behind him looked pale, like a bereaved dog, no longer as domineering as before.

"Old Bai, what did she talk to you about?"

"Why are you so aggressive?"

"Hey, we are all buddies, tell us something?"


"Little Loach, come here with me." Kong Jiaqi said with a smile.


"What are you calling me for?"

"come over!"

"Just go, what are you shouting for?"

Two minutes later, the little puppy who followed Kong Jiaqi came back with red face and sweating profusely.

He quietly hid aside, not daring to raise his head to look at Kong Jiaqi.

Then, Kong Jiaqi called Wang Xinlei away again.

After returning, Wang Xinlei's expression was equally unnatural.

Kong Jiaqi cleared her throat and said.

"Lao Bai, do you agree with me being the team leader?"


"I asked you whether you agree or not."

"agreed, agreed!"

"Where are you, little loach?"

"I agree more."

"I think there is no one more suitable to be the leader of this team than Sister Jiaqi."


"It's necessary, I speak from the bottom of my heart!"


What about you? "

"I agreed from the beginning that you, Sister Jiaqi, should be the team leader, but they have always been against it."

"Now that you can be the team leader, you are simply expected by everyone!" Wang Xinlei said flatteringly.

The attitude of these three people changed completely, and the other brothers were collectively confused.

Looking at Kong Jiaqi's sharp little deer eyes, I felt a little shuddering, and no one objected anymore.

"Since everyone has no objections, I announce that I will be the leader of the Jinling Battle of Treasures Organizing Committee."

"Lao Bai, Xiao Niliu and Xiao Yao are the deputy team leaders."

"In the future, any major matters related to the organizing committee can only be implemented with my approval."

"Any contract must be signed by me to take effect."

"Okay, let's all disperse!"

"Wait a moment!"

Just as everyone was about to disperse, Lu Fei and Jean came over.

Seeing Lu Fei, Bai Zirui and the two young men blushed at the same time, wishing to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Kong Jiaqi said with excitement.

"Lu Fei, you told me that as long as everyone has no objections, it's fine."

"Now everyone agrees that I will be the team leader, you are not allowed to go back on your word!"

Lu Fei gave a thumbs up and said.

"Although I don't know how you did it, I have to say that you are indeed amazing."

"I said, you can do whatever you want, I won't ask."

"But one thing is that the benefits must be maximized."

"Also, no matter who you are, you are absolutely not allowed to use the back door to give outsiders the green light through the back door."

"You guys should discuss the plan in the next few days. After the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, your organizing committee can take action."

"Don't be afraid of my reputation. I don't care about that. I only want profit."

"Whether it's tickets, advertising, sponsorship, etc., we will cooperate with whoever gives the most money."

"But there is one thing,

Cooperation with islanders is absolutely not allowed. "

"Do not worry!"

"Leave it all to us," Kong Jiaqi said.

"Also, you have to make arrangements for me with my foundation."

"If you delay the work over there, I will lay you off at any time!" Lu Fei said.

"I know, I know!"

"you are annoying!"

"Hurry up and take a rest. In a few hours, your first shooting ceremony will begin."

At six o'clock in the afternoon, balloons were hanging high outside the Wan Lung Building in Central, ribbons were flying, and a red carpet was spread on the floor.

Twenty etiquette ladies stood on both sides of the red carpet to welcome the guests, and the guns and cannons in the hands of hundreds of reporters around them kept flashing.

Luxury cars stopped one after another, and successful men and women of all colors entered the building one after another on the red carpet.

Whenever a familiar face appears, it will draw enthusiastic cheers from onlookers and reporters.


“Isn’t this Victoria’s Secret super touch Eugene Veronca?”


"She's here too!"

"Ms. Veronka, you are my goddess!"

"Can you please pose for a photo?"


"Thank you for your cooperation!"

“Let’s change the look and take another one!”

"I bought it!"

"Look over there!"

"Then, isn't that the Hollywood actress Moll Bernice?"

"Even she's here?"


"It's her, it's her!"


"Today's first auction of Tengfei Auction Company is truly star-studded!"

"Boss Lu is so respectable!"

"Miss Bernice, look here!"

"Please look over here!"


"My goddess actually looks at me!"

"I'm so happy."


"Look who that is?"

"I can't live anymore, I can't live anymore!"

"Why are there so many big names!"

"I can see so many big stars, today is so worth it."

Time passed little by little, and one big boss star after another entered the building one after another.

There are an endless stream of top wealthy businessmen, wives, sports stars and entertainment stars from all over the world.

There were constant screams around Yunlong Building.


A roar came from far and near, and finally hovered over the building and slowly landed on the top floor.

"Look, that's Lu Fei's helicopter!"

"My boss also assigned me a task to interview Boss Lu, but he came over by helicopter. What should I do?"

"It's over, it's over!"

"I am dead"

"Hey, look over there."

"Isn't that Mr. Chang Yufei, President of Christie's Asia?"

"He actually came over too!"

"Mr. Chang, can I interview you?"

“As the saying goes, fellow travelers are enemies.”

"Mr. Lu Fei's auction company is your competitor!"

"Aren't you embarrassed that you came to attend their first filming ceremony?"

Facing reporters' questions, Chang Yufei smiled.

"You are thinking too much."

"Boss Lu and I are good friends. I must come to congratulate him on his first shooting ceremony."

"Mr. Lu's auction company specializes in jewelry, and there is no conflict with our company."

"It doesn't matter if there is competition."

"Only through fierce competition can we develop rapidly!"

“Isn’t it a good thing that we work together to make progress together?”

"Okay, it's getting late and I have to go in."

"The auction is over, let's talk slowly!"

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