A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1549 The Bright Man

When Lu Fei said this, Chi Zi'an panicked.

"Mr. Lu, I don't understand what you are talking about?"

"I'm the one who doesn't want to trade. It has nothing to do with Christie's. I don't even know Liu Peiwen."

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"It doesn't matter whether you admit it or not, that has nothing to do with me."

"Aren't you leaving?"

"Go slowly and don't send me away!"

"Vice President Zhao, do as I say and do it immediately," Lu Fei said.

"Wait a moment!"

"Mr. Lu, you have to think clearly."

“If you take out the video and play it, not everyone may understand it.”

"It's inevitable that some people will sensationalize this matter."

"If that happens, it will have a great impact on your company's reputation." Chi Zian said.

"I don't think so!"

"The video captures everything you just said."

"I believe justice lies in people's hearts."

"Even if some extreme people use this topic to hype up, I don't care."

"I've experienced this kind of scene too many times."

"It turns out that the more hype there is, the more popular I, Lu Fei, become."

"In recent days, the attention paid to me on the Internet has dropped significantly. I am worried that I have nothing to watch!"

"Vice President Zhao, right away."

"Mr. Lu, please stop talking."

"I, Chizi An, admit defeat."

"I'll trade immediately."

The pool is settled.

Completely convinced.

If word of this incident spreads, even if it has any impact on Lu Fei, it will be minimal.

But I can’t afford it.

If you copy what you just said, you will no longer have a foothold in this industry.

It's not worth ten thousand dollars just to help Christie's vent his anger.

Chi Zi An looked at Lu Fei sadly, but the latter smiled disdainfully.

"Deal now?"


"Not everyone can show off in my place, Lu Fei."

"You're so happy and you want to escape unscathed?"

"What do you think of me, Lu Fei?"

"Do I, Lu Fei, still want my face?"

"What's more, I, Lu Fei, don't need this little money."

"Vice President Zhao, why are you still standing there?"

"Can't you understand what I'm saying?"

"Get it done right away!"


Zhao Jianyun agreed and quickly turned his head.

It won’t work if it doesn’t turn!

Looking at Chi Zian's dying look, Zhao Jianyun couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Lu, I was wrong!"

"Please give me a chance to change my ways!"

"In this case, I will add five million."

"Can I pay 90 million?"

"Vice President Zhao"

"Mr. Lu, I'll give you 100 million dollars," Chi Zian said.


Lu Fei was slightly stunned and said.

"Boss Chi is indeed an open-minded person!"

"Originally, I planned to ask Vice President Zhao to handle the formalities for you with 90 million, but you insisted on giving 100 million."

"All right!"

"It would be very unkind of me to disagree."

"Vice President Zhao, 100 million dollars, go through the formalities with President Chi immediately."


Looking at Lu Fei's leaving figure, Chi Zi'an felt hopeless.

Dejectedly, he made a deal with Zhao Jianyun and paid 100 million dollars.

But the invoice was only issued for 85 million.

Even if I want to find fault in the future, it will be impossible.

Chi Zian almost cried while holding the mutton-fat jade aniseed that was more than twice the price.

Leaving the trading room, leaving no face left, I quickly left in dejection.

Once outside, Chi Zian sent a message to Chang Yufei.

Chang Yufei was shocked when he received the message. He whispered a few words to Liu Peiwen and stood up to leave.

As soon as I arrived at the elevator entrance, I met Lu Fei.

"Brother Yufei, this isn't over yet, why are you leaving!"

"There will be a celebration party in the company later, and I want to have a drink with you!" Lu Fei said.

Seeing Lu Fei, Chang Yufei's face was full of embarrassment.


"Mr. Lu, you are too polite."

"There are plenty of opportunities to drink."

"Let's forget it this time!"

"There will be a video conference at the head office later. If we don't leave, it will be too late."

"Congratulations to Mr. Lu on the success of the first shoot. Let's talk about it another day!" Chang Yufei said.

"Thank you, Mr. Chang, for your congratulations. We are indeed a great success today."

"I just received an unexpected congratulation of more than 10 million yuan!" Lu Fei said.


"That's good, that's good!"

"Well, the elevator is here."

"We'll see you later!"


After entering the elevator, Chang Yufei wiped the cold sweat from his head and suddenly became furious.

"Old Liu, what did you do?"

"I've given you many warnings, and you must be careful."

"But you don't even understand other people's rules. What do you do for food?"

"Mr. Chang, please calm down first."

"I told him several times, but Chi Zian made it clear that he understood everything clearly."

"If you want to blame, blame that bastard Lu Fei for making such an immoral rule."

"This grandson is really a thief!"


"You are all trash!"

"Not only did Lu Fei fail to be disgusted this time, Zian also lost so much money."

"It even made me lose face in front of Lu Fei and made me so angry!"

"After you return, you immediately investigate Lu Fei's channels."

"I must get this place back."

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