A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1571 Meeting Lan Xiangdong for the First Time

Lu Fei was slightly startled when he heard Lan Xiangdong's name.

"Old man, do I need to avoid it?"


"Am I that kind of person?"

"Put the chess on the table!"

"Xiaowu, invite him here."


After a while, Lan Xiangdong was led by Wang Wu to the study. ??

Seeing Chen Yunfei, super boss Lan Xiangdong quickly bowed and saluted.

"Good evening, Mr. Chen."

Chen Yunfei nodded slightly.

"Coming east."

"Let me introduce you."

"This kid's name is Lu Fei, and he will be the one who fights the little devil in a while."

"Xiao Fei, this is Mr. Lan, please get to know him."

"Hello, Mr. Lan!"


"I have heard of Mr. Lu's name a long time ago. When I saw him today, he is indeed a young talent!" Lan Xiangdong said politely.

"Sit down quickly to the east!"

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."

"Junior has been a little busy with work recently. I apologize for not coming to see you."

"These two bottles of Moutai were collected by my grandfather. My father asked me to take them to honor Mr. Chen."

"Please accept it."

"Thank you father for me."

"My bones are useless and I can't drink."

"Xiao Fei, take it first and drink it later!"

"What Mr. Lan brought is all good wine!"

Hearing this, Lan Xiangdong was slightly startled.

Lu Fei took the wine casually and generously.

"Xiangdong, how is your father's health?"

"Thanks to you, my father is still well."

"That's good, that's good!"

"What are you doing here today?" Chen Yunfei asked.


"I just have time today, so I came to see you."

"Seeing that your old body is so strong, this junior will feel relieved."

"Mr. Lu, how are you preparing for the treasure fight with Mr. Yoshida Ohno?" Lan Xiangdong asked.


Dou Bao is just a competition of strength, there is nothing to prepare for. " Lu Fei said.

"How sure are you?"

"I have only a partial understanding of Yoshida's strength. It's hard to say."


"I happened to meet Mr. Lu today. I have something to explain to you."

"I originally planned to hold a commendation meeting for you on National Day, but I proposed to postpone the meeting until after the treasure fight."

"I did this just because I didn't want Mr. Lu to be distracted. I had absolutely no other intention."

"Mr. Lu, don't get me wrong!" Lan Xiangdong said.


"I fully understand Mr. Lan's intentions. You are right. Postponing the event will indeed be of great benefit to me."

"I mean it."

"It's good that Mr. Lu didn't misunderstand."

Lan Xiangdong looked at his watch and said.

"It's getting late, so I won't disturb Mr. Chen's rest."

"Where does Mr. Lu live?"

"My car is outside, can I take you back?"

Chen Yunfei chuckled.

"Xiao Lan, you still don't know!"

"Lu Fei is my future grandson-in-law."

"This is his home."

"When he comes to Tianducheng, of course he will stay at home."

Hearing these words, Lan Xiangdong's body couldn't help but twitch.


"Junior really doesn't know."

"Mr. Lu is handsome and handsome, and Xiang'er is beautiful and fragrant."

"Together, they are truly a match made in heaven!"

"In this case, I will not disturb your rest."

"Junior, come visit me another day!"

"Okay, then I won't keep you."

"Xiao Fei, send Mr. Lan off for me."


"Mr. Lan please!"

Lu Fei sent Lan Xiangdong to the gate, and the latter stood still and said.

"Mr. Lu."

"You may know that I am Shaohui's uncle."

"I understand that you and Shaohui had some misunderstandings before. It was because Shaohui was ignorant."

"As your uncle, I apologize to you for him."

"I hope you will get closer and closer in the future, and preferably become friends."

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"That's all in the past. I also did something wrong. Don't be polite, Mr. Lan."

"As for our relationship, you don't have to worry. Master Deng and I are already friends."

"We will meet in Qinhuangdao today at noon!"

"That's good, that's good!"

Lan Xiangdong said, taking out a card from his pocket and handing it to Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu, this is my private number. It is open 24 hours a day."

"If you have any difficulties and need help, as long as it's not a matter of principle, you can always come to me."

"Thank you Mr. Lan!"

"Walk slowly!"

When he got to the car, Lan Xiangdong's expression was extremely excited.

"Mr. Lan, where are we going now?" the driver asked.

"go home!"

As soon as the car drove onto the highway, it was stopped by a middle-aged woman, Deng Shaohui's mother Lan Xiaomei.

"Xiaomei, why are you here?" Lan Xiangdong asked.

"I have something to do with you."

"Get in the car!"

The driver got out of the car to avoid it, and Lan Xiaomei got on.

"What's wrong?"

"Second brother, what did you ask Shaohui to do?"

"Why did you ask so?"

"Second brother, what happened in Jinling was caused by Shaohui, right?" Lan Xiaomei asked.

"Go to work and you don't have to worry about other things."

"Second brother!"

"I don't hate Lu Fei, not at all!"

"Even without Lu Fei, something will happen to Xinhua sooner or later."

"I just want to live a down-to-earth life, so that I will be content."

"I have less

For a child like Hui, he really can't let anything happen to him again. "

"Otherwise, I really won't be able to survive." Lan Xiaomei choked with sobs.

"Xiaomei, are you thinking too much?"

"I have no children and I treat Shaohui as my biological son. How could I harm him?"

"I didn't ask Shaohui to take revenge on Lu Fei. I asked him to turn their hostility into friendship with Lu Fei."

"What happened in Jinling was just an accident." Lan Xiangdong said.

"Second brother!"

"Shaohui is just a child. He should not be involved in your affairs."

"I asked my friends in the UK to register a company for him there. I plan to let Shaohui go to the UK to develop."


"I am at a critical moment now, Shaohui must stay and help me."

"Second brother, your status is already very high now. You can't rush for quick success, haste makes waste!"

"What do you know?"

"Do you know how many people are spying on my location behind my back?"

"If I'm not careful, not only me, but the entire Lan family will be in disaster."

"Within a year, I must be on the same level as Pan Xingzhou. Only in this way can I have a chance in the next election."

"As long as I can take another step forward, our family will be invincible."

"This is a critical moment and you have to take care of the overall situation."

"Besides, I just asked Shao Hui to recruit Lu Fei into the team."

"Lu Fei's influence cannot be underestimated, and just now, Mr. Chen admitted in front of me that Lu Fei is his grandson-in-law."

"Hold Lu Fei, not only can we guarantee performance, but we can also get the support of the Chen family."

"In this way, my chances will be greater, do you understand?" Lan Xiangdong said.

"But Shaohui is still just a child!"

"just in case."

"As long as I'm here, nothing will happen."

"If I can get Shaohui out, I can ensure that he is fine."

"You go to work and don't need to worry about other things."

"I have my own sense of proportion!"

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