A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1578: Pengpi shines

Feeling the envious eyes around her, Liang Hong's mother Zhang Yuhua's face was filled with pride.

The surroundings were peaceful and festive, but today's heroine Liang Hong was the only one with red and swollen eyes and a sad look on her face.

Zhang Yuhua gently twisted Liang Hong under the table and whispered.

"Damn girl, who are you showing off to?"

"Today is your big day, make me happy."


"I have no feelings for Zheng Yan, why are you forcing me?"

"I'm begging you. From now on, I will give all my salary to you. Can you please stop interfering in my affairs?" Liang Hong said aggrievedly.


"That Zheng Zhiwei is just a noodle maker and will never make a difference in his life."

"How can he compare with Zheng Yan?"

"Mom, this is for your own good."

"You are young and ignorant. Mom must keep you in check."

"Stop talking nonsense, you must listen to me today."

"Mom, Zheng Yan and I don't have any feelings at all. I won't be happy being with him."

"If you don't have feelings, take it easy. If you've been together for a long time, you'll have feelings."

"Your dad and I were introduced to each other by someone. We haven't been in love yet. Aren't we living a good life?"

"Honghong, I can warn you."

"All my relatives and friends are here today. If you don't give me face, I will go find that noodle maker later!"

"Mom, I beg you, please don't go, okay?"


"If you don't let me go, just be obedient."

"If you make me lose face, your mother will do anything."

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Zheng Yan's mother Zhang Linyue asked.

"Nothing, nothing!"

"Our family Honghong said that after getting married in the future, she will listen to Zheng Yan in everything." Zhang Yuhua said.

"My mother-in-law, you can't say that."

"Our family, Zheng Yan, is a returnee from overseas and values ​​democracy."

"If a couple lives together, then whoever says the right thing should listen to the other."

"Are you right?" Zhang Linyue said with a smile.



"What my mother-in-law said was great."

"We will feel relieved if Honghong is handed over to an enlightened family like yours."

"Honghong, this is the red envelope sealed by aunt for you. It's eleven thousand yuan. It means wholeheartedness and perfection."

"Auntie, let me tell you, this is not a betrothal gift, it's just a little bit of kindness from uncle and aunt."

"Take this money and buy two pieces of clothes you like to wear later!" Zhang Linyue said.


"My mother-in-law, you are too kind."

"Honghong, why don't you thank your aunt quickly!"

Liang Hong was indifferent to the red envelope and remained silent.

Zhang Yuhua pinched her daughter again and said with a smile.

"Look, mother-in-law, this child is already embarrassed."

"Then I'll take it for my Honghong first."

"Thank you, auntie!"

After a sip of wine, the conversation changed and the two families began to discuss the big day for their two children to get married.

"In-laws, let's go to Yanqing to see the real person Zhao Yuting."

“New Year’s Day is the best day.”

"On the Gregorian New Year, my two children are newly married. They are blessed with good luck and harmony!"

"When the time comes, the banquet will be held here."

"What do you think?" Zheng Yan's father Zheng Qiguang said.

Just when Liang Hong's parents were about to agree, the door of the banquet hall opened and more than twenty young men and women in luxurious clothes walked in.

Seeing these people, the relatives and friends of the two families were stunned for a moment, and then they all stood up.

"Master Li!"

"It's Mr. Li!"

"Hello, Mr. Li."

“Isn’t that Boss Yan Yonghui Yan from Dongcheng District?”

"Hey, why does this young man look so familiar to me?"

"This person seems to be Lu Fei!"


It seems like this is Lu Fei. "

"Oh my God!"

"Why are these great gods here?"

"Didn't the Zheng family book this banquet hall?"

"Are they also here to celebrate?" ??

"My dear, the Zheng family is too proud!"

"Stop talking nonsense, Liang Hong is Boss Li's employee."

"Even if these people are here to celebrate, they are also here for Liang Hong."

"Hey, there's no point in talking so much. Let's make it familiar first."

"If I were supported by these great gods, it would be impossible for me not to have a successful career."

"Hello, Mr. Li!"

"Hello, Boss Lu!"

"Hello, Boss Yan"

There were people singing praises all around, but Lu Fei and others ignored them and went directly to the main table.

Seeing Lu Fei and the others, both parents and Zheng Yan were stunned for a while.

Liang Hong, who had lowered her head and said nothing, was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Li!"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Liang Hong, I went to a noodle shop for dinner yesterday, but I didn't see you."

"Why are you here?"


Liang Hong hesitated, and behind Lu Fei, brother and sister Zheng Zhiwei stood up.

"Liang Hong, follow me." Zheng Zhiwei said.

"You, why are you here too?" Liang Hong asked in surprise.

When Zheng Zhiwei showed up, Liang Hong's parents and Zheng Yan all understood what was going on.

Zheng Yan stood up and pointed at Zheng Zhiwei and said.

"Zheng Zhiwei, today is the day Honghong and I get engaged."

"If you dare to come here to cause trouble, I will never let you go."

"I want to see what you are going to do to him." Lu Fei said lightly.

Not long after Zheng Yan came back from abroad, he really didn't know Lu Fei, and he was even less worried about him.

"Sir, I don't care who you are, please get out right now."

"Otherwise, I'll call security."

Lu Fei smiled coldly.

"I don't have time to talk to you now, so shut up first."

"Liang Hong, let me ask you, do you like Zheng Zhiwei?"


"I'm here, you don't have to be afraid of anything."

"Tell me the truth, do you like Zheng Zhiwei?"


"I want to be with Zheng Zhiwei." Liang Hong said firmly.

"It's done!"

"Leave the rest to me."

"Dapeng, find me the owner of this hotel!" Lu Fei said.

"Okay Fei Ge!"

Dapeng called, and Lu Fei ignored the surprised looks around him, dragged two chairs, and pulled Chen Xiang to sit down generously.

"Boy, who are you?"

"What on earth are you going to do?" Zheng Yan's father asked angrily.

"take it easy!"

"Let me reason."

"As for who I am, you are not qualified to know."

Yichun Hotel is located in Dongcheng District, and the owner Zhang Hai and Yan Yonghui have many business contacts.

Dapeng made a call, and in less than five minutes, Zhang Hai ran in like a storm.

First, he greeted Dapeng politely.

When he saw Yan Yonghui again, he was even more polite.

When he saw Li Yunhe, he felt terrible.

Like a slave, he came over to light Li Yunhe's cigarette.

"Master Li, I didn't know you were here. It's a sin!"

"I'll put a table on the table later, and I hope Mr. Li will show his respect."

Lu Fei looked at Zhang Hai and asked.

"Are you the owner of this hotel?"


"Mr. Lu!"

"Mr. Lu, you are here too!"

"Hello, Mr. Lu, I am Zhang Hai!"

"Welcome Mr. Lu to come and give us guidance. It's really a great success!"

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