A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1580 He is my brother

The household registration was finalized and the Wutong Villa was transferred to Zheng Zhiwei's name. Liang Hong's parents, relatives and friends were shocked.

However, this is not the end!

Lu Fei took out a few more documents and put them on the table.

"That's all the paperwork for three cars."

"This is the property and ownership and management rights of Hongfei Noodle House on Lingbao Street, all in the name of Zheng Zhiwei."

"Currently, Zheng Zhiwei has a deposit of 1.9 million."

"The noodle shop's annual profit is around one million."

"Now I have my household registration, house, car and career."

"I want to ask auntie, can you safely entrust Liang Hong to my brother?" Lu Fei asked. .??.

Liang Hong's parents nodded like a chicken pulling away rice.

"Okay, okay!"

"We didn't know Zheng Zhiwei before."

"If we knew he was Mr. Lu's friend, even if he didn't, we would agree!" Zhang Yuhua said.


"Auntie, you are wrong."

"Zheng Zhiwei is not my friend, he is my brother."

"My best brother, Lu Fei."

"As long as I, Lu Fei, am alive, I can't watch my brother suffer."

"Since uncle and aunt are relieved."

"I think, in a few days, let Xiaowei invite his parents over, and you two can sit down and finalize the marriage directly."

"The date was set and I was told that no matter what I was busy with, I must be there to attend their wedding."


"We all have no problem with that."

Next, Lu Fei asked for another banquet and invited everyone to eat.

After the meal, Liang Hong's parents took Liang Hong back temporarily, Zheng Zhiwei said gratefully.

"Brother Fei, thank you!"

"Thank you so much."

"However, these you gave me are too valuable, I can't take them!"

"Xiaowei, can you act like a man?"

"To tell you the truth, I planned to give you the house and noodle shop a long time ago."

"It's just that I didn't find a suitable venue.

Hey, I'm worried that you will refuse. "

"Don't put any burden on you."

"First, I am not short of money now."

"Besides, these material things are worthless compared to the care you brothers and sisters have given me."

"If you think highly of your Brother Fei, you can accept it with peace of mind."

"No matter when in the future, if you have any difficulties, please call me at any time."

"Thank you, Brother Fei!"

"Brother, don't say this."


"Brother Fei, I'm here!" Wang Hailong came up with a smile.

"Hey, I heard that you are chasing our little sister. Is this true?" Lu Fei asked.


"I just like Zheng Zhihong, there is nothing to hide."

"Brother Fei, don't worry, I will definitely treat my little sister well." Wang Hailong said loudly.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Very good, I read that right, you are indeed a man."

"I'll leave my little sister to you, I'll rest assured."

"However, it is not that simple to marry our little sister back."

"Brother Fei, what do you mean by this?" Wang Hailong asked confused.

"Did you just see the conditions for his brother to marry a wife?"


Hearing what Lu Fei said, Wang Hailong's anus tightened and goosebumps broke out all over his body.

"Brother Fei, you, you can't be"


"Pretty much what you thought."

"It's okay to marry our little sister, but the bride price can't be too shabby."

"My little sister has called me Brother Fei for three years, and I treat her as my own sister."

"It's too shabby. You, Brother Fei, are so shameless to me."

"However, we can't force others to make things difficult for us, is it a standard?

.Just follow Xiaowei’s standards just now. "


"Brother Fei!"

"You, you are a rich man, how can I compare with you?"

"Aren't you looking after your sister-in-law to have a child?"

"You might as well kill me."

Wutong Villa is nearly 100 million. Counting the others, the ones Lu Fei helped Zheng Zhiwei display are worth more than 120 million.

Thinking of this number, Wang Hailong almost cried.

Lu Fei glared at him and said.

"What's wrong?"

"is it a lot?"

"If you don't want to marry, just get out. I don't have anything else over there. There are a lot of singles."

"Brother Fei, stop talking, I, can't I do my best?"

"What do you mean by trying your best?"

"I give you two years, you must do it."

"Besides, I'm not in Bianliang, so you must take good care of their brothers and sisters for me."

"If they make any mistake, I ask for your sake."

"Don't worry, Brother Fei!"

"I promise to complete the mission."

Zheng Zhiwei's matter has come to an end for the time being.

In the afternoon, Lu Fei was blocked by two girls, Liang Ruyi and Song Xiaojiao, who forced Lu Fei to take them on a shopping spree.

Of course it was hard for Lu Fei to refuse.

The next day, Lu Fei called Song Jinfeng to Huali Village.

"Xiao Fei is here!"

"Come in, come in!"

"Miss me so much!"

Zhu Tianbao was extremely excited when he saw Lu Fei.

"Second uncle!"

"Hey, don't call me that. You'd better call me Lao Zhutou, which is fine." Zhu Dahai said.

"That's not okay!"

"Tianbao is my brother. From this point of view, you are the elder."

"If nothing else, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Song from Jinfeng Real Estate Development Company."

"And my best friend."

Zhu Dahai smiled slightly.

"You don't need to introduce me, Mr. Song and I have known each other for a long time."

"Stop at the door and come in for tea!"

"We'll have lunch here."

"no problem!"

The chef was arranged to prepare lunch, and Zhu Dahai personally made tea for Lu Fei and Lu Fei.

"Tianbao sent me a photo of his girlfriend."

"Xiao Fei, you are so interesting. You are simply a great benefactor to our Zhu family!"

"What's wrong with being a benefactor is that Tianbao has the ability."

"I came here this time, firstly, to see you and tell you that Tianbao is fine."

"In addition, as entrusted by Tianbao, I am going to renovate your house."

"Build a house?" Zhu Dahai said somewhat unexpectedly.

"That's right!"

"It's winter now, so construction is temporarily unavailable."

"But take this time to prepare all the materials first."

"I gave the task of renovating the house to Brother Song. I will ask Brother Song's people to measure it later and come back to design the drawings."

"Construction will start immediately in the coming spring."

"I wanted to open a hotel or buy you a house in the city."

"However, I'm afraid you'll get bored by yourself, so you might as well go to Jubao Pavilion to help."

"After the house is built, how about we come back and open a farmhouse?" Lu Fei asked.

"No, just wait!"

"My house is fine, why do I need to renovate it?" Zhu Dahai asked.

"Don't worry, all the expenses will be paid by Tianbao. Tianbao is not short of money now."

"It's not about money."

"My house was only built eight years ago, so there is absolutely no need to rebuild it."

"You can pull him down!"

"The style of your house is outdated."

"You can't let Tianbao and his wife get married here, right?"

"Tianbao, get married?"


"Flip the lid, you must flip the lid!"

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