A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1588 I have a problem with my thinking

There are still ten hours left until the opening of the Treasure Fighting Conference.

An armed escort, escorted by hundreds of security guards, slowly drove to the west gate of the stadium.

Dozens of professional teams and lifting machinery escorted dozens of boxes of different sizes with numbers printed on them into the warehouse.

"Be gentle!"

"These are valuable items and must be handled with care."

"According to the number, odd numbers are placed on this side, and even numbers are placed on the other side." .??.

"Hey, put those two boxes inward and make sure the passage is clear."

Supervise all the boxes to be put away, and the little dog takes the list and hands it over to Li Shengnan.

"Sister Li, Brother Yang, from now on, this place will be left to you."

"You must watch carefully!"

"Little Loach, what the hell do you mean?"

"Are you worried that I will steal Feidi's things?" Li Shengnan shouted.

"No, absolutely not."

"Sister Li, please don't misunderstand me!"


"If you keep trying, I can't beat you to death."

"Calm down, you must be calm, Sister Li."

"You will not only get acne if you are so irritable, but may also cause physiological disorders, in mild cases."

"You bastard, if you dare to tease me, I think you are just looking for a beating!"


The little puppy ran away, and when he got outside, he happened to meet Tan Xingchen who was giggling.

"What are you doing here?" asked the little puppy.

"I'll accompany Katsuo!"


"It's so damn disgusting!"

"Old Tan, I'm not talking about you."

"With your looks, what kind of girl can't you pick up?"

"Why do you have to be obsessed with this dominatrix?"

"Can you, kid, hold back your yelling?"


"I just like Katsuo's character."

"We have already agreed that we will get married next year. Bless us!"


! "


"I want to bless you, but not you. I want to wish you an early ascension to bliss."

"It's not that my brother cursed you to marry her. If you can live past forty, then I will lose."

"Bless yourself!"

The two were chatting and joking when another armed escort convoy came over and stopped at the entrance of Warehouse No. 2.

The motorcade had plaster flags planted, and the number was more than double that of our own side.

A dozen sturdy men got out of the cars in front.

One of them, the little puppy still remembers it, it was Watanabe Yuichi who was abused at Phoenix Villa.

Watanabe Yuichi glared at the puppy from a distance and ordered the personnel to start unloading the truck.

The exquisitely packed boxes of different sizes were unloaded and sent to the warehouse, while the little puppy silently counted them aside.

The number was calculated clearly, a total of one hundred and thirty-nine pieces.

There were nearly twice as many as here, and the little milk dog was shocked.

"Old Tan, I have to leave beforehand. I wish you the best!"

The little milk dog Feng Feng Huo Huo returned to Purple Mountain Villa, and Lu Fei was drinking tea with seniors such as Fang Lao Duan and Lao Duan.

Calling Lu Fei aside, the little dog reported what he saw truthfully.

"Brother, Yoshida has prepared so much, can you hold back your yelling?"

"What's the point of having so many games in fifteen games?" Lu Fei said.

"You can't say that. There are many things and many choices."

"With more choices, there will be a lot of changes on the spot. These are all advantages!"

"Whether it's an advantage or a disadvantage, is it too late to talk about it now?"

"Don't worry about me, I know what's going on."

"I'm looking for something to do with you!"

"What's going on?"

"Why didn't I see your sister-in-law today?"

"Not only Xiang'er, Xinyi, Jiaqi and your Duan Qingyi, none of these women are here.


"Where did they go?" Lu Fei asked.

"Holy shit!"

"Brother, you have quite a problem with your thinking right now!"

"It's okay if you miss my sister-in-law Xinyi, sister Jiaqi. If you even miss my wife, are you still a human being?"

"Seducing the second sister-in-law is a taboo in the world. I want to break off our relationship with you."

"Get out!"

"I'm telling you something serious!"

"Where did they go?"

"Is anyone following?"

"Is nothing going to happen?" Lu Fei asked.

"If you ask me, who should I ask?"

"I don't have your hobby. All women pay attention."


"Brother Fei!"

"Someone is looking for you outside!" Ji Yong said.


"He said his name is Wei Dongyu!"




"I'll go out myself."

Lu Fei and the other three came to the entrance of the villa. Standing outside were four young men and women, none other than the fat Wei Dongyu, a student in the Department of Archeology of Tiandu University.

Next to him are three of his good classmates, Zhang Jie, Chen Qianhua and Yao Lina.

Seeing Lu Fei, the four of them waved excitedly.

Asking someone to open the door, Lu Fei hurriedly greeted him.

"Dong Yu, why are you here?"

"Senior, we came to Jinling specifically to cheer you on."

"We met Mr. Qian outside the venue. He told me you were here, so we rushed over."

"I won't cause any trouble to you, right?" Wei Dongyu said.

"No, no!"

"I'm really glad you can come."

"To be honest, I wanted to inform you before, but I didn't because I was worried about your studies."

"Since they are here, you will come with me tonight, Xiaolong, and arrange them in the first row!"

"Okay dear brother!"

"Thank you, senior."

"You are here to cheer me on, so I want to thank you."

"Have you had lunch?"

"Senior, we are not hungry!"


"Ji Yong, hurry up and arrange the meals."


Lu Fei was really happy to see Wei Dongyu and others.

Since his debut, all he has been exposed to is money and power. Lu Fei has become a little numb to this.

Seeing these junior students, Lu Fei can recall every bit of his time on campus.

There was no intrigue, no conflict of interest, and I felt extremely relaxed.

The meals were arranged and Lu Fei personally accompanied them.

"How are your studies lately?" Lu Fei asked.

"Don't worry, senior, we are all fine."

"On Saturdays and Sundays, we often go to Liulichang Jubao Pavilion to help."

“There, we gained some more practical knowledge, which was of great help to us,” Yao Lina said.

"Are you going to help in the store?"

"How come I don't know about this?"

"Have Mr. Gu paid you wages?"

"We help to learn, and of course we can't ask for wages."

"Senior, can I ask you a question?" Chen Qianhua said.

"No problem at all!"

"I would like to ask, senior, are you sure you can win against the people from the island country?"

"Well, let's keep this secret for now."

"But I promise, I will try my best not to disappoint you!"


"I knew the senior was the best!"

"Dong Yu, eat slowly!"

"There is a recreation room in the back. You can play whatever you want later."

"I have some guests here, so I won't accompany you."

"Later, let's set off together!"


"Thank you, senior!"

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