After intense discussion and a show of hands, Lu Fei finally got the advantage.

But just when Guan Haishan was about to announce the result, Lu Fei himself raised objections.

What Lu Fei questioned was not the result, but the previous evaluation of the twelve zodiac animal heads by the referee team that was not rigorous.

"Dear referees, your previous valuation of the snake head was 800 million knives, right?"

"That's right!"

"Didn't this come with your consent?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Yes, I do agree with the price."

"But when converted into Shenzhou coins, the price given by the referee team is somewhat watery."

"Today's exchange rate is one to six and sixty-three."

"Eight hundred million dollars, converted into Chinese currency, is 5.312 billion."

"You can remove the odd bits and calculate it to 5.3 billion."

"But erasing those 300 million won't work."

"This is no small sum of money."


Everyone rolled their eyes when they heard this.


"I won so much in this round, and yet I still have to worry about the small change. This is too pretentious!"


"That's not three hundred and three thousand, that's more than three hundred million!"

"Don't talk about individuals, how much does a chicken drop fart in a town cost?"

"Lu Fei is planning carefully, okay?"

"You can only live in poverty if you don't have enough food and clothing, and you don't have enough money to calculate it. This is how people live their lives!"

"I firmly support Lu Fei"

Lu Fei made this request, which really surprised the referee team.

"Mr. Yoshida, do you agree with what Mr. Lu Fei said?"

Before Yoshida could speak, Lu Fei spoke again.

"This is a matter of fact, and I don't think it is necessary to seek Mr. Yoshida's consent."

"If he has any objections, he can make an exception and pay me 800 million U.S. dollars. In this way, I can earn an additional 12 million U.S. dollars."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Yoshida Ohno was extremely angry.

However, he was in no mood to argue with Lu Fei at this time.

Immediately agreed to Lu Fei's request.

The referee team re-evaluated the value and gave the single animal head an estimated value of 5.3 billion Chinese coins.

"I will announce that Mr. Lu Fei won the first round."

"According to the rules, Mr. Yoshida should pay the other party the difference of 5.3 billion Chinese dollars."

"Please ask the financial management teams of both parties to hand over, and the second game will begin immediately."


"Come on Lu Fei!"

"Come on Lu Fei."

The victory was successful and the scene was filled with joy again.

There are no entertainment programs in the No. 1 studio hall of Bashu TV Station in Jincheng today.

Several hundred of Jincheng's political and business leaders, as well as Lu Fei's relatives and friends, gathered here to watch the live broadcast of the Baobao Conference.

Seeing Lu Fei's victory in the first battle, this place became a sea of ​​celebration.

Xia Kai raised his arms and shouted until his voice became hoarse, but he still enjoyed it.

"Yao Mei'er!"

"Brother Fei is so awesome."

"Don't worry, I will be like Fei Ge in the future."

"I will definitely make you happy for a lifetime."


"You bastard!"

"When you see Lu Fei in front of a noble man, why don't you tell him when he suffered?"

"I don't want to be rich, I just want to live in peace and contentment for the rest of my life." Yao Meier said.


"I listen to you."

"From now on, we will run the hotpot city well and be equally happy."


"What happened again?"

"Guard this shabby hot pot city for the rest of your life, let's see what potential you have."

"Can't you learn from Lu Fei?"


"I won't say anything anymore. From today on, you will

I just do whatever I want, okay? "

"You're a bitch!"

"Not like a man!"

Xia Kai suddenly felt hopeless.

"Dear viewers, the referee team determined that Mr. Lu Fei won the first round."

"The second game of treasure fighting will begin immediately."

"In the second game, it was still Mr. Yoshida Ohno who took the lead in revealing his treasure."

"Mr. Yoshida's team is invited to come on stage."

The music started, and three beauties in kimonos came out of the passage again.

The two people behind were pushing a treasure cart, and covered with a red cloth was a long box.

Seeing the beautiful woman in the lead, the audience cheered again.

"I go!"

"Murakashi Karashi!"

"Let me tell you, isn't this the star of a small movie?"

"That's right, it's Murakami Karin."

"This is my idol in high school!"

"Sister Huali fulfilled all my fantasies about beautiful women back then!"

"It is said that her appearance fee is quite expensive. If you can invite her, the Yoshida family is really powerful!"

"Sister Huali, I love you!"

"Sister Huali, have you released any new works recently?"

"Sister Huali, can you tell me how many actors you have worked with?"

"Lao Zhang, what is this little movie they call?" Fatty Wang asked.

"You don't even know this?"


"If I want to know, can I ask you?"

"I knew the big screen was awesome, but I didn't expect small movie actors to be so popular!"

“Are short films a trend in the island country?”



"Fat man, you idiot, you're going to make me laugh to death."

"Lao Zhang, what on earth is that? What's so funny about it?" Fu Yuliang asked.

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