A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1620 Can’t stand it anymore

Horton valued the value at 24 billion Chinese coins, while Bo John and the two island country referees insisted on 17 billion.

Once again, huge differences of opinion emerged.

After discussion, a compromise plan was finally determined, and Lu Fei's set of Ru Kiln Eight-part Tianlong was valued at 20 billion.

To be honest, based on Yoshida Ohno's Ge Kiln porcelain Buddha as a reference, this estimate is much lower.

Therefore, Yoshida Ohno accepted it without hesitation.

"Mr. Lu Fei, do you have any objection to the valuation of 20 billion?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Logically speaking, I am quite dissatisfied with this valuation." ??

"However, in order not to delay the progress of the conference, I will bear the pain and suffer a small loss."

"Twenty billion, just twenty billion!"

"Lu Fei, don't act like a good boy even though you're getting an advantage."

"Twenty billion, you have made a lot, okay?" Yoshida Ohno said.

"shut up!"

"Whoever takes advantage of this game knows very well."

"If you say one more nonsense, I will immediately ask for reconsideration!"

"I will never agree to less than 25 billion," Lu Fei said.


Yoshida Ohno's face was livid with anger, but he didn't dare to refute.

If Lu Fei seriously filed for reconsideration, even if he could not reach the 25 billion he requested, he would still have to spend an extra ten or two billion.

Faced with such a huge loss, Yoshida really didn't dare to challenge Lu Fei.

"Since both of you have no objections, I declare that the final result of the fourth game is"

"Wait a moment!"

Halfway through Guan Haishan's words, a shout came from the audience.

Everyone followed the voice and looked over. The speaker was an old man in a suit in the middle of the second row.

Seeing this man, Guan Haishan and Lu Fei frowned in unison.

Because it was no one else who interrupted Guan Haishan, but his senior brother Feng Feng.

Before, people were worried that there would be trouble at the peak.

But after four rounds of Dou Bao, Gao Feng always performed his duties honestly. Everyone has

I have relaxed my vigilance against him.

Unexpectedly, Gao Feng couldn't help but stood up at this time.

The veterans in the front row and Lu Fei's friends all became nervous.

"Elder brother, do you have something to say?" Guan Haishan stood up and asked.

Gao Feng came to the treasure fighting stage and said with an easy-going expression.

"Everyone, don't be nervous. There is also your third brother. Senior brother is a private title. It is not appropriate to call me senior brother here."

"Some of you know me, and some don't."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Gao Feng, and I am the leader of China Cultural Protection."

"I have no other intention of standing up. I just want to ask Mr. Lu Fei a question."

The treasure fighting conference was stopped by Wen Bao, which is not normal even if you think about it with your buttocks.

In addition, Gao Feng and Lu Fei have a long-standing feud, and it can be said that everyone knows about it.

The so-called weasel pays New Year greetings to the rooster. It is definitely not a good thing for Gao Feng to stand up.

The entire audience held their breath and focused on Gao Feng and Lu Fei.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Mr. Gao, what you just introduced is not very comprehensive."

"As far as I know, you are the acting leader, right?"


"That's right!"

"I am indeed an agent."

"But whether I'm an agent or not, as long as I stand in this position for one second, I have to be serious and responsible, right?"

"Mr. Lu Fei, please don't be nervous. I just want to ask you a simple question."

"I want to know where your set of eight-part Tianlong of Ru porcelain from Fenghua comes from."

"Don't mind, this is my responsibility after all!" Gao Feng said.


When Gao Feng asked, there was a commotion in the venue.

"I'm coming!"

"I'm telling you, this old guy definitely didn't hold his fart in properly."

"This is deliberately looking for trouble!"

"Damn it!"

"Lu Fei is fighting for treasure with a kid, and Gao Feng, as a Chinese, is actually stumbling upon his own compatriots. He's really not a thing!" ??

"I think he just wants to take this opportunity to take revenge on Tasha Fei."

"Who says it isn't?"

"It is better to offend a gentleman than a villain."

"This old kid Gao Feng is a villain."

"If it hadn't been for Tao Shao Fei to repay evil with kindness and let him go, this old kid would still be eating steamed buns in the prison cell right now!"

"This person wants to take revenge as soon as he gains power. He is simply not human!"

"Hey, Baoshaifei is too soft-hearted."

"If I had known this guy was a white-eyed wolf, I shouldn't have let him out in the first place."

The audience and veterans were indignant and talking about it.

Yoshida Ohno and his shareholders were extremely excited.

They never dreamed that a leader of cultural protection would step forward to investigate Lu Fei at this time.

If something is found, Lu Fei's treasure will not only be confiscated, but he may also be involved in a lawsuit.

If so, Yoshida Ohno is likely to win without a fight.


This is an unexpected surprise!

Lu Fei looked sideways at Deng Shaohui in the audience, who shook his head with an innocent look.

Turning back to look at Gaofeng, Lu Fei smiled lightly.

"Mr. Gao, before I answer your question, I need to understand something."

"Mr. Lu, please tell me everything I know." Gao Feng said.

"I would like to ask Mr. Gao, which identity do you represent in these questions?"

"Is it the leader of the cultural preservation agency, or the leader of the cultural relics investigation team?"

Lu Fei's words shocked the veterans.

"Investigation team?"

"What investigation team?"

"Why haven't you heard of it before?"

"No need to guess, if Baoshaifei dares to say that, it must be true."

"No wonder I didn't recognize the people around Gao Feng. They turned out to be members of the investigation team!"

"If it's really an investigation team, then it's not just Gao Feng's problem. Maybe it's the higher ups."


"You can eat randomly, but don't dare to talk nonsense."


"Let's see what Gao Feng says first."

Gao Feng smiled and said.

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Lu. No matter what your identity is, it's my responsibility."

"Please forgive me!"

"That's not okay!"

"I have to ask what identity you represent now."

"This is very important to me." Lu Fei said.

"In this case, I can only say that I am currently representing the identity of the leader of the investigation team."

"is this okay?"

"No problem at all!"

"Since you represent the leader of the investigation team, please ask Mr. Gao to show me the authorization letter!"

"I cannot identify you without a warrant."

"If I can't admit it, then I have no obligation to answer you."

"Do you think so?" Lu Fei asked.

Lu Fei asked for the authorization letter, and Gao Feng's face suddenly darkened.


"Mr. Gao, you personally said that you represent the leader of the investigation team. You don't have a letter of authorization!"

"Mr. Lu, you have read my authorization letter before. Do you need to read it again?" Gao Feng asked.

"I didn't see it clearly last time, now I have to take a look."

"This is my legitimate request and your obligation."

"You think so?"

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