A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1627 Give you a chance

"Mr. Lu Fei, our referee team has identified this partial "Picture of Admonitions for Women's History" as an authentic work by Gu Kaizhi."

"Excuse me, do you agree with this identification result?" Guan Haishan asked.

"I also saw this painting just now, and my opinion is the same as that of the referees."

"Coupled with the scientific basis provided by Academician Xu, there is no doubt."

"I agree that this is Gu Kaizhi's authentic work!" Lu Fei said.

Yoshida Ohno came to Lu Fei and said seriously.

"To be honest, I hate your arrogant and domineering character!"

"But I have to admit that I really appreciate your respect and understanding of the collection!"


"You don't have to put a high hat on me!"

"This is my attitude towards the collection, no one else needs to judge it."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he returned to his seat, his face suddenly darkened.

"Since both parties have no objection to the identification results, let's evaluate this painting, which is the only one that is confirmed to be authentic by Gu Kaizhi so far."

"Which referee comes first?" Guan Haishan asked.

Kawasaki Furuyama stood up and said.

"I'll go first!"

"This is the only authentic work by Gu Kaizhi. To be honest, it is indeed difficult to appraise this work."

“However, it’s not completely without reference!”

"Ten years ago, dozens of professionals valued the British Museum's nine-section Tang version of the "Proverbs of Women's History" at 330 million pounds."

"Equivalent to more than three billion Shenzhou coins."

“This price can be used as a reference!”

"The first reason why copies of Tang editions command such high prices is the extremely high reputation and historical background of "The Picture of Women's History"."

"Secondly, even though it is a copy of the Tang Dynasty edition, the industry believes that it is the closest to the original work."

"Not only is it ill-fated, but it's also the only one left alone, so it has such a high valuation."

“Copy works have attracted worldwide attention, and I don’t need to explain the significance of the original works.”

"Based on the valuation of the works copied from the Tang Dynasty edition

Basically, I don’t think it’s too much to pay three times the premium for an authentic piece. "

"So, I value this authentic "Picture of Women's Proverbs" at 10 billion Shenzhou coins!"


When the price of 10 billion was quoted, there was a commotion in the venue.

"Good guy!"

“Is this price too outrageous?”

"It's less than two square feet, even if it's an authentic work by Gu Kaizhi, it's not worth that much, right?"

"Such a high valuation makes the works of other masters feel embarrassed."

Kawasaki Furuyama is valued at 10 billion, and Nagano Koo certainly agrees.

Holden looked at Fatty Wang and asked.

"Mr. Wang, this is your first evaluation as a backup referee."

"I would very much like to hear your opinion."


"Then let me tell you!"

"What I want to say is that as referees, we should consider all factors in our evaluation."

“The most fair valuation can be given by taking all factors into consideration.”

"Gu Kaizhi's authentic works are indeed precious, this is an undoubted fact!"

"However, there is one thing that must be paid attention to."

"Mr. Yoshida Ohno's "Picture of Proverbs for Women's History" is incomplete!"

"The original "Pictures of Admonitions of Women's History" has a total of twelve sections and is nearly four meters in length."

"And Mr. Yoshida's work is only the first two sections, that is to say, it is only a partial part."

"Only one-sixth of the original work."

“Whether it is in the archaeological world or the collection world, the most intuitive point to judge the value is completeness and incompleteness.”

"Whether it's a rare treasure or an unparalleled treasure."

"As long as it is damaged, the value will be greatly reduced."

"I said this,

Some may disagree. "

"Some people would say that the Tang Dynasty copy work in the British Museum is also incomplete."

"That's right!"

"indeed so!"

"However, only three sections of that work are missing."

"Based on this, I think the valuation given by the two island referees is exaggerated."

"But after all, this is the only authentic work of Gu Kaizhi that has been confirmed so far, and it is of great historical significance."

"I think it's most appropriate to value this authentic painting at five billion Shenzhou coins." .??.??

"Otherwise, I think it is an insult to other masters' handed down works."

"If Gu Kai's authentic work appears again in the future, it will be more difficult to define its value."

"It may even disrupt the balance of the collection of calligraphy and painting works."

"That's my point."

Holden nodded and said.

"Mr. Wang has the same idea as me."

"No matter how famous Gu Kaizhi is, he who is disabled will be disabled."

"I agree with the valuation given by Mr. Wang!"

"I think this price is the most reasonable."

Bill and Wang Zhenbang also agreed on the valuation of 5 billion.

However, Guan Haishan felt that five billion was somewhat low.

After several minutes of discussion, the authentic painting by Yoshida Ohno was finally valued at six billion Chinese coins.

This price has exceeded Yoshida Ohno's expectations, and he is very satisfied with this.

"Lu Fei, you respect the collection so much, don't you have any objection to this valuation?" Yoshida Ohno asked.


"That's good!"

"By the way, what are you going to do in response to this round?"

"As far as I know, except for a few national treasures in the Shenzhou Museum."

"For calligraphy and painting works, this valuation is already a ceiling."

"So, you must be careful when you choose, don't let me lose

Hope! "

Lu Fei said with a faint smile.

"Yoshida, how about I discuss something with you?"

"what's up?"

"Your painting is valued at six billion."

"Then how about you sell it to me at this price?"

"As long as you are willing to sell, I can admit defeat in this game."


"Mr. Lu Fei, is there something wrong with your mind?"

"If you can't match it, I can still get a hefty price difference compensation."

"Do you think I would be stupid enough to make a private deal with you?" Yoshida Ohno sneered.


"I'm not begging you, but giving you a chance!"

"Would you like to consider my suggestion?"

"Don't think about it!"

"I can tell you for sure, it's impossible!"

"If you want to get this painting, you must win this round."

"Otherwise, this authentic painting of Gu Kaizhi will be the last time he comes to China."

"Dear Mr. Lu Fei, please don't waste everyone's time."

"It's your turn to show off your treasure."


"There is a saying in China: The King of Hell wants you to die at the third watch, but who dares to keep you until the fifth watch?"

"I gave you a chance and you couldn't seize it, so don't blame me for being unjust." Lu Fei said.


"Stop scaring me!"

"I don't believe I can't beat you in this round."

"Please reveal your treasure immediately, and we will see the real seal on the treasure fighting stage."

"All right!"

"Originally I didn't plan to kill them all, but you didn't understand my good intentions."

"Since you are so anxious, I will help you."

"Xiaolong tells the back to prepare immediately."

"Bring me number 50."

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