A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1632 Prodigal

After deciding on the plan, the three companies discussed the division of labor.

Hou Yuhai, his wife and Yang Guang were responsible for financial preparation and purchasing the required raw materials.

The Liu brothers specialize in technology.

After reaching an agreement, the three-party signing was immediately prepared.

But the ideal is very fulfilling. If it is implemented seriously, the funds required are completely beyond the imagination of Hou Yuhai and Yang Guang.

Just buying the red sandalwood aniseed cost them all their savings.

With no other choice, the two had no choice but to sell their shares and look for investment.

Within a year, nine more collectors participated.

Due to the addition of these nine people, the shares of Hou Yuhai and Yang Guang were diluted to less than 10%.

Such a situation made them shaken from their original aspirations and became extremely jealous of the Liu brothers who took technical stakes.

There was also a gradual estrangement between the company and other shareholders.

Two years later, half of "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" was completed.

However, the total investment of nearly 20 million by shareholders has been exhausted.

Without money, there is no way to buy raw materials.

There are only two roads in front of you.

First, shoddy goods are replaced with expensive natural gemstones with inferior or synthetic jade and jade.

But this article was directly rejected by the Liu brothers.

The original intention of this project was to perfectly restore "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains".

Substituting inferior quality products essentially loses its meaning, and the Liu brothers would certainly not agree.

The second way is to continue to attract investment.

But to attract investment, you must give up your shares.

The shares of other shareholders are already very rare, and if they are diluted, they will lose their presence at all.

Ever since, all shareholders approached the Liu brothers and discussed letting them give up their shares for financing.

The Liu brothers disagreed and insisted on acting in accordance with the contract.

As a result, the shareholders who had been grudged for a long time completely exploded.

Founders Hou Yuhai and Yang Guang took the lead in proposing to dissolve the partnership.

The raw materials are required to be sold, and everyone takes the money and leaves.

They put it forward, and other shareholders immediately responded.

But the Liu brothers have already developed feelings for the masterpiece they have worked so hard for over the past three years and do not want to give up anyway.

In the end, the Liu brothers sold their ancestral property, borrowed money from relatives and friends, and returned 80% of the capital invested by all shareholders.

All shareholders withdrew their capital and left, and the unfinished project fell into the hands of the Liu brothers.

I want to continue, but unfortunately I don’t have the funds.

Continuing to look for investment, but worried about learning from the past, the Liu brothers decided to put the project on hold for the time being and switch to business.

If you make money, continue the project.

If you can't make money, you can only resign yourself to fate.

Perhaps God is wise, but just when the Liu brothers were preparing to go into business, domestic policies changed, and the timber business suddenly boomed.

In half a year, the price of lumber has more than quintupled.

The Liu family has been carpenters for generations, and their family has accumulated thousands of cubic meters of high-quality logs.

There is also a 30-hectare forest farm. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two brothers made tens of millions.

With capital, the two brothers established a trading company specializing in timber import and export.

The wood imported from Southeast Asia is sold back to China, and then the processed solid wood furniture is exported to developed countries such as island countries, Singapore, and Malaysia to make huge profits.

After more than two years of hard work, the brothers' assets exceeded 50 million.

And made many business partners.

At this time, the two brothers were determined to restart the project that had been shelved two years ago and continue to complete "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains."

Tutoring friends help find what you need

of various raw materials.

The two brothers continued their projects while doing business.

The first half took the two brothers two years to produce wholeheartedly.

In the second half, I was busy with business while looking for high-quality materials.

It took eleven years, with a total cost of more than 100 million, and the masterpiece "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains", a wood carving and inlaid masterpiece, was finally completed.

When the work came out, it immediately caused a sensation all over the world.

World-famous auction houses, famous collectors from all over the world, and countless wealthy businessmen came here one after another, intending to pay a sky-high price to acquire this masterpiece.

One of the wealthy British businessmen offered the Liu brothers a price of 230 million pounds.

The equivalent of more than 2 billion Shenzhou coins.

This was an unimaginably high price in 2001.

Faced with the temptation of huge amounts of money, the Liu brothers kept their original aspirations and refused to sell.

This original intention won high praise from Kong Fanlong, the then general consultant of China's historical and archaeological research.

Kong Fanlong personally came to Quanzhou and helped the Liu brothers go through the relevant procedures for the private museum free of charge.

Since then, this work has been officially displayed to the world.

Immediately afterwards, countless museums at home and abroad spent huge sums of money to rent this work for exhibition.

As it was exhibited, the work became more and more famous and its value increased.

Everyone in Yang Guang who had withdrawn their shares before felt regretful.

But just when the Liu family was at its peak, there were sudden changes in the family.

In the autumn of this year, the Liu brothers went to Indonesia to discuss timber business and were killed in a forest farm. Both of them died.

Some people say that the Liu brothers died in a foreign land because they were persecuted by shareholders such as Yang Guanghou Yuhai.

There are also reports that he was robbed and killed by local gangsters.

No matter which theory it was, it was ultimately not confirmed.

As a result, billions of dollars in wealth and museums, along with

It was logical that it was inherited by Liu Yuheng, the only descendant of the two Liu brothers.

Liu Yuheng was only twenty-one years old at that time.

After suddenly inheriting such a large family fortune, I learned bad things within half a year.

They show off their wealth by eating, drinking, gambling, and showing off their wealth, and they don't care about business.

A year later, the trading company that my father and uncle worked so hard for was defrauded by its employees.

Two years later, hundreds of millions in wealth were squandered.

By this time, it would not be too late for Liu Yuheng to stabilize.

Just the rent from the wood carving and gem-set "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" was enough for him to make a comeback.

But Liu Yuheng, who had already developed the habit of spending a lot of money, only got worse.

Not only did he play locally, he even went to Myanmar to gamble.

Out of consideration for his father and uncle, Kong Fanlong personally tried to persuade him, but to no avail. Liu Yuheng continued his craziness and extravagance.

Half a year later, Liu Yuheng owed more than 20 million in gambling debts and fell from the rich second generation to the negative second generation.

However, this prodigal son still has no regrets.

He sold his property to pay off his gambling debts, closed the museum, and entered the casino again.

Two months later, Liu Yuheng suddenly started complaining again.

Driving a luxury car, going in and out of high-end hotels, surrounded by hordes of bodyguards.

When the news reached Kong Fanlong's ears, the old man was shocked and suspected that the prodigal son had sold "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains".

The old man immediately sent people to investigate, but before he could find out the news about "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains", he received the fact that Liu Yuheng was assassinated by his creditors on Hong Kong Island.

After further investigation, it was found that the masterpiece "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains", a wood carving and gem-set masterpiece that the Liu brothers had worked hard on for eleven years, was missing.

It is unclear whether he was sold by Liu Yuheng.

There is no clue as to whose hands the treasure fell.

In the more than ten years since then, this treasure has not been seen again.

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