A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1641 Shadow Bone

Master Kongyuan opened the golden coffin without daring to take a look inside. He chanted the Buddha's name and quickly knelt down to worship.

A close-up shot appeared on the big screen, and the audience stared carefully at it.

There is a thick yellow bottom inside the golden coffin.

On the mat is a dark yellow bone the size of the cap of your thumb.

There are also nine oval-shaped spheres about the size of the thumb's belly.

Five are white, and two are black and red.

"I go!"

"Is this the relic?"


"its not right!"

"In the TV series, the relic has magical power."

"Even a relic with average power should be exposed to the glow of the sun!"

"But when I look at these beads, they look like glass marbles?"


"Don't dare to speak nonsense. If you offend the Buddha, you will be punished by heaven."

"It doesn't matter if you die, but don't implicate us."

"Depend on!"

"Is it as serious as you say?"

"How not?"

"You see, those monks are so scared that they are kneeling down, let alone us."

"That's right, let's keep a close eye on it!"

"Don't talk nonsense. It's better to believe that Buddhas and gods exist than to believe that they don't exist."

The audience was puzzled, and the little puppy was even more confused.

"Brother, are those relics inside?"


"The big triangular one is the shadow bone of the parietal bone."

"Those nine beads are the induction relics." Lu Fei said.

"What is the parietal shadow bone?"

"The parietal bones are the skull bones."

"Shadow Bone means fake."



"Keep your voice down!"


"What a surprise."\u003c


"its not right!"

"Ever since I got the Falun Dzi Bead, whenever I meet a Buddhist treasure, I have some inexplicable feelings."

"I've experimented with this many times, it's quite evil."

"I just felt very comfortable when I saw these things."

"It's much more comfortable than the last time I went to Daxiangguo Temple to worship Buddha."

"With this feeling, how could he be fake?" asked the little puppy.

"That's right!"

"It's indeed fake."

"In the past, people had different ideas. Some emperors revered Buddhism and would expand aggressively and give Buddhism all the conveniences."

"Some people like it, and some don't."

"If you don't like it, you will find ways to destroy it."

"The religious civilization of every country has suffered more or less devastating blows."

"In order to prevent the real body relics from being damaged or lost in times of disaster, shadow bones exist."

"After Sakyamuni passed away, his disciples used jade to make shadow bones according to the shape and size of real bones."

"The shadow bone is the shadow of the spiritual bone, which should appear to prove the immortality of the spiritual bone."

"Buddhist circles believe that shadow bones and spiritual bones are not identical."

"Mr. Zhao Puchu praised: "The shadows and bones are neither the same nor different, they are as clear as the reflection of three rivers in a month. ""

"Although it may seem fake, after more than two thousand years of chanting and blessing by countless eminent monks, the fake one is also a treasure of Buddhism."

"Your kid has a predestined relationship with Buddha, so it's not surprising that you have some special feelings."

"However, you must not show off this kind of thing outside."



"If the monks you sincerely worship Buddha know that you have a connection with Buddhism, they will definitely make you become a monk."

"If you don't agree, he

They will try their best to rely on you. "

"You can't hide even if you want to."

"Oh my god!"

The little puppy suddenly broke into a cold sweat when he heard it.

"Brother, you, please help me!"

"I am the only member of the Di family, and I have a fortune of hundreds of billions waiting for me to inherit it!"

"I don't want to become a monk!"

"How about I give you the Dzi Bead and I don't want it, okay?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you are destined to it, that is your boy's blessing."

"As long as you keep your mouth shut and don't talk nonsense, there will be absolutely no problem." Lu Fei said.

"is that so?"

"Okay, brother, don't worry, I will never say anything nonsense."

"By the way, is that relic real?" the little nanny asked.


"Depend on!"


"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to use harsh words."

"Brother, this pagoda is so awesome, why are all the items enshrined in it fake?"

"Isn't this a little bit like that?"

"That's called induction relic, and its properties are the same as shadow bones."

"The big ones are shadow bones, and the small ones are induction beads, also called sacrificial relics."

"According to Buddhist scriptures, all seven Buddhist treasures can be used as shadow bone relics."

"Among them, the most common is a white particle that looks like agate balls."

"Due to the condensation of spiritual energy for more than a thousand years, its surface is as delicate and smooth as jade, and a trace of flesh-like precious light can be seen under side light. The sphere is extremely strong."

"It is worth mentioning that this kind of shadow bone relic is not only the same in shape as the real spiritual bone relic, but also has the same color as the spiritual bone relic, including white, black, red and other colors."

"Shadow bone relics are generally accompanied by spiritual bones and gathered in the same place."

“Some of them were accompanied by eminent monks when they were passing away and sitting in a cathedral, and more were born from the golden coffins and silver coffins in the underground palace of the spiritual pagoda, and were with the real monks.

The body, soul, and bones are nourished together. "

"In the eyes of ordinary people, they are agate beads, but in the eyes of Buddhist believers, they are Buddhist treasures."

"Some people are willing to spend all their wealth to offer a single offering, but they can't do it!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that if you get a induction relic bead, you will definitely be like an uncle in the Buddhist sect of China."

"No matter which temple I go to, I will definitely treat you as a guest."

"If you ask them to help with consecration or something, they will never refuse." Lu Fei said.

"Depend on!"

"So cool?"

Wang Xinlei almost drooled when he heard that his mouth was so big.

"Brother Fei, you must work hard in this game!"

"If you win this game, just give me a bead, please."

"Shut up!"

"Watch them all carefully!"

The referees stared at the inside of the golden coffin for a while, and Holden nodded decisively.

"That's right!"

"I'm sure that the shadow bones and induction relic beads are exactly the same as those I saw at the Mahabodhi Temple a few years ago!"

"From this point of view, this seven-jeweled pure gold Ashoka Pagoda is the treasure of the Mahabodhi Temple."

Guan Haishan clicked on his tablet computer and found the information previously stored on the Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Pagoda and compared it carefully.

Regardless of the appearance, gold coffin, silver coffin, and relics, they all fit the bill.

This basically makes it possible to conclude that it is genuine.

However, for the sake of safety, Guan Haishan suggested asking Master Huixian to come on stage to identify.

As the abbot of Daxiangguo Temple, Master Huixian went to Asan Kingdom to attend Buddhist meetings more than once.

I was deeply impressed by this pagoda, and I saw the shadow bone and induction relic beads more than once.

Upon invitation, Master Huixian came to the stage.

After arranging the lapels of clothes and clasping hands together to salute, identify them carefully.

Five minutes later, Master Huixian gave an affirmative answer.

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