A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1644 You will die miserably

Fatty Wang’s valuation was three billion, which was so different from Nagano’s valuation that the whole audience was in an uproar.

Holden stood up and said.

"To be honest, it is indeed difficult to appraise this pagoda!"

"First of all, there was no reference value before."

"Secondly, the meaning of this pagoda is unique. It is too difficult to cover everything."

"I think Mr. Nagano's valuation is too far-fetched, and Mr. Wang's valuation is a bit low."

"I thought about it and decided to value this pagoda from other aspects."

"Religion aside, first of all we must admit that this pagoda has a long history of more than two thousand years."

"Secondly, this is the most luxurious and exquisite Ashoka Tower known to date."

"This is an unquestionable fact."

"Considering these two aspects, this pagoda is indeed a peerless treasure."

"Also, whether you believe in Buddhism or not, Buddhism does indeed exist."

"And it has remained prosperous for more than two thousand years."

"Buddhism itself is also a cultural inheritance, and it has been rated as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO."

"So, the religious factor should be taken into consideration."

"With this factor in mind, my estimate for the pagoda alone is three billion Shenzhou coins."

"In addition to the pagoda, there are also gold coffins, silver coffins, shadow bones and induction relics."

"This shadow bone was made by the Buddha's disciples based on the parietal bone relics of the Buddha's true body, and is recognized by Buddhism and believers. Its significance is extraordinary."

"This pagoda exists to enshrine this shadow bone."

"The relationship between cause and effect and which is more important is very easy to understand."

"So I value this shadow bone at four billion Shenzhou coins."

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, Lu Fei stood up again.

"Dear Mr. Horton, I would like to ask you a question."


"After all, the shadow bone is not the relic of the Buddha's true body. Isn't it a bit too much to value this shadow bone at four billion Chinese coins?"


"I don't think so. On the contrary, I think Mr. Horton's valuation is too low."

"Using such a luxurious Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Pagoda to enshrine this shadow bone shows its own value."

"It's like storing a treasure in an exquisite and luxurious box."

"Then, no matter how much this box is worth, the treasure stored inside must be more valuable than the box itself."

"Mr. Horton valued the pagoda at three billion. The shadow bones and relics enshrined in the pagoda are naturally worth more than the pagoda itself."

"This is common sense!" Yoshida Ohno said.

"So, Mr. Yoshida agrees with Mr. Holden's valuation of Shadow Bone?" Lu Fei asked.

"Although I think Mr. Horton's valuation is a bit low, I have to admit that there is absolutely nothing wrong with his logic and methods."

"In that case, I have one more question!"

"A fake shadow bone is worth so much?"

"Then if the Buddha's true relic appears, what kind of valuation will it be?" Lu Fei asked.


"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"No matter how important the shadow bones are, they cannot be more valuable than the relics of the Buddha's true body."

"If it really exists, it would be a priceless treasure." Yoshida Ohno said.

"Mr. Horton, and other referees, do you agree with Mr. Yoshida's point of view?" Lu Fei asked.


"If it is the relic of the Buddha's true body, no amount of valuation is too high," Horton said.


"If the relics of the Buddha's true body appear, it is the supreme treasure of Buddhism.

Treasure. "

"For this, Buddhism is willing to pay any price!" Kong Yuan said.


"Since you all think so, then I can only agree."

"Dear Mr. Horton, please continue."

Lu Fei left, and Holden was stunned for a moment before continuing.

"As for the nine induction relics, this one has some reference value."

"As far as I know, Mr. Zheng Zaicheng, a wealthy Buddhist businessman, has negotiated with the Mahabodhi Temple and is willing to invest 50 million U.S. dollars to enshrine one of the induction relic beads for five years."

"This incident shocked the world at the time."

"Although Mahabodhi Temple did not agree in the end, this is a fact."

"We can use this price as a reference, but it should be at a premium based on the original price."

"So, I value each induction relic bead at 500 million Shenzhou coins."

"Taking all factors into account, I give this pagoda an overall valuation of 1.2 billion Shenzhou coins!"

Holden sat down, and Guan Haishan, Wang Zhenbang and Bill spoke successively.

Several judges agreed that Horton's valuation was well-founded and completely reasonable.

With the consent of Lu Fei and Yoshida Ohno, it took more than half an hour to finally give the pagoda a valuation.

One hundred and two billion Shenzhou coins.

After the valuation was confirmed, Yoshida Ohno looked smug and proud.

"Lu Fei, it's your turn to show off your treasure."

"I want to give you a friendly reminder."

"No matter what you use to deal with me, it must be related to Buddhism, otherwise you are committing a foul!"

Lu Fei smiled coldly.

"Yoshida, you are so shameless."

"In order to deal with me, you dare to invite the Buddhist treasure."

"Have you thought about the consequences of doing this?"

"as a result of?"

"What are the consequences?" Yoshida Ohno asked



"You don't have to pretend to be confused because you understand!"

"Although I don't believe in Buddhism, this is a Buddhist sacred object after all."

"If you lose this thing to me, not to mention those idiot monks from Mahabodhi Temple, not even Buddhist believers around the world will let you go."

"From now on, you will be the target of public criticism."

"I can't even imagine your fate, but I know that you and your family will die miserably!"


"Lu Fei, your analysis is correct!"

"However, if you want me to die, you must win."

"The Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Pagoda and the Buddha's Shadow Bone, which have been passed down for more than two thousand years, are the most precious treasures in Buddhism."

"With such a heavy weight, how can you beat me?"

"What can you do to win against me?"

"I think you are just talking nonsense!" Yoshida Ohno laughed.

"Yoshida, let me give you a wise saying from China."

"There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world."

"There is no best in this world, only better!"

"Buddhist sacred objects are not only this Ashoka Pagoda, there are many more awesome ones than this one."

"You can borrow this pagoda, how can you be sure that I can't borrow other treasures?"

"No matter what happens, don't be too confident. You have to remember that everything is possible." Lu Fei said.

Yoshida Ohno smiled faintly and whispered in Lu Fei's ear.

"Lu Fei, there is an old saying in China, which is that if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in any battle!"

"I know you quite a bit, so don't lie to me."

"I'm sure the treasure fight has started. You haven't had any contact with Buddhism at all."

"No, you have been to Daxiangguo Temple, but there are no sacred objects there at all."

"So, you will definitely lose this round!"

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