A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1646: We are in the same boat

Due to an emergency, the conference was suspended for fifteen minutes.

Yoshida Ohno and his economic team came to the backstage, and all shareholders stood up.

"Yoshida, what are you doing?"

"Why do you want to bet 50 billion against Lu Fei?" Yamazaki Daxiu asked.

"Yamazaki-kun, please listen to me first."

Yoshida Ohno told all shareholders exactly what he had said in private conversation with Lu Fei.

"Does everyone understand?"

"I'm sure Lu Fei is bluffing."

"The Ashoka Pagoda is the top sacred object of Buddhism."

"In the entire China, the only thing that can rival it is the big treasure in the underground palace of Famen Temple."

"Other than that, none of the temples or museums in China have anything that can compete with it, and it's even less likely that Lu Fei will have one."

"For half a year, my people have been watching Lu Fei all the time, and he has never had any contact with foreign temples."

"So, we will definitely win this round."

"I was a little careless in the previous six games and lost Lu Fei's price difference compensation of 58.1 billion Shenzhou coins."

"By taking advantage of this opportunity, we can reverse the decline."

"Including the price difference of Ashoka Tower, even if we can't overtake him, we can still tie with him."

"I am absolutely sure to win the next game."

"Please believe that the final victory must belong to us."

"The problem right now is that the margin is a special fund and cannot be used for betting."

"I can't raise 50 billion for the time being."

"I beg you all to believe me. Let's unite to bet against Lu Fei again."

“If we win, we will share the funds according to the investment.”

"I wonder if anyone is interested?"

After Yoshida finished speaking, the shareholders looked at each other but no one spoke first.

"Everyone, this opportunity is not to be missed!"

"If we don't have this opportunity, even if we win everything later, we may not be able to make back the more than 50 billion we lost before."

"Please think carefully."

"This is God's gift

What a perfect opportunity for us! "Yoshida Ohno said.


"Why are you so sure that Lu Fei is bluffing?"

"Lu Fei is extremely cunning, what if this is his trap?" Yamazaki Daihide asked.


"You didn't notice Lu Fei's expression at the time."

"His eyes looked confident, but I could tell he was breathing very quickly."

"This is a sign of guilty conscience."

"His purpose is to scare me with Buddhist believers."

"Let me give up this round and hand over the victory to him!"

"I decisively agreed, and when I announced my acceptance in public, Lu Fei clenched his fists all the time."

"The blood vessels on the back of my hands are all bulging."

"This is guilt and nervousness."

"He never dreamed that I would agree immediately and announce it in public, leaving him no room to regret."

"Now Lu Fei is riding a tiger and it's hard to get off. We will definitely win." Yoshida Ohno said.


"Please forgive me, what you said is just your guess!"

"Lu Fei is an unfathomable person, we must not be careless!" Matsui Meiji said.

"Matsui-kun is right!"

"Although I hate Lu Fei, I have to admit that this person is very changeable."

"Definitely a difficult character."

"We must not be careless."

"You promised us that you were 99% sure."

"But since the start of the game, your performance has disappointed us."

"To be honest, it's really hard for me to trust you anymore." Yamazaki Daxiu said.

Yoshida Ohno sighed helplessly and said.


All right! "

"I have made it clear what I need to say, and I will never force anyone to do anything."

"As time is tight, I will ask again. If anyone is willing to fight for this precious opportunity with me, please speak."

After Yoshida Ohno finished speaking, there was still no response.


"A bunch of cowards who are afraid of wolves before and tigers behind. I really feel sorry for you!"

"You don't dare to let it go. With my old face, I can complete the bet myself."


Yoshida Ohno turned around and left. When he reached the door, he was stopped by a shareholder.

"Wait a moment!"

"Mitsui-kun, do you have anything else to do?" Yoshida Ohno asked.

"I have lost so much before. If I don't go crazy, I won't have a chance."

"Yoshida-kun, I believe you."

"I have a total net worth of 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins, all of which have been invested in shares."

"If we want to win, we will win together, if we want to die, we will die together!"

"I'm going to risk it all," Mitsui said.

Yoshida Ohno nodded heavily.

"Mitsui-kun, thank you very much for your trust."

"I will never let you down."

"Please wait for my good news!"

After receiving the cashier's check from Mitsui Meiji, Yoshida Ohno was about to leave, and Matsui Meiji couldn't sit still.


"Count me in!"

"I still have 8 billion Shenzhou coins here, so I'm buying shares."

As these two took the lead, others who were hesitant also took the risk.

Everyone used their family funds to invest in shares, and in the blink of an eye, they collected nearly 30 billion.

However, it is still far from the 50 billion bet.

Yoshida Ohno looked at Yamazaki Daihide again and said.

"Yamazaki-kun, are you still unwilling to believe me?"

Yamazaki Daihide gave Yoshida Ohno a look for half a minute, and finally said through gritted teeth.

"That's it!"

"Yoshida-kun, I will believe you again."

"These 10 billion are the entire property of our Black Wind Society. You must not let us down."

"If I, Daihide Yamazaki, go bankrupt, I swear it will not be easy for you either."

"Yamazaki-kun, are you threatening me?"

"You can think so."


"We are partners. Now we are facing a powerful enemy. I am really disappointed with your behavior."

"Since you don't believe it, forget it, I will never force it."

"Without your 10 billion, I can still bet against Lu Fei."

Yoshida Ohno angrily prepared to leave, but was stopped by Yamazaki Daihide again.


"I say this to put pressure on you to break the boat."

"Only with enough pressure can you have enough motivation."

"Please don't misunderstand me."

"I have invested so much before, so I am inevitably a little anxious. Please forgive me."

"Take this money, and we will all work together to deal with Lu Fei."


"In that case, I'll keep it."

"Everyone, please be patient and wait for my triumphant return!"

After leaving the backstage, Yoshida Ohno called his secretary to his side.

"How much money do I have on my account?"

"Report to the boss, no more."

"You used the Yoshida Building as a mortgage with Kyoto Bank, and we still owe the bank 3.5 billion Shenzhou coins!" the secretary said.


"Contact Kyoto Bank immediately and mortgage our hotel chain. I want to borrow 12 billion."

"Boss, I'm afraid we don't have enough time."

"What should we do?"

"I'm still short of 12 billion!"

The secretary thought for a few seconds and his eyes lit up.

"Boss, I have an idea."

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