A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1651 Great Wisdom

The referee was about to make an assessment when he was stopped by Lu Fei.

"Referee, wait a minute, I have something to say."

"Buddhism has been around for more than two thousand years and is an integral part of world civilization."

"Today, there are hundreds of millions of believers."

"Although I, Lu Fei, am not a Buddhist believer, I respect Buddhist culture very much."

"The referees affirmed that I won this round, and that's enough."

"As for the valuation, it's not necessary."

"Because the finger bone relic of the Buddha's true body is the supreme sacred object of Buddhism."

"In the hearts of hundreds of millions of believers, this is a priceless treasure that cannot be measured by worldly money."

"So I decided to give up the price difference compensation for this game!"

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the whole place was silent.

Countless pairs of incredible eyes stared at Lu Fei at the same time.

People couldn't believe that Lu Fei just gave up.

You know, the unit of calculation for the price difference compensation of this kind of treasure is "100 million"!

The Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Pagoda and the Shadow Bone Relic are valued at one million.

But this is just a knockoff.

The valuation of authentic relics of the Buddha's true body is far higher than that of counterfeit products.

Calculated in this way, Lu Fei's loss after making this decision may be hundreds of millions, billions, or even tens of billions!

With so much money, let alone businessmen, even if Buddha saw it, he would not be indifferent.

But Lu Fei just gave up.

This is incredible.

There was silence in the venue for half a minute, and then thunderous applause broke out.

Everyone stood up.

Zhang Yanhe laughed loudly.

"The crappy flight thing is really different!"

"This turtle is always unpredictable."


"Of course your wooden fish head is unpredictable. It's great wisdom to fly with rags!"


Master Kongyuan came to Lu Fei again, put his hands together and saluted respectfully.

"Donor Lu is indeed a righteous person. Listening to your words is like a wake-up call. I admire him endlessly."

"However, these two items are sacred objects of our Buddhist sect. I would like to discuss this with you, is it possible?"

"Shut up!"

"You mercenary thing, get out of here, I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

"I did this to give face to the entire Buddhist sect. If I looked at you, I would destroy it on the spot!"


Lu Fei glared, and Master Kongyuan retreated with a blushing face.

Lu Fei asked after looking at Guan Haishan.

"Dear referee, please announce the result!"

Guan Haishan nodded and stood up.

"In the seventh game, Mr. Lu Fei won with an advantage."

"Mr. Lu Fei respects Buddhist sacred objects and chose to give up the difference in compensation."

"Such sentiment deserves respect from all of us."

"I suggest that we all respond with the warmest applause to Mr. Lu Fei's righteous decision."


The venue was buzzing with excitement.

Buddhist believers watching the live broadcast on TV stood up and prayed devoutly.

Lu Fei sacrificed a huge amount of money to maintain the dignity of Buddhist sacred objects. In their hearts, Lu Fei's state was already a master-like existence.

However, the mood of the monks and monks watching the live broadcast at Asanguo Mahabodhi Temple was not so beautiful.

Seeing the treasure of the temple lost to Yoshida Ohno, these monks were completely dumbfounded.

"what to do?"

"Now how to do?"

"If the sacred object is lost, how can we explain it to the Buddhist Association?"

"How can we explain this to the majority of believers?"

"Didn't Mr. Yoshida say it's foolproof?"

"How could you lose?"

"This time we have caused a huge disaster. Master, what should we do?"

"Don't panic!"

"Don't panic!"

"It happened, and there's always a way to fix it."

"In this way, you guys will explain to the believers who came to question you at the temple. The remaining troops will be divided into two groups. One group will find Mr. Yoshida and ask him to find a way to redeem the pagoda."

"The other group of people will follow me. We will go to China to meet Lu Fei."

"It seems that Lu Fei is a reasonable person. If we discuss it carefully with him, there may be room for maneuver."


"The president of the association wants you to answer the phone."


"Just say that I am worshiping Buddha and cannot answer the call at the moment."



"what happened again?"

"Tens of thousands of people outside have surrounded the temple. These people are believers and ask you for an explanation."


The Mahabodhi Temple was in chaos, but the monks in other temples in China were extremely excited.


"I can't believe that Lu Fei actually has our sacred object in his hands."

"We must find a way to get Donor Lu to donate the holy items."

"If the sacred object falls in our temple, its reputation and incense will definitely be the best in China."

"You take good care of the temple. I'm going to Jinling to meet with Donor Lu."

At this moment, the abbots of the major temples in China all started to move.

Regardless of whether there is a friendship or not, let's get familiar with each other first.

You always have to have dreams. Wouldn’t it be better if your dreams come true?

If you really get the sacred objects, even any one of them, it would be a blessing!

Faced with such a valuable treasure, no Buddhist would remain unmoved.

Regardless of them, the convention went on.

Lu Fei won the match point game and won from

The referee took back the winning gambling money, and Lu Fei immediately ordered someone to return the loot to the warehouse.

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing the pagoda being packed, Yoshida Ohno rushed up again.

"Lu Fei, let's discuss it again. Can you return this pagoda to me?"


"Yoshida, just give up on this idea!"


"By the way, I think your current condition is not very good!"

"Then do you want to continue?"

"Otherwise, you'd better admit defeat."

"I'm already leading seven to zero. If you continue to struggle, it won't help."

"What do you think?"


"Lu Fei, don't bully others too much!"

"The treasure fight must continue. What I'm telling you now is the pagoda!"

"I have to take this pagoda back, please set the conditions!" Yoshida Ohno said.

"Yoshida, I've told you many times, there's no way I can give it back to you."

"Even under any conditions."



"Lu Fei, I still want to bet with you in the eighth game!"

"In this round, we will bet on Ashoka Tower. Do you dare to challenge?"

"Don't dare!"


"Lu Fei, are you still a man?"

"Bet with me if you are a man." Yoshida Ohno shouted angrily.


"Of course I'm a man, and I don't dare to bet with you."

"But I can't think of what kind of bets you can make." Lu Fei said.

"The Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Tower is valued at 10 billion, so I will bet you 10 billion Chinese coins."

"If I lose, I will pay you 10 billion."

"If I win, how about you return the pagoda to me?"

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