A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1656 Donate again

The overall situation has been decided.

Except for the measly 1.2 billion Chinese coins on the deposit, Yoshida Ohno lost everything else to Lu Fei.

As for the remaining seven games, there is certainly no need to continue.

Yoshida Chohei announced that he would give up the game, and the audience stood up and cheered.

Yoshida Ohno slowly opened his eyes, but when he saw Lu Fei's victorious attitude, he vomited blood and fell into coma again.

Guan Haishan came to the center of the treasure fighting platform, took the painting tube from Qiu Meiling and said loudly.

"I declare that the final winner of the Wuling Mountain Spring Treasure Fighting Competition is Mr. Lu Fei."



"Lu Fei is great!"

"Boss Lu is so powerful."

At this moment, the audience's previous prejudice against Lu Fei disappeared.

People who lose money on bets don’t care either.

Driven by the atmosphere of the scene, the entire audience stood up and cheered.

All reporters rushed to the stage and clicked the shutter to record this wonderful moment.

Lu Fei held Chen Xiang with his left hand and raised his right arm high.

If we talk about treasure fighting in Hong Kong, Lu Fei is famous all over the world.

At this moment, Lu Fei jumped over the dragon gate to overcome the tribulation and transformed into a dragon.

At this moment, Lu Fei's image was extremely tall.

At this moment, Lu Fei's figure was as majestic as a mountain.

In this special place, at this special time.

Lu Fei achieved a complete victory against the island native Yoshida Ohno.

The cheers at the scene were getting louder and louder, and the hands of the veterans were all red.

Fang Shinandi kept nodding and smiling at the big guys in Chaodong. Wang Zhenbang turned around on the stage, already in tears.

Lu Fei took the microphone and made a gesture to silence his voice, and the whole place fell silent instantly.

"First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the audience friends."

“My success tonight is due to the overwhelming support from all of you.”


The applause died down and Lu Fei continued.

"In addition, I also want to feel special

Thanks to Baihua Bank, Lingshan Industrial and Bashu TV for their full cooperation. "

“Thanks also to all our sponsors and advertisers for their trust and support.”

"thank you all!"


"There is an old saying in China that it is better to choose the day than to hit it."

"Here, under the witness of everyone, I want to announce something."

"Two months ago, I donated the twelve zodiac dragon heads of the Haiyan Hall in the Old Summer Palace to the motherland."

"Today, at the scene, I will donate all the snake heads, sheep heads, and chicken heads."

"And I promise that I will continue to look for the missing animal heads."

"If I find out, I will take it back at all costs and donate it free of charge."


"National justice, the hero of our time, none other than Mr. Lu!"

"Well done, Mr. Lu!"

"Mr. Lu, we will always support you."

The treasure fighting platform opened again, and Li Yunhe and Yan Yonghui escorted the three beast heads up.

Seeing the real thing, everyone cheered again.

"Mr. Guan!"

"This is my heart, Lu Fei."

"Please accept it on behalf of the archaeological headquarters." Lu Fei said.

Guan Haishan nodded solemnly, opened his hands and hugged Lu Fei warmly.

"You are such a fucking thief!" Guan Haishan whispered while smiling.

"What do you mean?"

"You do not want?"

"Don't fucking pretend to be ignorant with me and try to silence us with three animal heads. There's no way."

"Can you donate one piece of divine porcelain and the mother of porcelain?"

"go to hell!"

"Your uncle!"

Guan Haishan was smiling, but secretly he was gritting his teeth.


The hands holding Lu Fei's shoulders used all their strength, but Lu Fei didn't care at all.

"Mr. Guan, Mr. Lu Fei is so righteous. As the receiving representative, please say a few words!" Qiu Meiling said.


Guan Haishan nodded and said.

"Although Mr. Lu Fei is a businessman, he has national justice at heart."

"Spend hundreds of billions to establish an archaeological foundation."

"Donated four animal heads one after another."

"Mr. Lu Fei's feat deserves respect and learning from each of us." .??.

"Here, on behalf of the Chinese Archaeological Team, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Lu Fei."

Guan Haishan said and bowed deeply.

Lu Fei was not polite and stood upright in front of him to accept. He was so angry that he rolled his eyes.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, I would have to curse.

Guan Haishan blushed and accepted the three animal heads.

The staff was busy packing and handing over.

At this time, Holden stood up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to come to the historical city of Jinling."

"Here, we have witnessed one miracle after another together."

"It promises to be an unforgettable night."

"Now, I want to announce something else to everyone."

"You may not know it yet, but as early as July, UNESCO officially hired Mr. Lu Fei as a member of the UNESCO Organizing Committee."

"And unanimously approved the selection of Mr. Lu Fei as the Asian Image Ambassador."

“Originally, this notice should have been announced at the UNESCO General Conference in Tianducheng in September.”

"But Mr. Lu Fei is fully prepared for the battle treasure, and we will keep it secret for him for the time being."

"Now that the treasure fight is over, Mr. Lu Fei has won a great victory."

"His identity should be revealed to everyone."


After Holden finished speaking, Guan Haishan was stunned.

The veterans were stunned on the spot, and the audience was even more upset.

The venue was quiet for five seconds, and then erupted into a roaring tsunami of applause and cheers.



"What the hell!"

"I can't believe that Lu Fei still has this identity. He's so awesome."

"Member of the UNESCO Organizing Committee and Asia Image Ambassador."


"This name is enough to keep you cool for a lifetime!"

"From now on, we Chinese people will also be included in UNESCO, which is really great!"

"Lu Fei is great."

The scene calmed down a little, Lu Fei said.

“Thank you to UNESCO for trusting me and everyone for supporting me.”

"Next, I have one more thing to announce."

"My private museum will open at ten o'clock in the morning on the 28th of this month."

"All the treasures presented tonight will be on display."

"Friends who like collecting are welcome to come to Jincheng to visit the site."

“Within one month of opening, tickets are 20% off!”

"Everyone who is here tonight can visit the show for free with their ticket stub."

“On behalf of all the museum staff, I would like to welcome you all.”


The audience cheered, but Guan Haishan and a bunch of veterans were surprised.

These people have all heard that Lu Fei plans to open a museum.

But no one expected that it would open so soon.

Lu Fei announced that all the treasures appearing tonight will be on display.

On the surface it was to promote the museum, but in reality it was to silence everyone.

The purpose is to make everyone give up on his goodies.

Damn it!

This damn piece of junk is really a thief.

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