A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1661 Come to the door

Early the next morning, the two consecutive days of rain receded, and the sky in Jinling City was clear.

Lu Fei had just gotten up and was about to ask the distinguished guests to have breakfast when Wang Hailong ran in like a whirlwind.

"Brother Fei, please go out and take a look!"

"It's all outside the villa."

"Don't panic, what's going on outside?"

"Outside, there are all monks outside." ??

"There are more than two hundred of them, and the entrance of the villa is surrounded by water."

"This group of monks are clamoring and asking to see you!" Wang Hailong said.


"I go!"

"It came so quickly!"

"Let's go out and take a look."

Lu Fei came outside and was also shocked.

Dozens of Lu Fei's friends stood in the courtyard and watched the excitement.

There were monks in robes standing outside the gate.

Some monks' robes were still wet, and it was obvious that they had been standing here in the middle of the night.

"They have been here a long time ago?" Lu Fei asked.

"Yes, some of them arrived at midnight."

"Everyone was resting, so we didn't let them in."

"Brother Fei, this was my mistake."

Lu Fei chuckled.

"It doesn't matter!"

"A monk can endure hardships, but a little rain is nothing."

Lu Fei lit up his cigarette and came to the gate, asking through the electric door.

"Masters, are you looking for me?"

Seeing Lu Fei, all the monks saluted at the same time.

"Good morning, Master!"

"Stop it!"

"Don't talk to me about Master Shang, I'm not familiar with you."

"If you are here to beg for alms, unfortunately, our place is already full."

"However, I can pay to invite all the masters to have dinner in the city."

"Masters, please forgive me."


"Master, don't get me wrong, we are not here to seek alms."

"The poor monk is the master of the Dharma of Wenshu Monastery in Mount Wutai. I want to discuss it with the master. Don't push the poor monk.

ah! "

"Master, you don't need to worry about him. He is a poor monk."

"Master, please listen to me first, this poor monk is"


"You stepped on my foot"

Before the matter could be explained clearly, the monks in front of the door were already in a mess, pushing each other.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fei's friends in the courtyard almost laughed out loud.

"OK OK!"

"Everyone, please stop making noise!"

"If you have any questions, tell me slowly one by one."

"Master Faben, tell me first, what do you want from me?" Lu Fei asked.

"Amitabha, thank you, Master."

"Stop dragging me. Time is limited. Let's get straight to the point."

"Good, good, good!"

"The poor monk would like to discuss with you and ask the Buddha's true body relics to be offered to Wenshu Monastery."

"We have it in Wenshu Monastery."

"Stop it!"

"This is impossible. What's your problem with the next one?"


"Donor Lu, we want to make offerings"

"Shut up!"

"Don't offer me gifts."

"Let me reiterate, if you ask for alms or money for incense, I can agree."

"But if you are worried about my things, you should stop talking as soon as possible to avoid damaging your harmony." Lu Fei said.


"The Buddha's true body relics and the Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Pagoda are sacred objects of our Buddhism, and they should be returned to the temple to be worshiped."

"I also hope that Donor Lu will make it happen."

"Stop it!"

"That's my private collection, Lu Fei, don't let any of you think about it."

"Donor Lu, it's inappropriate for you to do this!"

"Sacred objects need to be enshrined."

"It can be collected in your place.

This is disrespectful to sacred objects! "

"Do not talk nonsense!"

"I won't do it if I say no!"

"So be it!" ??

"If there's nothing else to do, just let it all go!"

"Please forgive me for not having time to entertain."

"Come here, send all the masters away!"

"Masters, please come back!"

"Donor Lu, please think twice!"

"Donor Lu"


The monks yelled, and Lu Fei ignored them and accompanied everyone to the restaurant for breakfast.

After breakfast, Wang Hailong came over to report.

"Brother Fei!"

"What should I do if the masters refuse to leave?"

"No need to be polite to them, tell them that if they don't leave, we will call the police."


Wang Hailong went out and used both soft and hard tactics. Ten minutes later, more than two hundred monks left dejectedly.

Not long after the monks left, a procession came outside.

"Brother Fei!"

"Master Ashiro, the head of the Mahabodhi Temple in Asan Kingdom, asks for an audience."

"How many people came?"

"Three monks, accompanied by several leaders of the cultural departments of both sides."

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Take them to the box to wait for me."


Wang Hailong invited the monk and his group of twelve people to the box, where they were served with good tea and dried fruits.

But after waiting for more than half an hour, there was no sign of Lu Fei.

The leaders of Jinling's cultural department did not dare to say anything, but several leaders from Asan Kingdom were full of complaints.

Jiligulu kept mumbling, his voice getting louder and louder.

Wang Hailong just chanted sutras like a monk and ignored them at all.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Lu Fei still didn't show up. One of the Asan Kingdom officials started screaming strangely as he slapped the case.

The arrogant secretary translated for Wang Hailong with a sullen face.

"This gentleman

Sir, where is Mr. Lu? "

"We have been here for more than an hour, but Lu Fei still refuses to show up. What does this mean?"

"Is this how you treat guests?"

Wang Hailong chuckled.

"Please sir, please find out first."

"You are here to ask to see our President Lu, we did not invite you here."

"We, Mr. Lu, are very busy. By agreeing to meet with you, we are already giving you a lot of face. Please wait patiently."

"You, what's your attitude?"

"This is Mr. Mathur, the second-largest leader in the cultural department of our country of Asan."

"Mr. Mathur has many things to do. It is Lu Fei's honor to meet him."

"Hurry up and hand over Lu Fei to me. You can't bear the consequences for neglecting Mr. Mathur." said the translator.

When Wang Hailong heard this, his eyebrows stood up and his eyes widened. He was so frightened that the translator took a step back and got goosebumps all over his body.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Boy, I'm warning you, don't use any bullshit identity to oppress us."

"I'll say it again, Mr. Lu agreed to meet you just to give you face. Don't be ignorant."

"You can wait as long as you can. If you can't wait, you can leave now."


Hai Long immediately exited the box after speaking.

After listening to the secretary's translation, Mathur became furious.

Just as he was about to scream, he was stopped by the great monk beside him.

"Mr. Mathur, we are here to discuss things with Lu Fei. Please pay attention to your attitude."

"Don't affect my negotiation with Mr. Lu Fei."

"If you can't sit still, please leave first."

"Master Ashiro, what are you talking about?"

"I'm here to help your temple."

"There are rumors outside that Lu Fei is arrogant and behaves erratically. He is just begging, and he will definitely not agree."

"In my opinion, the best way is for us to directly put pressure on the top leaders of China's cultural department and ask them to force Lu Fei to return the pagoda to us."

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