A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1663 I don’t want to see them

After a disagreement, Lu Fei turned around and left, and the three monks quickly chased after him.

"Mr. Lu Fei, please wait a moment."

"We are looking for you. We do have something very important to discuss with you." Ashiro said.


"Is this your attitude towards negotiation?"

"I think you're not here for negotiation, but rather to raise an army to punish me!"

"In this case, what else can we say?" Lu Fei asked.

"I'm really sorry. It was just a misunderstanding."

"We have been waiting here for more than two hours. Mr. Mathur is a little impatient. Please forgive me."

"Are you anxious after waiting for two hours?"

"Do you know that in order to find time to see you, I haven't even had breakfast yet."

"I'm sorry, it's all our fault!"

"Please don't mind, can we sit down and talk?" Ashiro asked politely.

Lu Fei thought for a while and said.

"Master Ashiro came to see me. I must give him this face."

"But other idlers have nothing to do with me."

"I'll give you two minutes to let them go."

"I don't want to see them."

The secretary was so angry that she couldn't hold her back anymore.

He came over and pointed at Lu Fei and shouted.

"Lu Fei, our Asan Kingdom and your senior officials from Jinling are here. What is your attitude?"


Lu Fei smiled and turned around again. The great monk Aslo was so angry that he glared at his secretary and yelled.

"you shut up!"

"You all go out and don't disturb me to discuss things with Mr. Lu Fei."

"Otherwise, I will lodge a protest with the highest authority after returning to China."


"go out!"

In Asan Kingdom, the status of a master is much more powerful than that of ordinary officials.

In particular, senior monks like Ashiro, who heads the monastery, have a certain say in high-level affairs.

If he wants to protest, the superiors will definitely be extremely angry

Pay attention to.

A person of Mathur's level cannot bear the consequences.

Seeing that Ashiro was really anxious, Mathur and his secretary calmed down, glared at Lu Fei and left the box.

Zhang Guoshun came to Lu Fei and humbly stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Lu Fei, I am Zhang Guoshun from the Jinling Cultural Department. Nice to meet you."

Zhang Guoshun showed great courtesy, but Lu Fei snorted coldly.

"Leader Zhang, as a Chinese, please have some backbone."

"Not all crooked melons and cracked dates deserve our respect, do you understand?"



"Then you're busy, so I won't bother you."


Zhang Guoshun led the people away, leaving only three monks in the box.

Lu Fei calmly sat down at the main seat.

"Master Ashiro, you traveled thousands of miles to find me. If you have anything to say, please tell me!"


"First of all, I would like to thank Lu Fei for taking time out of his busy schedule to see me."


"I'm really busy."

"So let's keep the story short and get to the topic?" Lu Fei said.


"Actually, we came to you for one thing."

"We would like to ask you to return the treasure of our Mahabodhi Temple, the Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Pagoda!"

"You see?"


"Master Ashiro, why do your words sound so awkward to me?"

"The pagoda is obviously my personal collection, how come it has become the treasure of your temple?"

"Also, that's my thing, why should I return it to you?" Lu Fei asked.

"Mr. Lu Fei, as everyone knows

You know, that pagoda is indeed the treasure of our Mahabodhi Temple. "

"Can you please stop joking?"


"I'm not kidding you."

"I won that pagoda from Yoshida Ohno last night."

“Thousands of people in attendance can bear witness.”

"As for the treasure of the temple, that was a matter of the past."

"Now, at this moment, it is my private property, Lu Fei."

"This is the fact." Lu Fei said.


"Mr. Lu Fei, in fact, this pagoda was rented by Mr. Yoshida Ohno from our temple."

"That is the foundation of our temple and the belief of hundreds of millions of believers."

"Please be sure to return it to us. On behalf of all the monks in the temple, I am very grateful to you."

"If you find it useful in the future."


"Sorry, let me interrupt you first."

"Let me ask you a question first."

"Master, did you watch Doubao's live broadcast last night?" Lu Fei asked.

"I did."

"That's good!"

"In the seventh game, when Yoshida Ohno showed the pagoda, the referee and I once inquired about the ownership and use rights of the pagoda."

"At that time, Mr. Yoshida Ohno took out the authorization letter issued by your temple."

"It is clearly written above that you agree to Mr. Yoshida Ohno's use of the pagoda to fight for treasure, and give him the right to personally dispose of the pagoda."

"On it are the official seal of your temple and the personal seal of your Master Ashiro."

"Am I right?" Lu Fei asked.

Speaking of this, Ashiro's face looked a little ugly.

"That's true."


"Nothing is wrong."

"Since you

We agree that if Baota participates in the treasure fight, he should know the rules of the treasure fight. "

"The fact that you handed over the rights to Yoshida Ohno shows that you understand the risks involved."

"Am i right?"

"Dear Master Ashiro!"


"You could say that."

"We are indeed at fault in this matter, because we did not think carefully enough."

"However, after all, this is a sacred object that has been enshrined in our temple for more than two thousand years."

"Please understand that it is only necessary to return it to us."

"Suppose Ashiro and all the monks owe you a favor, okay?"

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and said.

"Master Ashiro."

"You watched the live broadcast, you should understand the situation."

"At that time, I tried my best to persuade Yoshida Ohno and asked him to give up that game."

"I did that not because I was afraid of him, but because I respect Buddhism and the pagoda."

"I don't want Buddhist sacred objects to become props for secular business fights."

"Unfortunately, no one listened to my hard words, so I had no choice but to agree to Pagoda's appearance."

"I think that I, Lu Fei, have done my utmost to be benevolent and righteous, both to Buddhism and pagodas."

"I don't have any responsibility for this."

"I won the pagoda from Yoshida Ohno, and I won it with a fair and just reputation. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for me to return it to you."

"Because I took too big a risk here."

"As for responsibility, you should look to Yoshida Ohno, not me, Lu Fei."

"Can you understand what I say?"


Lu Fei immediately silenced his words, and Asuro suddenly felt bad.

He blushed and thought for a while before saying.

"Mr. Lu Fei, you are indeed not responsible for this matter, but after all, it is the most precious treasure of our temple!"

"If you don't return it, we won't be able to explain it to hundreds of millions of believers!"

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