A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1665 The frightened bird

Not long after Ashiro and others left, a huge shock occurred in the island country's business community.

Last night at the Baobao tournament, Yoshida Ohno was completely defeated.

I don’t know who it was that published the list of shareholders who participated in the investment and the details of the property losses.

The release of these details is no less than a bolt from the blue for those shareholders.

Before work time came, the companies of those shareholders were in chaos.

There were people who wanted to pay, people who wanted to terminate the contract, and the person in charge of the branch, blocking the doors of each company.

There is a lively crowd in front of the Matsui Company office building in the city center.

Dozens of financial reporters stood ready with guns and cannons in hand.

"Is Mr. Matsui here?"

"We want to interview Mr. Matsui."

"I heard that Mr. Matsui bet all his wealth on Yoshida Ohno. Now that Mr. Yoshida has suffered a complete defeat, Mr. Matsui's loss exceeds 12 billion U.S. dollars."

"How much impact will this have on the company's normal operations?"

"Has the company's capital chain been disconnected?"

"Will your Matsui company go bankrupt because of this?"

"Please be quiet, everyone. What you are saying is nonsense and has nothing to do with it."

"Our company is operating normally, and Mr. Matsui is not involved in Baobao at all."

"Mr. Matsui has not returned from his inspection trip to Europe. When he comes back, will he give everyone an explanation?"

"Can everyone leave now?" said the general manager of Matsui Company.

"Mr. Manager, you are kidding yourself."

"It was reported on the Internet that Mr. Matsui appeared at the Baobao venue last night, and the authenticity of the photos has been confirmed."

"In addition, there are photos of Mr. Yoshida and Mr. Matsui signing the contract. This is the fact."

"Please bring Mr. Matsui out, we want to question him."


"Call Mr. Matsui out, our company wants to terminate the contract."

"The money owed to our company must be paid today."

In such a scene, none of the other eleven shareholders were spared.


As a result, as soon as the stock market opened, the stocks of these companies plummeted.

Seeing such a scene, those shareholders were despairing.


"who is it?"

"Who leaked the secret?"

"Damn Yoshida, he really killed him this time!"

"It's over!"



"what's up?"

"The Yoshida family declared bankruptcy."

"The Yoshida family's hotels and office buildings in Kyoto have been taken over by Baihua Bank."

"The Yoshida family is completely finished."


That's right!

The Yoshida family went bankrupt, several hours earlier than Di Chaodong expected.

Other shareholders may also be able to conceal their financial status.

However, all the assets of the Yoshida family have been mortgaged, leaving nothing to hide.

Now, Yoshida Ohno has only one way out: bankruptcy.

Otherwise, the huge debt can put him in jail.

With all this debt, filing for bankruptcy is a no-brainer.

Although debt can be avoided, creditors still search the world for Yoshida.

Unfortunately, when they arrived at Hong Kong Island, Yoshida Ohno disappeared again.

On a dilapidated fishing boat, Yoshida Ohno cried in his arms.

"It's over!"

"It's all over!"

"The family's decades-long legacy has been destroyed in my hands. I am the sinner of the family!"

"Chang Ping, why do you think this is the case?"


"Why would we, with a net worth of hundreds of billions and decades of experience, lose to a rag collector?"

"I'm not willing to give in!"

"Lu Fei, I want revenge, I want to kill you!"

"Father, please don't get excited yet."

"Now that it's like this, nothing can help."

"Father, don't be discouraged. I still have a lot of money on hand, and we still have a chance to make a comeback." Yoshida Nagahei said.

"Are you rich?"

"Where did you get the money?"

"How many more?" Yoshida Ohno asked.

"Father, before I left last night, I withdrew the remaining 1.2 billion Shenzhou coins from the deposit and deposited it into the account of a friend of mine."

"All our accounts have been frozen today, but this money has been retained." ??

"With this money, we have hope for a comeback."

"Don't be discouraged!" Yoshida Changhei said.


"Very good!"

"Changping, you have grown up, and you have done such a beautiful job."

"You're right, with this money, we can make a comeback."

"I have already thought about it. Our biggest hidden danger now is the pagoda of Mahabodhi Temple."

"We must find a way to get the pagoda back."

"Otherwise, we would never be able to show our face."

"Father, I've thought about this too."

"However, the pagoda is in Lu Fei's hands, and it is impossible to get it back using conventional methods."

"Right now, we just have to take a gamble."

"I think so."

Shareholders like Yoshida Ohno are all top businessmen in the island country.

Their stocks fell at the same time, causing hundreds of companies to suffer.

At noon, another piece of news broke.

Twelve branches of the Black Wind Society declared bankruptcy.

This time, the authenticity of the exposed information is further confirmed.

The remaining eleven companies are even more passive.

In just two days, these shareholders' shares fell below their lowest value ever.

Matsui Meiji hid his face in the hotel and cried bitterly, his intestines were green with regret.

He regretted that he should not trust Yoshida Ohno, let alone go against Lu Fei.

But now these are all nonsense and of no use at all.

Thinking of the company's current situation, Matsui Meiji even thought of committing suicide.

Just when Matsui was at his most desperate, the secretary walked in.

"Boss, someone is looking for you."

Today, Matsui Meiji has become a frightened bird. When he heard that someone was looking for him, his face turned pale with fright.


"How do they know I'm here?"

"Who told them and what are they here for?" Matsui asked in panic.


"I swear, I have never revealed your whereabouts."

"Then who is looking for me?"

"Just now, a gentleman calling himself Qingtian Shituo called and said he wanted to discuss cooperation with you."

"He is waiting below the hotel. If you are interested, he will come up and interview you right away!"


Hearing these two words, Matsui Meiji felt like spring breeze, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

According to the current situation, the only way to avoid bankruptcy is to have a large amount of funds in the account.

Otherwise, not even gods can save him.

Now that he heard that someone was willing to cooperate, Matsui suddenly became excited.

"Which company does this Qingtian-kun belong to?"

"How is he going to cooperate with me?"

"He didn't say that."

"Mr. Qingtian just said that I would give you half an hour to think about it."

"If you are interested, he will come up and interview you."


Matsui frowned upon hearing this.

"As far as I'm concerned, I don't think I've heard of this name before?"

"How powerful are they?"

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