A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1669 The only friend

Lu Fei explained the investment plan in detail, and the shareholders who had previously suspected that Lu Fei had bad intentions suddenly became excited.

Only now do they realize that accepting Yimei’s investment is a real opportunity for them.

The emergence of Lu Fei also caused strong repercussions in the business community of the island country.

The attitude of merchants who had previously terminated their contracts with these companies has undergone a 180-degree turn.

The previous harsh words turned into flattery and flattery.

Other companies took a fancy to Lu Fei's brand influence and immediately prepared to cooperate with these companies.

Some businesses even immediately held an emergency meeting to study plans to attract investment from Yimei Company.

Several companies listed locally in the island country stopped their downward trend almost as soon as Lu Fei appeared at the press conference.

By the time Lu Fei explained his investment plan, the stock had miraculously begun to rebound.

This immediately restored investors' confidence.

At the press conference, Lu Fei continued.

"Yimei Investment brings huge capital to enter the island country market."

"We fully support any company or project that has prospects and a market."

"As long as it passes the company's review, the company will not only invest, but also help open various channels."

“Let all the companies we participate in form a network, exchange knowledge and develop together.”

"Please believe in Yimei and believe in me, Lu Fei."

"We have the strength!"


"Mr. Lu said it well."

“Welcome Yimei Investment to settle in the island country!”

The reporters applauded warmly, and Lu Fei bowed in thanks.

"thank you all!"

"Mr. Qingtian Shituo is the general manager of our company's island country."

"It's not a project with a particularly huge amount. Mr. Qingtian has the right to make a direct decision."

“Companies and individuals interested in cooperation are welcome to come and discuss business.”

"One last thing."

"At eight o'clock tonight, our company will hold a business reception here."

"Invitations will be sent out later to welcome the island nation's business elite."

"thank you all!"

After the press conference, the business community in Kyoto instantly became excited.

All the business elites were extremely nervous, looking forward to receiving invitations from Yimei Investment.

Because Lu Fei's current strength and connections are too attractive to them.


"The invitation to the Yimei Company cocktail party has arrived."


"Great, great!"

"Stop all the evening entertainment for me. By the way, prepare a dress for me."

"Also, take the car and clean it."

"Also, notify my wife immediately."

The bosses who received the invitation were elated.

I'm so nervous that I haven't received it yet, and my heart is beating wildly uncontrollably.

On the other side, back in the hotel room, Lu Fei called Qingtian Shituo in.

"Hello, Mr. Lu!"

"I have heard of your name a long time ago. I am so lucky to see you today!"

"Hello Mr. Qingtian."

"I heard from Xiang'er that you have great abilities. Seeing it with my own eyes, your abilities are beyond my imagination."

"With a talent like you, I am absolutely assured." Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu is too polite."

"This is the opportunity given to me by Miss Chen Xiang and you. I will definitely do my best."

Qingtian Shituo is Chen Xiang's Harvard classmate and Chen Xiang's only island friend.

After graduation, Qingtian returned to China.

Because I have no background and no practical experience.

None of the several companies he joined could utilize his talents.

After changing five companies, Qingtian Shituo was so depressed that he quit his job and went home to help his parents manage the aquatic products stall.

Before Doubao, Lu Fei had already made arrangements and was ready to invest in the island country.

It was at that time that Qingtian Shituo received an invitation call from Chen Xiang.

During the treasure fight, Qingtian was also in Jinling.

Always work with the investment team established by Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi.

At work, Qingtian's abilities are fully utilized.

In addition to having some understanding of the investment environment in island countries, he was appointed as the general manager of the island countries.

This time he returned to the island country to play a front-line station. Qingtian was deeply moved by the company's trust and affirmation in him.

I have made up my mind to use all my energy to do my job well.


"With Mr. Qingtian's words, I feel more at ease."

"Don't be afraid to let go of your hands and feet."

"The company will never treat you badly."

"If you have a tough question, you can just call me."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your affirmation. I will not let you down."

"If there's nothing else, I'll go out first."

"Tonight is our company's first cocktail party. There is no room for any mistakes. I will go to the venue to supervise the layout."

"Then it's hard on you."

"Let's have a drink tonight!"

Qingtian Shituo went out, and Lu Fei dialed Nakata Yota's phone number.


"Who are you?"

"Hello Mr. Nakata, my name is Lu Fei."

"Mr. Lu?"

Yota Nakata just turned off the press conference video.

He knew that Lu Fei had arrived in the island country, but he never expected that Lu Fei would call him.

After meeting Lu Fei in the Phoenix Villa on Hong Kong Island in the spring, Nakata Yota was terribly afraid of Lu Fei.

After the treasure fight on February 2, the two of them had no interaction.

Now hearing Lu Fei's voice, Nakata Yota was so shocked that he almost fell ill.

The hand holding the phone trembled involuntarily.

"Hello, Mr. Lu."

"long time no see."

"By the way, you won the treasure fighting competition, congratulations!" Nakata Yota said.


"Does Mr. Nakata know that I'm coming to the island country?"


"I just watched the video of the press conference, and I just learned about it."

"In this way, whenever you have time, give me a chance to treat you to dinner."

"Just think of it as a way to catch the wind for you."


"That's why I called you."

"You are my best friend in the island country. When I come to the island country, of course I want to meet you."

"But you don't need to invite me today."

"After watching the press conference video, you should know that I have a cocktail party here tonight."

"I didn't prepare an invitation for you. I called you specifically to invite you to attend."

"Call me when you get to the hotel door and I will pick you up personally."

When Lu Fei said this, Nakata Yota was immediately confused.

invite me?

Do you want to greet me in person?

Is our relationship so good?


Oh my god!

There is an old saying in China: showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

He was so nice to me all of a sudden, couldn't it be the Hongmen Banquet?

However, it seems that I haven't done anything to feel sorry for Lu Fei?

At this moment, Nakata Yota had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he just couldn't figure out why Lu Fei was so kind to him.

The more this happens, the more guilty he feels.

After being stunned for a few seconds, I was already sweating profusely from nervousness.

"Mr. Nakata, are you listening?"

"Here, there!"


"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your kind invitation. I will definitely be there."

"That's good!"

"Remember, call me before you arrive."

"You are my only friend in the island country." Lu Fei said.

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