A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1680 Don’t believe it

After listening to the script described by Lu Fei, Yamazaki Junliang was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder split.

"Lu Fei, you can't do this to me."

"There are still many of my people outside. If something happens to me, they will never let you go."

Lu Fei chuckled.

"The IQ of you island people is really worrying!"

"For you, I prepared a week in advance. Do you think I will ignore the fourteen vicious dogs outside?"


Lu Fei reported the number of manpower outside, and Yamazaki Shunliang was completely desperate.

"Lu Fei, I was wrong!"

"I apologize to you. As long as you don't kill me, I can agree to any conditions you have."

"Don't worry, Mr. Yamazaki, I will never kill you."

"However, I will make your life worse than death."

Lu Fei said, handing Yamazaki Junliang's pistol to Ruan Xu.

"Brother, I did what I promised you today."

"It's up to you how to deal with the Nakata family!"

Ruan Xu took the pistol with tears in his eyes and bowed to Lu Fei.

"Brother Fei!"

"Thank you!"


"we are brothers."

"Remember, don't act like a woman, just do it!"


Ruan Xu slowly approached Nakata Yota with a gun in hand, and the latter was so frightened that he peed his pants.

"no, do not want!"

"Ruan Xu, Mr. Lu, please, please let me go just once?"

"From now on, our Nakata family is at your disposal. We will have no complaints whatever you ask us to do. All we ask is that you let us live."



"Your family has bullied our Ruan family for a hundred years. Today is the time to settle the general ledger."

"Just accept your fate!"

"If you are reincarnated as a human being in your next life, remember to keep a bottom line when doing things."

"Otherwise, there will be retribution sooner or later."



! "

With a gunshot, Nakata Yota's skull opened, and blood and brains splattered everywhere.

Nakata Renping opened his mouth wide, his pupils dilated to the extreme, and he was scared out of his mind.

"No, don't kill me."

"don't want!"



Two more gunshots were fired, and the only three direct descendants of the Nakata family disappeared from this world.

After doing all this, Ruan Xu knelt down and cried in his arms.

Lu Fei looked at Yamazaki Shunliang, who was mourning for his heir, and said with a smile.

"Young Master Yamazaki, the first step of my backup script has been completed, and now I need your full cooperation!"

"Lu Fei, you, you are the devil!"


After Yamazaki finished speaking, his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

An hour later, the originally quiet eastern suburbs became more lively than ever.

Komura Takayoshi rushed to the scene with more than a dozen leaders and dozens of police officers.

When they entered the box, everyone was stunned and stunned.

The tables, chairs and benches in the box were tilted this way and that, and more than a dozen corpses lay scattered in a pool of blood.

There were blood stains everywhere on the floor and walls, and the scene was miserable.

Nakata Yota, his son and brother fell in the corner, with blood all over the wall and adhering scalp and brains on the wall.

Watanabe Yuichi's eyes widened, the whites of his eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were so distracted that people dared not look directly into them.

The bloody scenes are disgusting.

Yamazaki Toshiliang was still in a coma, being tied up and pushed to the ground. Two Chinese people wearing winery security uniforms were guarding him on both sides.

On the sofa, Lu Fei looked pale and his clothes were messy.

A wound of about three centimeters on the left arm was still bleeding.

The manager, Zhang Shikun, was carefully preparing to sew and bandage Lu Fei.

Seeing that Lu Fei was injured, Komura Takayoshi rushed to

Rushed over.

"Mr. Lu, are you injured?"

"Sir, please don't suture me yet."

"The medical team I called is right outside the door. Let the professional doctors handle it for Mr. Lu!"

Lu Fei waved his hands and said weakly.

"Need not!"

"Mr. Komura, I came to Kyoto to invest with the greatest sincerity, but I didn't expect that what I got in return would be like this."

"If it weren't for the desperate efforts of my supervisor and security guards to save me, I might never be able to return to China."

"Not only was I seriously injured, but three of my best friends in the island country, Mr. Yota Nakata, were also brutally murdered."

"I'm extremely disappointed with this." .??.

"I have notified our embassy and I would like to lodge the strongest protest with the top brass of your country."

"And all investments in our company will be withdrawn within a short period of time."


"Mr. Lu, please don't get excited yet."

"Can you let the doctor treat your wound first?" Komura Takayoshi asked.

"Need not!"

"I don't believe you, I don't believe you."

Lu Fei was furious, and Komura Takayoshi was completely dumbfounded.

You know, the injured person in front of you is Lu Fei!

With Lu Fei's current influence, if this matter breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous.

Apart from anything else, he, the highest official in Kyoto, definitely wanted to go home to take care of his child.

However, this result is still the lightest.

He couldn't even imagine what the results would be if the higher-ups in China were to investigate.

"Mr. Lu, I'm really sorry. It was a mistake in our work. I apologize to you."

"Let's not talk about anything else. It's important to treat the wound first."

"I'm bringing the best doctors and they will take care of it."

"With such reckless actions as this gentleman, the wound can easily become infected."

"Mr. Lu, can you please trust us again?"

"Need not!"

"I said no, no need."

"Just be prepared and think about how to explain it to our ambassador!"

"Lu Fei!"

Just as he was talking, Wang Xinyi and the two young men burst in with more than a dozen people.

Seeing Lu Fei's miserable appearance, Wang Xinyi burst into tears instantly.

He rushed over and hugged Lu Fei while choking.

"Lu Fei, what's wrong with you?"

"Aren't you going to treat Mr. Nakata to dinner?"

"How could it be like this?"

"Xinyi, don't worry."

"I'm fine!"

"You said it was okay, but the look on your face would scare people to death."


"Where's the doctor?"

"Mr. Xiaocun, call the doctor in quickly!" Wang Xinyi shouted.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Lu doesn't trust our doctors."


"Stop talking nonsense, listen to me, and call the doctor in quickly."


Wang Xinyi spoke, and Lu Fei did not object this time.

Several doctors rushed in, put Lu Fei on a stretcher, and prepared to carry him away for treatment, but Lu Fei stopped him.

"I'm fine, I won't die just yet."

"I'm just watching here. My friend Mr. Nakata and I must have an explanation for what happened today."

"Otherwise, I won't be able to explain to Mr. Nakata's family."

Lu Fei insisted not to leave, Xiao Cun Xiaoyi's head suddenly grew three times, his scalp was numb, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

Pointing at the unconscious Yamazaki Toshira Lu Fei said weakly.

"Mr. Police, this person is the mastermind."

"Mr. Nakata was shot and killed by him himself."

"There were more than twenty of them in total. Except for the few who died, all the rest were caught by our security guards."

"You must review this case clearly and give me and Mr. Nakata justice."

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