A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1707 Nightmare

The wedding team came to the gate and were stopped by more than a dozen female classmates led by Niu Niu and Yao Meier.

"Little uncle!"

"If you want to see my aunt, you must abide by the rules!" Niu Niu said with a smile.

Xia Kai blushed with embarrassment, and Wang Xinlei had already opened the first cash box. .??.

"Don't worry, we all understand the rules."

"Sisters, grab the red envelope!"

More than a dozen boys started to throw in a box of red envelopes worth ten thousand yuan at the same time.

Yao Meier's female classmates screamed, and the first city gate was easily breached.

"Lao Xia, does this trick work well, buddy?" the little milk dog said proudly.



Following the same pattern, a total of four doors were smashed open with two million red envelopes.

The wedding team entered Yao Meier's boudoir smoothly.

After being tortured severely by Wang Xinyi and others, Xia Kai was let go.

Lu Fei took Yao Meier's hand and put it in Xia Kai's hand and said with emotion.


"Brother, I wish you happiness."

"Thank you bro!"


"Brother will leave Xia Kai to you today."

"From now on, you must love him, tolerate him, and feel sorry for him."

"If you dare to bully Xia Kai, I will never agree."


After Lu Fei finished speaking, there was laughter in the boudoir.

"Brother Fei!"

"You, you said the opposite."

"You should tell me this!" Xia Kai said.


"I'm helping you, and you still don't appreciate it?"

"You're such a bitch, you deserve to be punished by Yao Meier."


"Lu Fei, what are you talking about?"

"Am I that domineering?" Yao Meier said unconvinced.


"Compared with Sun Erniang, you are indeed gentler."


After having fun in the boudoir for a while, Xia Kai took Yao Meier into the car and returned to Jiangjunmiao Village.

A convoy of this size entered Jiangjunmiao Village, and Lao Xia suddenly became the focus of the whole village.

Hearing the compliments and compliments around him, Lao Xia felt a sense of enjoyment.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, everyone arrived at the hotel.

One hundred and fifty tables in both halls AB were packed.

Thousands of people drank and chatted, it was a lively crowd.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the largest wedding in Bashu's history came to a successful conclusion.

On this day, Lu Fei drank too much.

Really drank too much.

Drunk until unconscious.

Lu Fei is happy.

Even though his father was away, he gave his sister the most unforgettable wedding. As an older brother, Lu Fei was proud.

Seeing that his sister and husband are happy, Lu Fei is relieved.

The wedding ended successfully, and Lu Fei felt like a big mountain was missing from his body, and he felt more relaxed than ever before.

It was this mentality that made Lu Fei get drunk for the first time in a real sense.

In the haze, Lu Fei had a long and strange dream.

In the dream, Lu Fei returned to the Sea King again to fight with Count Sirhan's minions.

Outnumbered, he detonated the explosives himself.

In his consciousness, Lu Fei clearly saw his brothers falling one by one.

Then he saw his body was broken into pieces and bloody.

The next step is to get acquainted with Chen Xiang.

Xiang'er was deeply hurt for herself.

He took Yan Yonghui to kill Huo Tao and his son.

Fragments and scenes from the past reappeared before my eyes.

Gradually, three-headed monsters appeared in the dream.

A monster with blond hair and blue eyes claims to be the patron saint of the Thomas family.

The other is the spokesperson for the Robert family.

Finally there is a strange bird with three heads.

The strange bird treats itself respectfully and calls itself its master.


, three monsters started fighting.

At first the three-headed bird had the upper hand, but then the battle situation suddenly changed.

The Robert family and the Thomas family join forces to deal with the three-headed bird.

After a fierce battle, the three-headed bird and the patron saint of the Thomas family died together.

The next scene changed, Wade and his men took revenge on him.

Lu Fei saw his relatives fall one by one with his own eyes.

First it was Yao Meier, then Zheng Wenjuan, and then Jiner.

One after another, all the fallen relatives looked at him with wide eyes.

It seemed that he was extremely unwilling.

At this time, Wade pointed his pistol between his eyebrows.

Wade grinned and pulled the trigger.

Lu Fei could clearly see the bullet leaving the chamber and spinning toward his eyebrows.

At the critical moment, Wang Xinyi opened her weak arms to block her.

Before she could react, Wang Xinyi fell into a pool of blood.

However, this is not the end.

Wade raised his pistol again. Seeing this, Chen Xiang rushed to him with all his strength.

The trigger was pulled, and Lu Fei tried his best to hug Chen Xiang and try to dodge, but he was still a step too slow.

Just watching helplessly, Chen Xiang's chest was stained red with blood.

"Xiang'er, Xinyi!"


"Fei, I'm here!"

"Lu Fei, I'm here!"

"What’s wrong with you?"

"Did you have a nightmare?"


The extremely miserable nightmare was interrupted by Chen Xiang's call.

Lu Fei slowly opened his eyes, and in front of him was Chen Xiang's peerless face with tears in his eyes.


"you're awake."

"You just had a nightmare. It scared me to death."

"How are you doing?"

Lu Fei swallowed and found that his whole body was soaked with sweat.

But Chen Xiang held herself tightly in her arms.


br\u003e “Xiang’er, I’m fine.”

"It was just a dream, didn't it scare you?" Lu Fei said apologetically.

Chen Xiang wiped away her tears and smiled slightly.

"I'm fine. It's just that you kept shouting just now, which scared me to death."

"Don't drink so much from now on, do you hear me?"


"I listen to you and I will never drink too much again."

"Xiang'er, let me ask you a question. Answer me truthfully."

"Since my debut, you have seen everything I do."

"Do you think I treated my opponent too much?" Lu Fei asked.

Chen Xiang frowned slightly and asked in confusion.

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't think it's too much."

"From beginning to end, you never took the initiative to feel sorry for anyone."

"They deliberately provoked. If you didn't respond, you wouldn't be where you are today."

"Grandpa said that shopping malls are like battlefields and should not be benevolent to women."

"Don't be stressed, it's okay."

Lu Fei nodded.

"Thank you for your understanding. It makes me feel much more relaxed when you say that."

"Xiang'er, give me my bag."


Taking his backpack, Lu Fei took out a sachet from the most hidden compartment and handed it to Chen Xiang.

"Xiang'er, wear this thing on your body."

"Don't take it off at any time, you hear me?"

Chen Xiang took it and found something hard inside.

"What's in here?"

"Don't ask, and don't open it."

"Just remember, no matter what, you have to wear this thing."



"I see."

In the next two days, Lu Fei's daily task was to entertain friends from all walks of life who came to Jincheng to attend the opening of the museum.

Two days later, the opening day finally arrived.

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