A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1720 Transformation

The second aunt and sister-in-law's greetings made Chen Xiang extremely shy.

Thanks to Lu Fei coming out, the embarrassment was relieved.

After breakfast, the two young men acted as guides and took Lu Fei's family shopping.

Lu Fei and Chen Xiang returned to the room to make final preparations for the commendation meeting later.

"This jacket won't do."

"I feel good?"

"Lu Fei, you are going to meet the big boss soon, so you can't dress casually."

"Change into a suit."

"All right!"

After changing into a suit, Chen Xiang was still not satisfied.

"This set of colors isn't formal enough, no."

"Oh, isn't it just to meet the leader?"

"Are you so serious?"

"Why not?"

"You're going to meet a big leader in China soon, and the news may be broadcast in the evening."

"This is such a serious occasion, please don't act recklessly, okay?"

"This one definitely won't work, so let me help you choose!"

After much picking and choosing, Chen Xiang chose a pure black suit for Lu Fei.

Lu Fei tried it on and Chen Xiang was quite satisfied.

However, Lu Fei was not happy.

"I feel ten years older wearing this, don't you think?"

"What I want is this feeling. Wearing it this way makes you look mature and stable."

"And the color also makes it look formal, so this is it."

"It's almost time, let's go!"

Unable to defeat Chen Xiang, Lu Fei finally had to compromise.

When they got outside, Kong Panqing and Kong Jiaqi just arrived.

Today, the two women were also dressed very formally, but looking at their expressions, they looked extremely uncomfortable.

"Xiao Fei, do we need to go?" Kong Panqing asked.


"You are the director of the foundation!"

"When it comes to credit, you are second to none!"

"Besides, you two were asked to go by Mr. Pan's request. You won't fail to give Mr. Pan face, right?"

Kong Panqing shakes

Said the head.

"I'm not, I'm just a little nervous."


"There is nothing to be nervous about. We are the protagonists today."

"Let's go!"

The four of them got on the bus and arrived at the most strict and majestic place in China twenty minutes later.

Even Lu Fei's car could only park in the parking lot 800 meters away, and this was Pan Xingzhou's special instruction.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Lan Xiangdong and Su Baozhen were waiting in person.

When he was about to get off the car, Lu Fei was pulled by Chen Xiang.

"What's wrong?"

"Fei, don't be nervous, I'll be waiting for you in the car."

"Come on!"


"I feel like you're more nervous than me. Your palms are sweaty."

"Leave me alone. Remember, no matter what others say, don't lose your temper here."

"I know, I'm not a fool."

"Also, it's best not to speak if you can."

"Too much talk is bound to lead to mistakes. Maybe an innocuous sentence will offend someone!"

"I see."

"Also, my grandpa is also in there. You can't call him what he is at home."

"I see."




"why are you laughing?"

"Mr. Lan and Mr. Su are waiting for me downstairs."

"If you continue to nag, I've already offended someone."


"I'm sorry, I forgot, then get down quickly!"

After kissing Xiang'er on the face, Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, I'm measured."

"Don't forget, I am the protagonist."


Be nervous and wait for my good news in the car with peace of mind. "


Lu Fei got out of the car and shook hands cordially with Lan Xiangdong and Su Baozhen, and followed the two leaders into the most mysterious red-painted gate.

Seeing Lu Fei's back disappearing from the door lintel, Chen Xiang took a long breath.

More than a year ago, he was just a ragged boy who made a living by collecting rags.

For more than a year, this young man relied on his knowledge, courage and wit to overcome all difficulties and seize every opportunity.

Now, that shabby boy has transformed into a dragon and completed a task that almost everyone could not complete in their lifetime.

That's the miracle.

Fortunately, I witnessed the entire process of the young man's transformation.

Fortunately, I became the boy's relative and an inseparable part of his life.

For Chen Xiang, this is happiness.

After closing the car window, Chen Xiang leaned lazily on the car seat.

Close your eyes and recall every moment since you met Lu Fei.

Feel Lu Fei's joys, sorrows, sorrows and worries with your heart.

Unknowingly, two lines of tears fell from her beautiful eyes.

Forty minutes later, Lu Fei and the others reappeared in Chen Xiang's sight, surrounded by more than a dozen leaders led by Pan Xingzhou and Lan Xiangdong.

There was no change in Lu Fei's state before he followed in.

The only change is that Lu Fei and Kong Panqing have a handbag with a Chinese flag pattern in their hands.

Seeing the attitude of the leaders around him towards Lu Fei, his extremely nervous heart instantly relaxed.

Arriving at the car, Chen Xiang got out of the car and greeted the leaders with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Pan, hello Mr. Lan."

After looking at Chen Xiang, Lan Xiangdong said with a smile.

"I also said, why is Xiaofei's mentality so relaxed? It turns out that Xiang'er is here to encourage him!"

"Mr. Lan, you are joking."

"Okay, no more joking."

"Xiao Fei!"

"Your foundation and you personally have

China's contributions cannot be commended by just a commendation conference. "

"So, this commendation meeting is just the leaders' recognition of you, and it is also everyone's affirmation of you."

"I hope you will stick to your original aspirations, carry on the past and forge ahead into the future, and continue to set a good example."

"Thank you Mr. Lan, I will not let the leaders down."

"The leaders are busy with official duties, so send them here!" Lu Fei said.

"Then we'll go back."

"By the way, don't forget what I told you. Your aunt is very eager to see you."

"Thank you for your concern, auntie. Lu Fei will definitely go and visit."

"Okay, let's go back first."

After shaking hands with the leaders and saying goodbye, Lan Xiangdong and others returned the same way.

Pan Xingzhou took Lu Fei's hand, patted Lu Fei on the shoulder and praised him.

"Good job, Mr. Chen did not misjudge the person."

"I have turned down all the work on the 2nd. I will help you propose marriage that day."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Pan."

"I will pick you up personally on the 2nd."


"You're welcome. The marriage proposal is just a formality. Xiang'er can't live without you anymore. Even if we don't go, you can successfully handle the old man."

When Pan Xingzhou said this, Chen Xiang's face turned red instantly.

"Ha ha!"

"Look, Xiang'er is embarrassed."


"Uncle Pan, please stop talking, you are so embarrassed."


"Okay, it's time for me to go back. See you on the second."


Pan Xingzhou disappeared from sight, Kong Panqing let out a long breath, and Kong Jiaqi's legs trembled.

"Sister Chen Xiang, help me quickly, I can't move."

"Jiaqi, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh my god, you scared me to death."


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