A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1729 Proposal

Two consecutive Weibo updates caused unrest among the three hidden families.

But the person involved, Lu Fei, was in a good mood. He returned to the courtyard, changed into formal clothes and went to see his second uncle and second aunt.


"Our Xiaofei is so energetic today!" Second Uncle praised.

"can you speak?" ??

"What day does our Xiaofei feel down?"

"That's right."

"Although Xiao Fei has lost a little weight, his figure is not that bad."

"Anything looks good on Xiao Fei."

My sister-in-law took Lu Fei's hand and looked up and down a dozen times before suddenly sobbing.

"Hey, why are you crying on this big day?" my uncle complained.

"I didn't cry, I was just happy."

"Yao Mei'er is getting married, and Xiao Fei is also planning to propose marriage."

"It's a pity that my elder brother and sister-in-law can't see it."

"How happy they would be if they could see it!"

The atmosphere in the living room instantly became depressing at the words of my sister-in-law.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Sister-in-law, you are all my closest relatives."

"With you guys making the decision for me, I have no regrets."

"As for Lao Lu, I think he will definitely be able to see it."


"Brother, he must be able to see it."

"It's getting late, you should change your clothes quickly."

"We'll leave in half an hour."


Half an hour later, three luxury cars set off from the courtyard.

First go to the courtyard to pick up Pan Xingzhou, and rush to the Chen family's mansion at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain.

Arriving at the door of Chen's house, Chen Xiang's parents, uncle and aunt had been waiting for a long time.

Chen Xiang's mother Lu Huifang was extremely friendly when she saw Lu Fei.

"Xiao Fei, let Auntie take a look."


"Why do you seem to have lost weight again?"

"Auntie, Uncle Chen."

"Why are you here? How embarrassing!" Lu Fei said in fear.

"They are all from my own family, there are

Nothing to be embarrassed about. "


Lu Fei introduced the two families. The Chen family was extremely polite, but the Lu family was extremely nervous.

After Lu Fei comforted them, everyone's nervousness eased.

Chen Honggang and his brothers came over to shake hands with Pan Xingzhou and express their thanks.

"Mr. Pan is busy with everything, and he even came over to help Xiaofei personally. On behalf of the child, I would like to thank you."

"Ha ha!"

"What are you talking about Hongyi?"

"We are not outsiders to begin with. What's more, I have already promised Xiaofei."

"A month ago, I canceled all my plans for today."

"Let's have a drink together, buddies."

"Okay, Hongyi will definitely accompany you."

"Everyone, hurry in!"

"Father has been waiting inside for a long time."

"Please come in."

Everyone went in, and the two young men followed with gifts.

"Give me your gift and go back first!" Lu Fei said.

"No, dear brother!"

"You let us in too!"

"I haven't seen the old man for a long time. I just want to say hello to him."

"Let's go in together."


"I came to the Chen family to propose marriage, what are you causing trouble?"

"Brother, I don't like hearing what you say."

"Xiao Yao and I are your brothers. We have always been inseparable."

"It's such a big thing like your proposal of marriage, and the brothers can check it for you. How can it be causing trouble?"

"Xiao Yao, do you think so?"

Wang Xinlei nodded solemnly.

"Brother Long, I have known you for so long, and I agree most with what you said today."

"Brother Fei, what Brother Long said makes so much sense."

"Let's go in

Go and check it for you. "

"Get out!"

"You don't need to get involved in my affairs."


"Please, will you just let us in?"

The two young men squeezed in shamelessly, and Chen Hongyi walked over with a smile. .??.

"Xiao Fei, they are not outsiders, come in together!"

"Our family doesn't have that many rules."


"Uncle, what you said is very good. Thank you, uncle."

"Brother, let's go in first!"

With Chen Hongyi's permission, the two young men couldn't wait a second and rushed in carrying gifts.

Seeing how anxious these two guys were, Chen Hongyi laughed out loud.

"Haha, it's great to be young!"

"Okay, okay, but these two people have never behaved themselves. I'm afraid that the old man will be upset." Lu Fei said.

Chen Hongyi waved his hand and said.


"The house hasn't been so lively for a long time. It's not too late for the old man to be happy."

"Let's go!"

"Let's go in."


Chen Hongyi was in front, and Lu Fei greeted Wang Wu Jia Ming with a smirk on his face before walking in.

Under the grape trellis in the Chen family courtyard, the old man Chen Yunfei made an exception and wore a bright red Tang suit.

The old face that usually showed no anger and self-presence was full of smiles today and felt even more cordial.

The old man has met all the relatives of the Lu family.

After greetings, everyone went into the living room and sat down.

The door to the side hall opened, and Chen Xiang walked out carrying a teapot.

Today, Chen Xiang wore a bright red cheongsam with golden peonies embroidered all over her body.

She raised her hands and raised her feet and smiled, as charming as a bride.

"Second uncle, second aunt, sister-in-law, uncle, please have tea."


"Xiang'er's dress is so beautiful. Our Xiaofei can have a girlfriend like you. It's just a sign of good deeds from our ancestors."

! "

"Second sister-in-law, it's not the clothes that are beautiful, it's our fragrance that's beautiful."

"Xiang'er looks good in whatever she wears."

"Yes, the main thing is that she is beautiful."

"Our family Xiao Fei is so lucky."

The second aunt and sister-in-law's praise made Chen Xiang's shy face turn red, as beautiful as a peony in bud.

Pan Xingzhou smiled and said.

"Xiang'er, where is my uncle?"


"I'm sorry, Uncle Pan, Xiang'er will give you some tea."


Chen Yunfei laughed loudly, pointed at Pan Xingzhou and said.

"Our Xiang'er has been practicing all night for today's meeting."

"Xiao Pan, you can disrupt all of Xiang'er's plans with just one word. As an elder, you are a bit annoying!"


When everyone laughed, Chen Xiang's face turned completely red.

He put down the teapot and quickly hid behind Lu Fei.

Lu Huifang rolled her eyes at her daughter and smiled.

"Xiang'er, the real thing hasn't started yet, so you can't be around Xiao Fei."

"This is the rule."

"No matter how anxious you are, you should be more reserved, you know?"

After Lu Huifang finished speaking, everyone laughed again.

Chen Xiang couldn't bear it anymore and ran away covering her hot face.


"Look, this kid is embarrassed."


After laughing, Lu Fei winked at Pan Xingzhou.

The latter nodded understandingly and pulled Lu Tianhao to stand up.

He bowed to Chen Yunfei and said.

"Mr. Chen, Xiaofei came well prepared today!"

"According to the rules, you first see how Xiao Fei feels."

"Xiao Fei, didn't you prepare a gift?"

"Bring it up quickly!"

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