A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1736 Impulse

Five consecutive shots killed Yoshida Ohno and four strong men with guns.

The remaining six men in black reacted and drew their guns to fight back.

Lu Fei once again pulled Yoshida Changhei in front of him as a human shield.

Yoshida Chohei was shot three times and fainted with a scream.

The six men in black on the opposite side were stunned, and Lu Fei seized this opportunity and pulled the trigger again.

After six shots, everything calmed down on the cage.

If it were any other woman who encountered such a bloody scene, she would have screamed in fear.

But Wang Xinyi is different.

That was the section chief who was once a special department, a hero among girls who had been injured for a while and suffered serious injuries.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Xinyi was not only not afraid, but actually very excited.

"Fei, first check if there is any ambush in the wooden house."

"Be careful." Wang Xinyi shouted.

"Okay, you can wait for me safely."

Lu Fei picked up two guns on the ground, ducked down and rushed towards the wooden house.

He carefully checked to make sure there was no ambush in the wooden house, and then he felt relieved.

Kneeling down and looking at the injuries of Hai Long and Feng Zhe, Lu Fei frowned.

Just as he had judged, all the limbs of the two brothers were broken.

His body was covered in bruises and he looked miserable.

Fortunately, the two were only unconscious and their lives were not in danger.

Ignoring the two brothers for the time being, he untied Wang Xinyi and held Xinyi tightly in his arms.

"I'm sorry for making you suffer."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid."

"Fei, listen to me. If something like this happens again, don't come to save me."

"I don't want anything to happen to you."

"What words!"

"How could I not care about you?"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll get angry!"

"Are you injured?"

"They just slapped me a few times and there was no injury on my body."

"However, Hai Long and Feng Zhe are seriously injured."

"They are all like this because of me. I'm sorry for them." Wang Xinyi choked up and said.


"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, their lives will not be in danger."

"Dong Jianye is just outside. I'll take you home."

After leaving Lu Fei's arms, Wang Xinyi was about to stand up.

The moment he looked up, he found a gun in the hand of Yoshida Chohei a few meters away.

The muzzle of the gun was pointed at Lu Fei's back.


At the critical moment, Wang Xinyi bumped Lu Fei away with her shoulder.

At the same time, Yoshida Changhei also pulled the trigger.


There was a loud noise, and Wang Xinyi fell back with a groan.



Seeing Wang Xinyi being shot in the chest, Lu Fei yelled, turned around, and shot Yoshida Changhei in the wrist where he was holding the gun.


Lu Fei rushed to Yoshida Nagahei, fired two pistols at the same time, and shot all the bullets on Yoshida Nagahei's head.

Two magazines were empty, and Yoshida Chohei's head was as unrecognizable as a broken watermelon.

Throw away the pistol and rush to Wang Xinyi to check the injury.

Xinyi was shot in the left chest, and the bullet penetrated her body.

It's unclear whether her heart was hurt, but Wang Xinyi was already very angry at this time.

Lu Fei didn't have time to be upset and quickly opened the Qilin needle to seal Wang Xinyi's heart pulse to prevent excessive blood loss.

I want to take medicine, but unfortunately I don’t have the bag with me.

At this moment, Lu Fei felt extremely helpless.

At this time, Dong Jianye and Yang Yi led several team members to rush to the Internet box in a speedboat.

Seeing that Wang Xinyi was injured, the two old men also frowned.

"Lu Fei, how is she injured?"

"Old Dong, give me the phone."


"Call me."


oh! "

After taking the phone, Lu Fei tremblingly dialed Chen Xiang's number.

"Xiang'er, Xiang'er!"

"I'm Lu Fei, listen to me."

"Take my bag and go to Villa No. 1 of Xianlin Mingyuan immediately to wait for me."

"Xinyi is injured, we must hurry!"

"Lu Fei, don't worry, I'm just outside the reservoir."

"I brought your bag, where are you now?" Chen Xiang said.

"Great, just wait for me there, I'll be there right away."

Lu Fei said, picked up Wang Xinyi and jumped on the speedboat.

Start the motor and shout to Dong Jianye.

"Send these two brothers of mine to No. 1 Xianlin Mingyuan."

"be quick."


Lu Fei's speedboat rushed to the shore, Dong Jianye ordered the team members to rescue Hailong and Feng Zhe boarded another speedboat.

Arriving at the shore, Lu Fei hugged Wang Xinyi and rushed to his car.

After just running a few steps, he met the Special Branch and Xuanlong team members walking towards them with twenty-three people in ambush.

Seeing the bosses of the Black Wind Society, Yamazaki Daihide and Thomas Roy among the captured people, Lu Fei instantly understood.

I had previously suspected that Yoshida Ohno and his son alone would not have the courage to carry out a kidnapping near Tiandu City.

Especially if Yoshida Ohno could name the Seven Star Sword, it would be even more impossible.

On the cage, Lu Fei guessed that the Thomas family was involved.

When we meet now, the evidence is irrefutable.

Seeing these two people, Lu Fei was furious.

He gently put Wang Xinyi on the ground and rushed forward like a hungry wolf.

"Instructor, Mr. Lu"

The team members were about to say hello to Lu Fei when Lu Fei suddenly jumped up high and kicked Yamazaki Daihide squarely in the temple.

Lu Fei used all his strength to kick Yamazaki Daixiu's skull into pieces.

In an instant, Yamazaki Daihide, the big boss of the Black Wind Club, bled to death from his seven orifices.



It's no problem to kill the opponent in battle.

Now that Yamazaki Daihide is a prisoner, kicking Yamazaki to death in front of so many people is completely different.

To be honest, this is murder!

Seeing Lu Fei being so impulsive, the team members were all dumbfounded.

But it wasn't over yet. Lu Fei turned around and rushed towards Roy again with his scarlet eyes.

Seeing the look in Lu Fei's eyes, Roy was so frightened that he was out of his wits.

"don't want!"

"Save me, stop Lu Fei quickly."

"Lu Fei is crazy."

"Instructor, no!"

The five Xuanlong players reacted and hugged Lu Fei tightly the second before he took action.

"Instructor, no!"

"Calm down, please calm down."

"Let me go, let me go."

"This is an order."

"No, instructor, he will definitely be punished by law, but you can't do it yourself!"


At this time, Lu Fei was like a crazy beast, unable to listen to any advice at all.

He burst out with all his strength, shook off the Xuanlong team member hanging on his body and tried to take action, but several other team members rushed up to hug Lu Fei.

At this time Dong Jianye and Yang Yi also came to the shore.

Seeing the situation in front of them, the two brothers were also shocked.

"Lu Fei, are you fucking crazy?"

"Do you know this is a crime?"

"What on earth do you want to do?"

"Old Dong, tell your people to get out of here, I'm going to kill this bastard myself."

"Lu Fei, can you calm down?"

"They will definitely be sanctioned, but you don't have the right to do it yourself."

"You have already made a big mistake. Don't make the same mistake again and again!"

"Brother, can I beg you?" Dong Jianye shouted.

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