A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1745 Meeting Gift

Lu Fei's attitude was as casual and free as ever, and Long Yun finally relaxed.

Passing a cigarette to Long Yun and opening it, Lu Fei asked with a smile.

"I heard from my mother that you have a lot of things you want to ask me."

"let's start?"

Long Yun took a puff of cigarette, turned his face to the side and laughed.

"why are you laughing?"


"I laugh at myself."

"I always thought that my IQ and EQ were pretty good, but I didn't expect that I would be manipulated by you."

"It's so embarrassing!"

"Hey, what do you mean?"

"I have always regarded you as a buddy. When did I play with you?"

"Pull him down!"

"If I'm not wrong, you were suspicious when you first met our lady in Malaysia, right?"

"I always thought you wanted to pursue our lady, and I also wanted to help you match her up."

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of relationship."

"Xiushui Villa took out Han Rongguang and blackmailed our boss for 20 billion knives."

"At that time, you already knew who our boss was, right?"

"My brother, you have to make it clear that I was borrowing it, not extorting it, okay?"

"I have returned those 20 billion to you a long time ago." Lu Fei said.

"That's not what I'm talking about."

"You have known the identity of our boss for a long time and deliberately used me as a messenger."

"Are you interested in playing tricks on me like this?" Long Yun said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"You can't blame me for this."

"I am also following a plan."

"Hey, you can't be so petty!"

"How about I treat you to a nice drink with Brother Zhang Zhang some other time?"

"Pull him down!"

"You are the young master now, and we dare not be equal to you."

"Depend on!"

"here we go again."

"I'm telling you seriously, we will always be friends."

"While I'm away, please

We take good care of my mother. "

"If you need help with anything, please contact me anytime."

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Long Yun and Zhang Zhang were stunned.

"what do you mean?"

"Aren't you going back with us?"

"I have something to deal with now and I can't go back for the time being."

"I've told my mother and she agrees."

Long Yun looked at Lu Fei and suddenly frowned.

"Since you consider me a friend, from the perspective of a friend, let me ask you a question."

"What exactly do you want, kid?"


Long Yun's question really stunned Lu Fei.

Since his rebirth, Lu Fei's goal has been to live a prosperous and wealthy life.

Now, this goal has been achieved.

His own property is enough to squander for several lifetimes.

But this is not what Lu Fei wants.

As for what he wanted, Lu Fei really couldn't tell.

"Lu Fei, no matter what you want, the Xiao family can give it to you."

"Why don't you go back?"

"It's not easy for the boss and a woman to support the huge Xiao family these years."

"You are her only son, you should go back and help her share the burden."

"This is your responsibility as a son!" Long Yun said.

"I understand everything you said."

"I told my mother that I would waste another year."

"In a year, I would consider going back."

"So, I'll leave it to you for this year."


"I really don't understand what you are thinking."

"Many senior leaders in China have objections to you."

"Is it interesting to stay here and guard against them everywhere?"

"Stop talking,

I have my own ideas. "

"That's the same thing. After one year, I will consider going back."

Long Yun rolled his eyes angrily, and even wanted to persuade Zhang Zhang to stop him.

"never mind!"

"It's not necessarily a bad thing that Mr. Lu has his own ideas."

"Don't worry, if you have any difficulties in China, please come to me directly."

"We are a family, no need to be polite to me."

"Thank you, Brother Zhang, I will remember it."

The three chatted for a while, and Chen Xiang sent Xiao Tingfang out.

After saying hello, Xiao Tingfang took a briefcase from Zhang Zhang's hand and handed it to Chen Xiang.

"Xianger, this is a gift from auntie."

"I planned to give it to you when I proposed marriage, but I didn't expect that so many things happened today."

"Now it's over to you, I hope you like it."

"Auntie, this, this is not good!"

"You are my future daughter-in-law. Auntie will give you a meeting gift, so don't be polite."

"Auntie's contact information has been given to you. If Xiaofei dares to bully you in the future, please call me as soon as possible."

"Auntie will make the decision for you." Xiao Tingfang said.

"Thank you, aunt."

"Actually, Lu Fei is very good to me."

"That's good."

"It's getting late, I'll go back first."

"Xiao Fei, don't forget what you promised your mother."

"Also, be careful."

"If you have any difficulty, look for Long Yun and Zhang Zhang."

"Mom, I understand."

"Take care of yourself too."

Seeing his mother get in the car and leave, Lu Fei felt mixed emotions.

Lu Fei felt that it was so unreal to meet again after seventeen years.

Especially the change in his mother's personality. Although Lu Fei had thought about it, the actual experience was far beyond Lu Fei's expectations.

This made Lu Fei surprised, strange, and distressed.

Lu Fei did not tell the truth to his mother.

During the year of dating my mother, getting the Thomas family's knife was just one of my goals.

More importantly, Lu Fei should use this time to fully understand his current mother.

Only by truly understanding can you fully open your heart.


"Why don't you keep Auntie?"

Holding Chen Xiang in his arms, Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"She has her life and I have mine."

"It's enough to meet and recognize each other."

"We still need time to adapt."

"By the way, did my mother say something to you that you shouldn't have said?"

"What are you referring to?" Chen Xiang asked.


"For example, how outstanding her son is. You are lucky to marry such a man."

"When else will you get married, how many children will you have, etc.?"


"Smelly poor!"

"Then what did you talk about?"

"It's okay. Auntie is very good to me."

"She asked me to take good care of you."

"that's it?"

"if not?"

"What's going on with you today?"

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"It's nothing."

"Let's go back and see what good things my mother gave you as a meeting gift."

Returning to the study, he opened his briefcase and found a thick stack of documents inside.

When they took out the document and looked at it, Lu and Fei stood up in surprise.

The first one is the property rights of a private island in Australia.

The island has a total area of ​​32 square kilometers and is named Chenxiang Island, and the property rights are also in Chenxiang's name.

Thirty-two square kilometers of private island, this is awesome.

You know, this is much larger than the Di family's Zhongzhou Island!

Australia has many islands, but I have never heard of such a large private island before.

This gift is really too valuable.

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