A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1748: Singing a Red Face

Being locked in the room for more than three hours with no one paying attention, Lu Fei suppressed his anger.

Lin Huaishan put on a stern face and pretended to be cool, and Lu Fei couldn't suppress his violent temper.

"Don't talk about useless things. My time is very precious."

"Get to the point quickly."


Lin Huaishan slapped the case and pointed at Lu Fei and shouted sharply.

"Lu Fei, what's your attitude?"

"You have to understand that you are a murderer now."

"We called you here to investigate the case. Put away your capitalist sense of superiority, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."


"You're welcome, what can you do?"

"Extorting a confession through torture?"

"With all due respect, do you fucking dare?"


Lu Fei frowned coldly, and Lin Huaishan gritted his teeth in hatred.

The room smelled full of gunpowder, and the air became tense instantly.

Li Yunhai quickly stepped forward to smooth things over.


"Everyone, please calm down and don't quarrel!"

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lu does have patients at home who need care. It is understandable that he is upset."

"Let's quickly enter the inquiry process!"

"Shut up!"

"Li Yunhai, don't forget, I am the deputy team leader."

"How can I interrogate the prisoner? I don't need you to intervene."

"Just be responsible for recording." Lin Huaishan shouted.

"Wait a moment!"

"Lin, tell me clearly, why did I become a murderer?"

"If you don't speak clearly today, I will sue you for defamation." Lu Fei said.

"Lu Fei, it's true that you killed someone."

"Is it wrong to say you are a murderer?"


"Until the court pronounces a verdict, I am at most a suspect."

"Why do you characterize me?"

"Who do you think you are?"


Before the interrogation started, the two started arguing.

He got up, which made Li Yunhai very sad.

"Mr. Lu, please calm down."

"Mr. Lin, can you also calm down?"

"It's getting late, let's start to understand the situation!"

"The leaders above are still waiting for our report!"

After some persuasion from Li Yunhai, the two of them sat down again.

"Lu Fei, let me ask you, where were you at 4:30 pm on January 2?" Lin Huaishan asked.

"Changshanyu Reservoir."

"What are you doing there?"

"Performing official duties."

"Are you on official duty?"

"What official duties are you performing?"

"Who did you report to?" Lin Huaishan said.

"I am the chief instructor of Wulong. I lead the team to perform official duties. Who do I need to report to?"

"Report to you?"

"Are you worthy?"


Lin Huaishan slapped the table again.

The force this time was much greater than the last time, and Li Yunhai and the three of them were so frightened that they all stood up.

"Lu Fei, what's your attitude?"


"I told the truth."

"I am the chief instructor of Wulong. I represent the Chinese military. I have the right to lead the team to perform tasks."


"I advise you to stop losing your temper."

"Your qi and blood are blocked, your eye sockets are blue, and your hair is dull. This is a typical sign of qi and blood failure and insufficient blood supply."

"If you hit the table again, be careful of cerebral hemorrhage."


Li Yunhai and the other three almost laughed out loud, and Lin Huaishan's hair stood up angrily.

"You, you, you are presumptuous."

"I'm representing the Special Investigations Unit now."

"With us, you are a suspect."

"I advise

You'd better tell the truth, otherwise"

"What else?"

"Don't you dare hit me."

"You are no match for scolding."

"You give me more for free than more money." ??

"Nothing will work. Is it any use if you threaten me?"

"I advise you to correct your attitude and let's talk calmly."

"Now that we're done, send a car to take me back quickly."

"Don't try to mess with me. I, Lu Fei, don't do this."


Lin Huaishan's face was livid with anger, he held his hands on the table and breathed heavily, his eyes almost bulging out.

The scene was extremely embarrassing.

At this time, the door opened and two middle-aged men walked in.

The man in front is about 1.8 meters tall, in his early fifties, and has a mature and steady manner.

The man behind him was short, dark-skinned, and looked quite strong.

Seeing this man coming in, Lin Huaishan stood up quickly as if he had seen his savior.

"Mr. Duan, you are here."

"Lu Fei has an extremely arrogant attitude. He is simply a living bandit. He doesn't take our special team seriously at all."

"He is a stubborn person, so I suggest you use some means to him."


"Lin Huaishan, do you know what you are talking about?"

"I heard it clearly outside. It's obviously your attitude that's wrong."

"Mr. Lu is one of our own comrades. We asked him to come back to cooperate and understand the situation."

"What was your attitude just now? Were you interrogating prisoners?"

"What else?"

"I think you are acting like a bandit."

"Mr. Duan, me"

"Stop talking and get out right away."

"Mr. Duan"

"go out!"


Lin Huaishan looked aggrieved, but

Not daring to disobey, he glared at Lu Fei and left angrily.

The visitor came to Lu Fei with a smile and took the initiative to extend his hand to say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, it was Lin Huaishan who had a bad attitude just now and made you feel wronged."

Don't reach out to hit the smiling person. They are so polite, so of course Lu Fei has to be polite in return.

"Hello, who are you?"


"My name is Duan Yunpeng, and I am the leader of the special team."

"Originally, I asked you to come back to understand the situation, but it turned out that I had an important meeting to attend."

"In order not to waste your time, I have to let Lin Huaishan be responsible for receiving you first."

"Mr. Lin has some troubles at home these days, and his attitude towards you is not good. I apologize to you on his behalf."

"I hope Mr. Lu doesn't mind."


The sweetheart is here.

Lu Fei knew very well what they were doing.

In order to save time, Lu Fei didn't bother to expose it.

"It doesn't matter!"

"If a slap can't make a difference, I am also responsible."

"I do have seriously injured people at home who need my personal care. Can we start?" Lu Fei asked.


"Xiao Li, change Mr. Lu's tea and let's start over."

Everyone sat down again, Duan Yunpeng said with a smile.

"Mr. Lu, we are just asking a routine question. Don't feel any pressure. Just tell the truth."

"No problem, I will fully cooperate."


"What we are mainly asking this time is about what happened at Changshanyu Reservoir on the evening of January 2."

"This case occurred near Tiandu City and is extremely vile in nature."

"You also know that if you don't handle it well, it will be quite troublesome."

"If there are some inappropriate words used during the inquiry process, I hope Mr. Lu can understand and support it." Duan Yunpeng said.

Lu Fei lit up the cigarette and smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Duan, I will tell you everything I know."

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