A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1752 Robbery

The interrogation room was full of tension and gunpowder.

The two sides were at each other's throats. Duan Yunpeng, the leader of the special team, suppressed his smile, waved his hand, and pointed four pistols at Lu Fei at the same time.

"Mr. Duan, what do you mean?" Lu Fei asked.

"Mr. Lu, we are still our own people now. We didn't want to break up with you."

"But you don't know how to appreciate it."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to sign. We'll make the transcript again when we figure it out."

"But you can't leave without confessing the truth."

"Otherwise, we can regard you as violently resisting the law and have the right to kill you at any time."

"This is not a joke on you, please be careful, Mr. Lu."

"threaten me?"

"If you don't believe me, you can try it." Duan Yunpeng sneered.


Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, the door was kicked open.

Then, a dozen heavily armed soldiers rushed in.

The two middle-aged men at the head were Su Donghai, the boss of Xuanlong, and Yang Zhenhuai, the boss of Qiulong.

"What are you doing?" Su Donghai yelled.

Duan Yunpeng was surprised when Wulong's people broke in.

He was slightly startled at first, and then immediately put on a smile.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Yang, why are you two here?"

"Mr. Duan, what do you mean?"

"If you let your special team interrogate you, who gives you the right to draw your gun?"

"And you are pointing a gun at our chief instructor of the Five Dragons. You are so brave."

"Come here, give me their weapons."


Su Donghai gave an order, and the team members rushed forward to collect the weapons of the four gunmen.

Such an embarrassing scene made Duan Yunpeng's old face turn red with shame.

"Mr. Su, what are you doing?"

"Do you still want to rob someone?"

"Robbing someone?"


Su Donghai sneered, took a document from the team member's hand and slammed it on Duan Yunpeng's face.


Duan Yunpeng, please keep an eye on me. "

"The order signed by Leader No. 3 personally states that from now on, Lu Fei's matter will be handed over to our military for internal resolution."

"You can get lost."


"This is impossible."

"When did this happen?"

"Why didn't we get the message?"

"Mr. Su, this is no joke. Forgery of orders is punishable by military law." Duan Yunpeng asked in surprise.

"You don't know because you are not qualified enough."

"If you want to know if it's true, you can ask Mr. Zhao in person."

"Chief instructor, are they not giving you a hard time?" Su Donghai asked.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Not yet, but it won't be possible if you come later."

Lu Fei shook the interrogation transcript in his hand and said.

"Just now, they confused right and wrong and used false confessions to trick me into signing."

"This is the evidence, keep it."

"I will go to the top to seek justice later."


"False confession?"

"Duan Yunpeng, you are so brave, you dare to play tricks with our instructors."

"Do you fucking want to die?" Su Donghai yelled, frowning and glaring.

Duan Yunpeng was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were split apart and he quickly explained.

"Mr. Su, please don't get me wrong."

"It's not what you think."

"There's just some misunderstanding."


"Whether it is a misunderstanding or not, we will investigate clearly."

"Come here, escort the chief instructor away."


"Lao Yang, have someone take the interrogation surveillance camera back as evidence."



The interrogation surveillance video was taken away by Yang Zhenhuai, and Duan Yunpeng suddenly felt bad.

He wanted to resist, but in front of the fully armed Wulong team members, even if he had the courage to do so, he would not dare to make a mistake.

He asked Wu Haijun for help with his eyes, but the latter was already so frightened that he was sweating profusely and lowered his head to pretend to be dead.

Just a moment ago, he was so majestic and domineering, but in an instant he became a clown and a bereaved dog. It was simply ridiculous.

Lu Fei calmly drank the remaining half bottle of beer, lit a cigarette, looked at Duan Yunpeng with a smile and said.

"Mr. Duan, please tell that guy Lin just now that I, Lu Fei, will remember you."

"We have a long way to go, see you soon."

"By the way, let me tell you, I have a bad habit, and that is being petty."

"I must take back the injustice you did to me today."

Duan Yunpeng felt like he was mourning, and Lu Fei looked at Wu Haijun.

"Captain Wu, let me advise you."

"No matter what your position is, first of all, you are a Chinese."

“Chinese people must put China’s interests first.”

"You have nothing to do with Asanguo's affairs, and neither can you."

"If you have that free time, you might as well think about how to take back the good things our China has lost outside."

"That's the serious thing about meritorious service, receiving awards and being famous forever."

"Also, please tell them exactly what I said before."

"Everything else is useless. If I get too anxious, I will actually melt the Ashoka Tower."

"This is no joke."

"If you want to return to the pagoda, there is only one way to redeem it with 20 billion knives."

"Apart from this condition, nothing else is negotiable."

"Also, I advise them not to have any evil thoughts."

"Next time, the ransom will be doubled."


After Lu Fei finished speaking, he swaggered out of the interrogation room under the escort of the Wulong team members.

All team members were evacuated. Duan Yunpeng and Wu Hai

The army collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud.

"how so?"

"How did Su Donghai and the others get in?"

"What do people outside eat?"

"Who's in charge outside?"

"Get in here!" Duan Yunpeng roared.


"Report to Mr. Duan, I am in charge of the outside."

"What do you do for food?"

"Why let them in?"

"Report to Mr. Duan, we can't let him go!"

"President Su brought two squadrons to surround the entire base."

"Our people were controlled by them immediately."


"Two squadrons?"


"They really spent a lot of money for Lu Fei." Lin Huaishan said in surprise.

"Everyone has been taken away, what's the use of talking about it now?"

"How can we explain to Mr. Zhao if we don't get Lu Fei's confession!"

"Report, Mr. Zhao's phone number."


Back in the car, Lu Fei handed Yang Zhenhuai a cigarette and burst into laughter.

"You are so ridiculous!" Su Donghai said, rolling his eyes.


"Boss Su, I always thought that you were different from Lao Mo and others. You were a gentle and humble gentleman."

"I didn't expect that when you curse people, you are more sexy than them."

"She can compete with the shrews from Bashu."


Yang Zhenhuai laughed so hard that the driver Xiao Zhou tried not to laugh out loud, but his shoulders were already shaking violently.

"What are you laughing laughing?"

"You kid still have the nerve to joke with me?"

"Do you know how much trouble your kid has caused?"

"It really doesn't make people worry!"

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