A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1774: Embarrassing You

Lu Fei said that Yang Yi was not good enough, which hurt the latter's self-esteem.

"Boss, you can insult me, but you can't question my professionalism."

"My shooting skills are also among the best in the team, okay?"


"Lao Yang, don't forget, when the Wulong Brigade competed, you almost dragged the whole team back. Do you still have the nerve to give me a blow?"

"Holy shit!"

"Lu Fei, if you say that again, I will break off our relationship with you and I will tell you."


"What I said is the truth, don't refuse to accept it."

"If you don't accept it, you can compete with me. Do you dare?"

When Lu Fei shouted, all the team members training at the three shooting ranges gathered around and started cheering.

"Team Yang, compete with the instructor."

"A competition."

"Come on Team Yang, come on instructor"

Looking at Yang Yi's expression again, it was much uglier than eating bitter melon.

During the competition, everyone witnessed Lu Fei's level, and Yang Yi was really no match for him.

Now, he really regretted challenging Lu Fei.

But it has reached this point, and there is no room for retreat.

If he doesn't agree, he will be laughed out of his mouth by his brothers.

Then I thought about it, although it would be embarrassing to lose, it would be better than being a deserter, right?

What's more, Lu Fei hasn't had systematic training for several months, and his level is definitely not as good as before.

Even if I maintain high-intensity training and compete with Lu Fei, I may not have no chance of winning.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi gritted his teeth and nodded heavily.


"I'll compete with you."

"Let's charge and shoot from 150 meters."

"If you win, shooting range No. 2 will be yours."

"What will you do if you lose?" Yang Yi said.


"Lao Yang, the most valuable thing about a person is self-awareness. Do you think it's possible for you to win against me?"

"Hey, don't say it's useless."

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