A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1784 Hunting

Several bosses were surprised to learn that Lu Fei had called Su Baozhen directly.

But this is not the end.

When they learned that the sudden arrival of more than a hundred bosses was related to Lu Fei, they all screamed in anger.

A few days ago, Lu Fei called Zhang Jianguo to deliberately let out the news about the self-heating pack.

If we only relied on the Five Dragons Brigade, that small order would be far from satisfying Lu Fei's appetite.

In the next few days, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang continued their honeymoon trip.

In the past few days, Chen Xiang's shooting level finally stabilized and he decided to start the next subject, wild survival and hunting.

I originally planned to take Chen Xiang into the mountains today, but when the wake-up call sounded, Chen Xiang was not excited at all, but instead was worried.

"Honey, what are you thinking about?" ??

"Do you know what day today is?" Chen Xiang asked.

Lu Fei kissed Chen Xiang on the cheek and said.

"Of course I remember."

"On the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month, the Kitchen God ascends to heaven."

"On this day last year, I celebrated the old man's 102nd birthday in Tiandu City."

"He is one hundred and three years old this year."

"Do you want to go back and celebrate your grandpa's birthday?"

"How about I have someone take you back."

"Take our helicopter and you can return to Tiandu in forty minutes."

Chen Xiang shook his head and said.

"It's not that I miss home. In previous years, grandpa's birthday was not celebrated. Last year was a special situation."

"I just feel that we are hiding the matter of obtaining the certificate from grandpa, and I feel uneasy."

"If grandpa finds out first, he will definitely be angry."

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"I've thought about it before."

"How about this!"

"I will video chat with my family during dinner tonight, and I will tell him about getting the certificate."

"The deal is done. We are surrendering ourselves voluntarily. Your grandfather will not make things difficult for us."


"Okay, you don't have to worry anymore."

"Your grandpa is also my grandpa, I know what to do."

"Change clothes

Take it, I'll take you into the mountains to hunt. "

"In the past few days, I have observed that there are particularly many pheasants in the pine forests of Beishan."

"Our goal today is pheasants, and we will definitely have a bumper harvest."

After Lu Fei's enlightenment, Chen Xiang became excited again.

After washing and changing into equipment, Lu Fei gave Chen Xiang his pistol, and the two walked into the mountain hand in hand.

"Husband, what are you looking for?"

"Our goal today is pheasants. I'm looking for the route where pheasants appear." Lu Fei said.

"Finding a route?"

"Aren't you looking for pheasants?"

"Most of the wild animals appear in certain patterns."

"Especially pheasants and hares, they shuttle through the woods and habitually take the same route."

"We find the route and set the trap, and the rest is just waiting for them to fall into the trap."

"Is this okay?"

"Trust me, you will definitely be surprised."

After a while, Lu Fei found a route where pheasants were found.

The paw prints on the ground were intricate and messy, and there were also a lot of pheasant droppings.

It can be judged from this that there are not a few pheasants taking this route.

Lu Fei took out a thin steel wire and handed it to Chen Xiang and said.

"You follow my steps, I'll teach you how to make the trap, and I'll teach you how to lay it out later."

"After the arrangements are made, let's compete."

"If you catch more than me, my husband will carry you back."

"Really?" Chen Xiang asked excitedly.

"When have I ever lied to you?"


"I'll compete with you."

"By the way, what if I lose?"


"Of course you will be punished if you lose."

"But don't worry, I won't let you carry me back."

"If you lose, just give me a bath at night

good. "

"You, shameless."

"Hey, we are a legal couple!"

"How about it? Do you want to compare?" .??.??

"Let's compete, who is afraid of whom?"

"Okay, I just like your stubbornness."

Making a snare is quite simple, just tie a slip knot with steel wire.

The two ends of the steel wire are tied to the woody grass roots on both sides, leaving a fist-sized circle in the middle.

Pheasant's eyesight is average, his field of vision is even worse, and his IQ is pitiful.

When passing by the route, there is a high probability that you will get into it.

Once you get into it, it will be miserable.

The wire tightened, getting tighter the more he struggled, until he couldn't move at all.

For an hour and a half, the two men each laid fifty traps.

Then find a secluded and dry place, open the self-heating bag and enjoy the meal.

"Husband, the air here is so good. It feels great to eat here!"

"Of course!"

"This is a no-man's land, far away from pollution, and the air quality is not bad."


"What is this sound?" Chen Xiang asked.

"The crow of the pheasant is rewarding."

"Very good."

Putting down his chopsticks, Chen Xiang took the lead and rushed towards the sound.


"I really caught one!"

"This one is so big!"

"Husband, come and see, this is a trap I set!"


"There's one more."


"Are these two pheasants?"

"Why are the feathers different? This one's tail is so long and its feathers are so beautiful!"

"That's right!"

"Both of these are pheasants."

"The ones with longer tails are female."

“In the TV series, the mountain kings and ethnic minorities wear the feathers from the tail of a pheasant on their hats.”

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful!"

In one day, the two harvested a total of twenty-one prey.

Chen Xiang captured nine pheasants, and Lu Fei clearly had the upper hand in numbers.

However, Lu Fei's prey included four hares. Chen Xiang said the hares were cute and forced Lu Fei to release them.

As a result, Lu Fei had no choice but to lose the game 7 to 9.

The price of losing the game is to be covered with pheasants and have to carry his wife down the mountain. Lu Fei has no objection to this.

"How are you? Are you tired?"

"Not tired, so excited!"

"Shall we go hunting tomorrow?"

"no problem!"

"Let's play here for a few days, and in a few days we will take you into the mountains to catch wild boars."

"And wild boars?"


“Is it dangerous to catch a wild boar?”

"Remember, the most dangerous animal in the world is man."

"You have a gun in your hand, believe in your own abilities."

"You're right, I'm not afraid."

"Hey, I'm about to fall off."

"Husband, I haven't heard you sing yet. Can you sing one for me?"

"If I don't sing, I'm tone deaf."

"No, I still want to listen."

"That's not singing either."

"You sing to me, and I'll give you a bath at night."


"I promise."

"Okay, listen."

“The mountain road here has eighteen bends”

"Oh, you'd better stop singing, it's so unpleasant!"


Back at the base, the soldiers couldn't help laughing when they saw Lu Fei's appearance as a pheasant.

Two pheasants were left behind, and the rest were sent to the kitchen by the soldiers to improve food for everyone. Lu Fei took Chen Xiang back to the second floor.

Arriving at the stairs on the second floor, the two of them glanced at the sentry inadvertently.

Just at this glance, Lu Fei and Lu Fei were so surprised that they almost screamed.

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