A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1786 Partiality

Lu Fei talked for a long time, but Chen Yunfei couldn't get enough of it.

In the end, Lu Fei was helpless.

"Grandpa, don't look at me like that."

"You know best who I, Lu Fei, am."

"I'm serious about Xiang'er, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get a marriage certificate with her."

"What I did before was not fair. As long as we don't break up, you can clean it up as you like."

"I admit it."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the old man looked directly at Lu Fei. There was a group of silence in the room, and the air was full of weirdness.

After two minutes, Chen Yunfei spoke.

"Boy, to be my grandson-in-law, Chen Yunfei, you must meet three prerequisites."

"First, he must be from China."

"Grandpa, you don't have to doubt this. I am a decent Chinese person. You know this!" Lu Fei said.

"I know you are from China, but your mother is an Australian citizen."

"You have to promise me that you will never immigrate."

"Grandpa, do you know my mother?"


"Do you know it's strange that you met each other in front of my house?"


"You don't have to doubt this. I, Lu Fei, will always be from China."

"Because this is my root. Even if I die, my soul will return to my hometown and my fallen leaves will return to my roots."

"With my financial resources, if I wanted to immigrate, I would have done it a long time ago. Why should I be willing to reflect here for a year?" Lu Fei said.


"Let's talk about the second point."

"No matter where your kid develops in the future, you must take the right path."

"You don't have to doubt this, let's just talk about the third point."

"Third, you must be nice to Xiang'er."

"If one day Xiang'er returns to her parents' home crying, I won't be able to forgive you."

"Is there any more?" Lu Fei asked.

"One more request."

"No matter what, our Chen family is also a respectable family."

"To treat my granddaughter like this in such a daze

Marrying out is absolutely not an option. "

"When it's time for you to reflect, you must give Xiang'er a formal wedding." Chen Yunfei said.

"Of course."

"I told you before that I will give Xiang'er a unique wedding."

"What about that? Is there anything else?"


"Are you sure?"



"You told me earlier, it scared me to death."

"Look, I'm breaking out in a cold sweat."

"Okay, I promise you everything. I can even swear to it."

"If I can't do it, I'll be struck by lightning."

"Okay, okay, since you have no conditions, let's just ignore this article."

"Today is your 103rd birthday. Let's have a good meal as a family."

"Xiang'er comes over to help and help grandpa sit down."


Lu Fei was enthusiastic, but no one in the Chen family responded.

Especially the uncle Chen Hongyi was so nervous that he even forgot to breathe.

The old man knew about it on the day Lu Fei and Chen Xiang received their certificates.

After receiving the news, the old man's face looked gloomy and scary.

In those days, the old man was extremely serious, waiting for Lu Fei and Chen Xiang to come to explain in person.

But instead of waiting for the two to explain, Lu Fei eloped to the base with Chen Xiang.

After receiving the news, the old man was furious.

On the way to the base today, the old man was still furious.

Based on what the Chen family knew about the old man, the old man would definitely be angry with Lu Fei and Chen Xiang after they met.

As for what the final consequences will be, the family can't even imagine.

But he never expected that the gloom of many days would be easily resolved by Lu Fei's few words, which simply subverted the Chen family's outlook on life.

To this day, I still feel like I am in a dream.

"Xiang'er, why are you standing there stunned?"

"Come here quickly!"


"I'm coming."

"Grandpa, let me help you sit down!"

Chen Yunfei took his granddaughter's hand and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, sit down now. Grandpa wants to ask you, has this kid bullied you?"

"No!" .??.

"Grandpa, don't worry, Lu Fei is very kind to me."

"In the past few days, he taught me how to shoot a gun and how to ski."

"You even took me into the mountains to hunt pheasants today!"

"When I came back, it was Lu Fei who carried me back!"

"Grandpa, don't worry!"

"Lu Fei is really nice to me. I know Lu Fei and I will never misjudge him." Chen Xiang said.


"Grandpa believes it. Grandpa can see that you are really happy."

"However, you still have a long life ahead of you, and no one can guarantee that this brat will always treat you well."

"If you are wronged, don't hold it back."

"Even if grandpa is gone in the future, our granddaughter of the Chen family cannot be bullied."

"Do you understand?"

"Grandpa, don't worry, Lu Fei will be good to me."

"By the way, he also wants to teach me how to fly a plane."

"as long as you are happy."

"By the way, when are you going to have a baby?"




"It's human nature to get married and have children, what's there to be embarrassed about?"

"Grandpa is already this old. There is no tomorrow as long as there is today."

"If I could see your child before he died, my grandfather would have died with no regrets," Chen Yunfei said.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"I'm here to ensure your good health."

"Xiang'er and I have discussed

alright. "

"If nothing happens, you will be able to have your great-grandchild next year."

"When you have nothing to do, just think about naming our child!"

"By the way, let's get a few more!"


"No problem, I'm responsible for this."


"This matter is over now, let's eat!"

The old man said it in person. Chen Hongyi looked at his wife Lu Huifang and curled his lips inadvertently.

The old man said in his heart that the old man is too partial.

If it were my turn, the old man would have to break my legs.

But facing Lu Fei and Xiang'er, they calmed down after just a few words.


It's not fair!

"Mom, Dad, uncle, please sit down quickly!"

"Xiang'er, take out the crocodile skin box from the bedside table."

"Oh well."

Lu Fei took out the Ge family's 500-year-old wine and poured half a cup for the old man. Chen Xiang walked out holding the box.

Putting the box on the table, even Chen Hongyi, who had seen countless things in the world, was surprised.

Covered in black crocodile leather, with white gold corners and four corners inlaid with diamonds.

The box was opened, and inside was a bottle of antique red wine.

The trademark sticker has turned yellow, but the words 1787 are still clearly visible.

"Mom, I didn't bring any good wine when I came here this time, so just make do with it!"

"Xiang'er, open the wine."


Chen Xiang agreed and was about to open the wine. Chen Hongyi quickly stood up and pressed the box.

"do not move!"

"Xiao Fei, this is 1787 Chateau Lafite!"

"Drinking this is too luxurious!"

"Hongyi, is this wine expensive?" Lu Huifang asked.

"In the 1980s, it was worth millions."

"Now it is conservatively estimated to be more than five million."

"Oh my god"

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