A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1789 Those who are capable work harder

I originally thought that Li Ping'an was coming to the base to celebrate the New Year, but I didn't expect that a few phone calls would lead to a table of mahjong.

I have to say that the old man of the Chen family is really influential.

If these big guys come to inspect on weekdays, the base will definitely welcome them warmly.

But if you live here, you will be a little unprepared.

If nothing else, the environment at the base is a bit worrying.

The base is located in the hinterland of the Taihang Mountains. Although the air is fresh, the climate is quite cold.

It would be no small matter if these old men caught a cold.

It would be easier if we gave him a few days as a buffer, but the leaders would be here tomorrow morning. .??.

One day is too hasty.

Su Donghai expressed his worries, and Chen Honggang was also a little worried.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"This is no big deal."

"My room was finished in one day."

"Zhao Xiaohui has the contact information of the supplier. Now there is enough time to renovate the room."


"Of course."

"Okay, let's do it."

"By the way, how much did you spend renovating that room?"

"Not much!"

"Only more than two million!"


After a while, Zhao Xiaohui was called over.

He does have the contact information of the merchant, but there is a practical problem that needs to be faced at the moment.

The reason why Lu Fei's room arrived quickly was because Lu Fei added a 20% expedited fee.

This is an exclusive treatment for IP customers.

Exclusive treatment alone is not enough now, because the Building Materials City is on holiday.

If you want to pick up the goods as soon as possible, you must increase the price by half.

This request stumped Chen Honggang.

If you don't agree and you can't get the goods, and you agree to the merchant's overbearing terms, it's a serious waste of paving. This is a matter of principle.

After hesitating for a long time, Chen Hong just thought of an excellent way.

That is to give this opportunity to perform to my niece-in-law Lu Fei.

Let Lu Fei exclusively invest in improving the room.

The Dragon King proposed this idea. Su Donghai and Mo Jianfei welcomed it with both hands and smiled.

grinning from ear to ear.

Forced by his second uncle's power, Lu Fei had no choice but to compromise.

Seeing Lu Fei defeated, Su Donghai and Mo Jianfei were very happy.

After Chen Honggang left, the two big guys couldn't wait to share the exciting news with others.

The next day, the early morning of Lunar New Year's Eve, the base suddenly became lively.

The soldiers were cleaning up, and the cooking team was killing pigs and sheep to make dumplings. It was a noisy group.

Although he was celebrating the New Year in the army, Lu Fei was still happy and festive in his temporary residence.

Chen Yunfei put on his military uniform and waited excitedly for Li Ping'an's arrival.

Chen Hongyi and Luo Huifang put up window grilles and arranged dried fruits and got busy with joy.

Lu Fei cut out a thick stack of red paper and taught Chen Xiang step by step how to write the word "福".

"Husband, you should write it!"

"My handwriting is so bad, so embarrassing!"

"It doesn't matter, you wrote it to ward off evil spirits."


"Lu Fei, what did you say?"

After all the joking, Lu Fei finally picked out three of the blessing characters written by Chen Xiang and posted them on the door as encouragement.

But when writing the couplet, Chen Xiang stopped writing.

"I'll grind it for you and you write it."


After thinking about it, Lu Fei took action immediately.

The langhao pen was dipped in ink and finished in one stroke, still looking proud and proud of its thin golden body.

The first couplet is: All goes well and the grand plan unfolds.

The lower couplet: All your wishes will come true and great achievements will be prosperous.

The horizontal batch is: Five blessings come to the door.

"How about it?"

Before Chen Xiang could comment, Chen Yunfei pouted.


"It smells like copper when you open your mouth, vulgar!"

"Grandpa, I'm just a businessman. How can I do this without the smell of copper?"

"You still dare to be stubborn?"

"Business is outside, and this is an important military area. Is it appropriate to post this?"

"Grandpa, can you please be reasonable?"

"I didn't say post it outside, I posted it at my door!" Lu Fei said.

"That's not okay, it's embarrassing."

"Change it for me!"



"You have the final say, okay?"

"I change!" .??.

After thinking about it, Lu Fei started writing again.

The first couplet is: After a hundred years, heaven and earth will regain their vitality.

The second line is: Unify peace among mountains and rivers.

The horizontal batch reads: Guotai Minan.

"Grandpa, how about this?"

"Grandpa, this is so impressive!"

"I think it's pretty good." Chen Xiang said.

The old man nodded and said.

"This is good. You really have some ink in your belly."

"Second dick!"

"Have someone put this couplet on the gate of the base."

"Wait a moment!"

"Grandpa, I wrote this for the door of our house, why should I post it at the gate?" Lu Fei asked.


"Do you have any objections to the post at the gate?"

"No, of course not."

"But what should we post on the door of our house?"


"What are you doing in your spare time?"

"Can't we just write another one?"

"have to!"

"You have the final say."

Lu Fei had no choice but to continue.

First couplet: Holding the elixir with a heart full of sorrow and joy, accompanied by soldiers and horses.

Second line: Indifference to fame and desperation, but painstaking efforts are related to the prosperity of China by the people.

Horizontal comment: Be brave and loyal.

"Xiang'er, come and help me. Post this couplet on our doorstep!"

"Wait a moment!"

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"


"This couplet is a bit interesting."

"Second brother, post this couplet at the gate of the base."

"Put the one on the door of the war room just now."


br\u003e “Grandpa, what about our family?”

"You keep writing."


Chen Xiangjiao laughed out loud, and Lu Fei suddenly fell in love.

I have no choice but to continue writing.


"This is good!"

"Second brother, put this couplet on the sentry post."


"This is not bad either!"

"Put this on the door of the base building."

"Grandpa, can we not bring such a deceitful person?"

"You see you are tired too. Can you let Xiang'er help you go back to the house and lie down for a while?"

"Crawl away!"

"I'm going to watch you write couplets."



The whole family put down their work and laughed, except Lu Fei, who was worried about his head hurting.

This is not the end.

What Lu Fei never expected was that under the old man's supervision, all the couplets of the entire base would be contracted to him.

Post it on the door of the room prepared by Li Pingan, Su Baozhen and others.

Logistics warehouse, dormitory building, cooking class, mechanical warehouse, etc., Lu Fei's hands are cramping when he writes about it.

"Grandpa, it's almost done!" Lu Fei said pitifully.

"Where is this?"

"The motorcycles in the equipment depot must also have couplets posted on them."

"Second brother, count how many motorcycles there are and report the specific numbers immediately."

"No one can be left behind."


"Grandpa, shoot me!"

"You are obviously seeking revenge for your personal vengeance!"


"It's called hard work for those who can do it. Where do you guys get so many complaints?"



"Mr. Su is here!"

"Oh my God, it was just in time."

"Grandpa, I'll go out to receive Mr. Su first, and we'll talk about the couplet later!"

"Second uncle, let's go."

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