A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1791 One thing brings down another thing

In the heavy snow, the 103-year-old man stands like a majestic Kunlun between heaven and earth.

His eyes are as bright as a torch, his expression is solemn, and he is not angry or majestic.

This powerful aura made the young warriors on the opposite side intimidated.

"It's great to stand with you young people."

"Most of you don't know me, so let me introduce myself."

"Old Chen Yunfei, your Dragon King is my son."


Chen Yunfei announced three words, and the whole audience was solemn.

That's right! .??.??

Most of the soldiers on the opposite side did not recognize the old man in front of them.

There is no Chinese soldier who does not know the name Chen Yunfei.

This is the resounding God of War in the Southwest.

This is the cornerstone of the country that is powerful in all directions.

This is a model for the entire army.

He is also the founder of the current Five Dragons Brigade.


Su Donghai shouted, and all the soldiers, including Su Baozhen, Pan Xiangdong, and Li Ping'an, stood at attention and saluted.

This is the highest respect for Chen Yunfei, the God of War.

After many years, the old man raised his right arm tremblingly, put his fingers together and raised it with difficulty to his temple, and returned the favor to everyone.

"thank you all."

"I, Chen Yunfei, have spent my whole life in the military, but I am a real rough man."

"However, my old squad leader once taught me a poem, but I still remember it vividly."

"The military song should be sung with a big sword ring and an oath to destroy the Hu Nu and leave the Jade Pass."

"You will die for your country on the battlefield, why should you return your body wrapped in horse leather?"

"As a soldier, you must have the courage to take on responsibilities and sacrifice, and not be afraid of hardship or sacrifice."

“An earthen jar will inevitably break if it leaves the edge of a well, and a general will inevitably die in battle.”

"From the moment we put on this uniform, we must be prepared to sacrifice at any time."

"We are not afraid of death."

"Because dying in battle is the greatest honor for our soldiers."

"For this honor, we must always be ready!"

"Ready at all the time!"

"Ready at all the time"

Thousands of soldiers shouted in unison, and many soldiers were moved to tears by Chen Yunfei's passion.

"When the time of peace comes, the horses are released and the swords and guns of Nanshan are stored in the warehouse."

"But the more this happens, the less we can let down our guard."

"Fifty-five years ago, I reported to the military to personally establish the Five Dragons Brigade."

"The purpose is to eliminate internal and external troubles and protect the people of China."

"After thirty years, I, Chen Yunfei, came back to visit the class again."

"Through this period of observation, I saw everyone's super high military quality and their determination to always be ready to fight a tough battle."

"I'm very pleased."

"However, I warn everyone not to be proud."

"We must ensure our training status at all times and be ready to face all uncertain challenges."

"Because this is the mission of our Five Dragons Brigade."


Chen Yunfei nodded and said with a smile.

"very good!"

"I'm really relieved and happy to see you."

"I hope I will have the opportunity to come back and visit you all in the future."

"Today is the Chinese New Year, so let's not talk nonsense."

"I make the decision, so there's no need for those old guys to make noises."

"Finally, I would like to wish everyone a happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year, old leader!"

"Chen Honggang!"


"Can I still order you?" Chen Yunfei said.

"Follow the leader's orders."

"Here's the order. Except for the sentry posts, comrades who have no duties can drink freely tonight."

"If you have enough drinks, it's Lu Fei's fault."


"Disband and go drink!"

Chen Yunfei announced the disbandment, and the audience burst into thunderous applause again, but not a single fighter left the spot.

Until Chen Xiang pushed his grandfather and disappeared in front of everyone, this

Then they dispersed and launched a charge towards the canteen.

The Chen brothers, Zhang Luo, and their leaders went to the war room to prepare for the New Year's Eve dinner.

Lu Fei and Chen Xiang pushed the old man back to the second floor, closed the door, and Lu Fei quickly checked the old man's pulse.

"I'm not talking about you. It's such a cold day. Why are you pretending to be a young man?"

"With your immunity, it would be quite troublesome if you catch a cold."

"Forget it this time. Next time, I have to give you a full body check."

"Shut up!" .??.

"Nagging like a bitch, crawl away!"


"You don't like hearing it anymore, right?"

"If you scold me again, I'll make you stop drinking for a month."

"you dare!"


"I have all the wine here. There's no point in being anxious if I don't give it to you."

"Open your mouth and take this Qi-boosting pill."

"Don't eat!"

"I want to go down for a drink."


"If you don't eat, you won't be allowed to go anywhere today."

"You bastard, are you going to rebel?"

"I am your attending doctor, and I have to be responsible for your body."


"Ask Xue Taihe to come and serve me. I don't need you."


"Don't forget, Lao Xue is my apprentice."

"You really can't speak as well as I can, so just accept your fate!"

"Come on, take your medicine!"

"Be good, open your mouth!"

"Do you want to eat or not?"

"If you don't open your mouth, I'll give you an injection!"

Watching the conversation between the two men, Chen Xiang burst into laughter.

Chen Xiang knew what kind of temper his grandfather was like.

In front of his old man, his father and second uncle were much more well-behaved than kittens.

If grandpa glared at them, they would be frightened and sweat, let alone quarrel with grandpa.

But in front of Lu Fei, such a powerful grandpa looked like a

An angry child.

Could this be the legendary saying that one thing can be reduced to another?

After taking the Qi Bu Qi Pill and waiting for another ten minutes, the old man's face turned completely rosy, and Lu Fei pushed him to the war room.

Four large tables were placed in the war room.

Of course, Chen Yunfei, Li Ping'an and other super bosses were sitting at the main table.

Captains such as Su Donghai were at the second table.

The remaining two tables are the captains of the Five Dragons Brigade.

The team captains were extremely disciplined and didn't even dare to touch the water glass, with the exception of Li Shengnan.

"Boss Li, the old leader and the others haven't used their chopsticks yet!" Yang Yi reminded in a low voice.

"Shut up!"

"It's just a meal, are you tired?"

"Don't you dare eat, I'm starving."


After the delicacies were put on the table, Chen Yunfei ordered Lu Fei to bring out the five-hundred-year-old wine. Lu Fei rolled his eyes in distress.

"It's full, I want to drink two taels today."

"No, one or two at most."

"One or two halves!"

"Xiang'er, confiscate the cup and don't let him drink from it."

"You bastard, it's Chinese New Year today, can't I just drink half a tael more?"

"It won't work if I say no."

"Just one or two, don't pull it down." Lu Fei said.

"Grandpa, just listen to Lu Fei!"

"Okay, one or two, one or two."

"Reverse, reverse!"

"What kind of evil person have I not seen?"

"I'm old and fell into the hands of you two brats."

"Shame on you!"



"Boy, why are there no bear paws on the table?" Chen Yunfei asked.

"You forgot, didn't you eat it yesterday?"


"I've seen it a long time ago. There are four more in the pot!"

"Send it to me so they can have a taste."

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