A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1798 Not for sale

The old men were extremely excited when they saw the Aurora Meteor with their own eyes.

"Director Meng, where did you get these meteorites?" Qian Guomin asked excitedly.

"Dean Qian, you have stumped me with this question."

"I am only responsible for the normal operation of the museum. As for where the things come from, I don't know."

Meng Xianguo was telling the truth, he really didn't know.

When the meteorite was delivered to the museum early this morning, Meng Xianguo was more confused than anyone else.

In fact, this is the treasure Zhang Jianguo brought back from his first smuggling trip.

The original owner of these meteorites was named Yota Nakata.

While cleaning up Nakata Yota's property, Lu Fei discovered these treasures in the basement safe.

Yota Nakata is a meteorite fan and has collected many meteorites in his life. The six pieces displayed now are only a small part of them.

To be honest, Lu Fei is not very interested in these things.

Not only is it ostentatious, but it's also radiant, and it's not in line with Lu Fei's collecting style.

Therefore, these things have remained in the island country.

It was Mo Jianfei and Qian Guomin's trip to South Africa that gave Lu Fei a sudden inspiration, and then Zhang Jianguo brought the meteorite back.

"Director Meng, where is your boss Lu Fei?"

"Where is he?" Qian Guomin asked excitedly.


Hearing this question, Meng Xianguo was even more confused.

He also didn't know where Lu Fei was.

Meng Xianguo was extremely depressed when he thought that as a curator, he didn't know everything he asked.

Secretary Xiao Zhang was quite clever and whispered something in the old man's ear.

Qian Guomin suddenly realized after hearing this.


"How did I forget this?"


"This unsatisfactory thing really doesn't make people worry."

"Old Li, let's go back to Tiandu immediately."

"Old Qian, let's go, what should we do with these meteorites?"

"If Lu Fei sells it on a whim, wouldn't it be ruined?" Li Yuanchao said. \u003c



"You can't give him a chance."

"Director Meng, do you know our identities?" Qian Guomin asked.

"I know!"

"Then do you know that Lu Fei and I have a good personal relationship?"

"I think I've heard of it."

The old man nodded and smiled.

"It's easier now that you've heard about it."

"To tell you the truth, our current scientific research projects are lacking meteorites for reference research."

"We bought these six pieces of your meteorites."

"I will take the meteorite away today. When I see Lu Fei later, I will explain it to him personally."


Meng Xianguo's eyes widened when he heard this.

"take away?"

"Old man, are you kidding me?"

"Stop making trouble, okay?"

"Who are you kidding?"

"The project research is at a juncture. Whether it can break through the shackles, the parameters of these meteorites are crucial."

"You Lao Meng can't afford the punishment for delaying the research," Qian Guomin said.

"Old man, I just work for the boss, don't scare me."

"If you want a meteorite, just ask our boss to call me personally."

"Without the boss's instructions, nothing can be said."

"Xiao Sun, bring all the security guards over to me."

The focus of the museum today is the meteorite exhibition hall, and the security force nearby is also the largest.

With Meng Xianguo's words, more than a dozen security guards rushed up instantly and started a confrontation with the old men.

Both sides looked serious, and the scene was full of gunpowder.

The surrounding tourists reacted and quickly took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Seeing this situation, Qu Yang was so sad that he almost cried.

Ask his subordinates to stop the tourists and quickly step forward to smooth things over.

"Director Meng, what are you doing?"

"If you were photographed and spread, how embarrassing would it be for you, the senior academicians!"

Meng Xianguo snorted coldly with an expression on his face.

"Qu Ju, did you hear what Mr. Qian said just now?"

"I know Mr. Qian's identity and respect him from the bottom of my heart."

"But what did he say?"

"Isn't this an open robbery?"

"You all know what our boss's temper is like. This method can be used elsewhere, but it won't work here."

"I am the person in charge of this museum. No one can take away the meteorite without the instructions of our boss."

"Otherwise, I will fight him tooth and nail."

Hearing what Meng Xianguo said, Qian Guomin's face turned red with embarrassment.

"Director Meng, did you hear me clearly?"

"I said buy it, when did I grab it?"

"Our Qian family has a close relationship with Lu Fei. Lu Fei will definitely listen to what I say."

"Don't worry, how about I explain it to that guy later and promise not to embarrass you?"

"I'm sorry, Dean Qian, I may have misunderstood before."

"But I still say the same thing."

"Since the boss has entrusted the museum to me, I must be responsible for the boss."

"Unless the boss calls me, no one can take anything away," Meng Xianguo said.


"In this case, if you call Lu Fei, can I tell him?"

"That's right, Director Meng, please call Lu Fei and tell him about the situation here."

"As for whether to sell it or not, let Lu Fei decide for himself, okay?"

"Qian Lao is the pillar of the country, and he has friendship with Lu Fei."

"It's not good for anyone if this misunderstanding continues!" Qu Yang said.

Meng Xianguo thought for a while and nodded.


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