A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1800 Don’t mention those two words

After receiving the order, Zhang Zhang went in again to report.

A few minutes later, Lu Fei walked out of the room wearing pajamas and a cotton-padded jacket.

He was holding a thermos cup in his left hand and holding a pack of cigarettes in his right hand, his face expressionless.

Seeing Lu Fei like this, Qian Guomin was furious.

"You bastard, you have such a big air!"

"Now I can't even invite you. Have your wings grown hard?"

"Hey, I'm talking to you."

"What's your attitude?"

"Where are you going? Just stop."

Qian Guomin yelled, but Lu Fei ignored him.

He walked around everyone with an expressionless face and raised his legs to go up to the third floor. Now, everyone was confused.


"Isn't this kid sleepwalking?"

"No, I think he's possessed."

"Su Donghai, did you punish Lu Fei?"

"You're such a good boy, why did you become like this?"


Su Donghai was so angry that he almost laughed.

"Everyone, please think carefully, am I that kind of person?"

"Then what happened to him?"

"Then I don't know. Can't it be clear if we go up and take a look?"

"Yes, go up and have a look."

More than a dozen people came to the third floor in a hurry, but there was no sign of Lu Fei.

Finally, I saw the lit cigarette butt in Lu Fei's hand in the conference room on the fourth floor.

Turning on the lights, everyone entered the conference room.

Before, they were anxious to find Lu Fei, but now that Lu Fei was right in front of them, everyone remained silent and just stared at Lu Fei's every move.

Two minutes passed. Lu Fei threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, raised his head and said coldly.

"Is something okay?"

"It's okay, I'm going back to sleep."


"Scared me."

"Little brat, why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf here?"

"You boy

Isn’t it time to draw? "

"I'm furious"


Lu Fei knocked on the table hard, and everyone became quiet again.

"Dear elderly people, please be kind to others."

"If you have something to say, don't rely on your elders and act like your elders, okay?" Lu Fei said.

Qian Guomin was slightly stunned and said displeasedly.

"Boy, did you take the wrong medicine today?"

"Mr. Qian, let me say it again, if you have something to say, talk about it. If it doesn't matter, I will go back to sleep."

Lu Fei's attitude made Qian Guomin feel a sting in his heart, and he gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, then I'll get down to business."

"We went to your museum and saw those meteorites."

"Those meteorites are of great significance to our institute's scientific research projects. You can set a price and we will buy them."

"Not for sale!"

"Lu Fei, I'm not kidding you."

"I'm not kidding you either."

"The meteorite is mine, can't I not sell it?"


The old man's face turned pale with anger. After taking a breath, he sat down opposite Lu Fei and said.

"Boy, how are you doing today?"

"Are you wronged?"

"If someone bullies you on purpose, tell me and I will take it out on you."

Putting on another cigarette, Lu Fei chuckled.

"You are serious, no one here can bully me."

"Then what's your situation?"

"Didn't you support our scientific research projects very much before?"

"After the treasure fight on February 2, you also donated a batch of Su Ma Li Qing."

"What's wrong with you this time?" Qian Guomin asked.

"It's nothing, I just don't want to sell it."

"May I?"

"Lu Fei, let me make it clear to you."

"In the past two years, we have been following up on research projects for a new generation of spacecraft."

"At the end of last year, the project research entered a bottleneck period, mainly because the alternative materials failed to achieve the expected results."

"We have invested a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to this end, but there is still no solution."

"Now I finally have a chance to break through the shackles."

"You have Martian iron meteorites and stone meteorites in your hands. As long as you hand over the meteorites, we can learn the specific data through the composition and parameters of the meteorites."

"This plays a crucial role in our next research."

"This is originally a first-class secret, but I am making an exception to tell you today. The purpose is to hope that you can understand the true value of those meteorites."

"Also, I won't let you donate it in vain."

"You make a price, and I'll personally go up and give the approval."

"It guarantees that while you make money, it will also give you a personal note of great merit."

"This is the best of both worlds, why can't you figure it out?"

"Hey, you should say something!"

"say what?"

"You are the vice president of the Academy of Sciences, and research projects are your responsibility."

"I'm a businessman, what does this have to do with me?"

"Nonsense, how can it not matter?"

"Did you hear that clearly?"

"We urgently need those meteorites you have for research."

"You kid, please don't pretend to be confused with us, okay?"

"I'll tell you again, money is yours."

"In addition, Lao Li and I will go to the higher authorities to ask for your credit in person."

"Okay, please give me a nice word!" Qian Guomin said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Old man, please stop fooling me."

"You know what are the two words that annoy me the most right now?

? "

"That's meritorious service."

"I, Lu Fei, have made countless contributions since I debuted, but I can't even count them, but so what?"

"Am I still a prisoner?"

"Now I am behind bars and at the mercy of others."

"When a foreign company openly comes out to compete with me, I can't do anything about it."

"What's the point of asking for so much credit?"

"I understand now that if you shoot the first bird, the greater your credit, the faster you will die."

"From now on, none of you should mention the word meritorious service to me."

"After I get out, I will do my business in a down-to-earth manner. It's best if we don't interact with each other till the end of time."

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Su Donghai quickly turned his body away and almost laughed.

Mo Jianfei, Yang Zhenhuai and others also tried their best to control it.

But old men like Li Yuanchao, Qian Guomin, etc. were dumbfounded. They all looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Xiao Fei, don't be discouraged, you have to believe in the organization."

"Didn't the senior leader hold a commendation meeting specifically for you before?"

"Why commend you? It's to affirm your contribution!"


"What's the use?"

"Didn't I end up having to reflect for a year?" Lu Fei said.

"That's different. After all, you made a mistake."

"If it weren't for the little devil, it would be impossible to punish you, right?"

"Besides, punishing you for one year is already an extrajudicial act of mercy."

"If it were someone else, it would definitely be much more serious than your current situation."

"What you kid has to do now is not to complain, but to face the reality and reflect on it."

"By the way, don't you want to go out early?"

"Now's your chance."

"Hand over the meteorite and I'll ask you for credit."

"If the merits and demerits are equal, the punishment will definitely be reduced!"

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