A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1820 Emerald Night

Caroline and Evelyn were completely stunned when they saw the renderings of the brooch.

"I bought it!"

"So beautiful!"

"Mr. Lu, is this a rendering you made?"

"It's so beautiful."


"It's nothing. I'm in the jewelry auction business, so I still have some sense."

"Take a look, are you satisfied with the effect?" Lu Fei asked.

"Satisfied, so satisfied."

"It's just perfect!"

"I swear, my elders will love this brooch."

"Thank you Mr. Lu."

"By the way, how much does the material cost?"

"Shall I forward it to you immediately?"

"As for Master Yue's labor fee, I will definitely not treat him badly." Caroline said.

"Ladies, please sit down and let's talk slowly."

"I have the required materials. If Master Yue doesn't make any mistakes, just give me the cost price of 80 million knives."

"Eighty million knives?"

"No, no, it's too little."

"I know a little bit about the market conditions of glass-grown Zhengyang green jadeite."

"The seven-piece suit I shot last time cost 225 million. There are so many gems on this brooch, so 80 million is too little."

"You have helped me so much, I can't let you suffer!" Caroline said.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said.

"The real market price is not as high as you think."

"The reason why the seven-piece jade suit you bought is so expensive is because of the atmosphere at the scene and the competition from many companies."

"Eighty million is enough for my cost."

"If there is a mistake on Mr. Yue's side and additional materials are needed, we will discuss it again."

"This is the price right now, so you don't have to refuse me."

"As for Mr. Yue's labor fee, you don't have to pay it."

"I have made an agreement with Mr. Yue. Within fifty days, I will deliver the finished jewelry to your hands."

Lu Fei

After saying that, the two beauties were even more surprised.

"There is no processing fee?"

"How can this be done?"

"Mr. Lu, I'd like to take the liberty to ask, we just met by chance, why are you helping me so much?" Caroline asked doubtfully.


"Don't think too much."

"I did not mean anything else."

"I really liked the gift you gave me yesterday."

"I have said that there is a saying in China that no reward will be received without merit."

"I accepted such an expensive gift, so I should do something practical for you."

"Otherwise, I will suffer the consequences."



"You don't want it anymore."

"This is my way of doing things, and I would do it to anyone else."

"If you want Master Yue to help, just follow my rules."

"Otherwise, you take that painting back and we won't owe each other anything."

"If you feel embarrassed, just be my guide and take me around when I go to London in a while," Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu, are you going to London?" Caroline asked in surprise.

"That's right!"

"On May 5th, I'm going to London to attend an auction."

"Our company's first filming of this year will be completed on the 2nd and we will set off on the 3rd."

"The itinerary has already been decided."

"Very good!"

"We also plan to return to China after participating in your company's auction, so can we come together?" Caroline asked.

"No problem at all."

"My plane can accommodate a lot of people!"

"With two more beauties, the journey will definitely not be lonely."


"Then it's settled."

"When we get to London, I will treat Mr. Lu warmly."

"Thank you, I won't be polite."

After chatting for a while, Caroline transferred money to Lu Fei and said goodbye.

She tried every possible means to keep the little puppy, but unfortunately Caroline didn't give her a chance.

Watching the two beauties leave, the little puppy looked as listless as if he had lost his soul.

"Hey, I'm going to die!"


"Brother, please don't mess with me today, I'm upset."

"Beat sex!"

"I originally had something good to tell you, but since you are upset, forget it."

"Xiao Lei, come here and I'll tell you the good news."

"Here comes Brother Fei."

"A good thing?"

"Brother, what's the good news?"


"Aren't you upset?"

"I respect your opinion and will ignore you today."

"Get out!"


"Brother, I was joking."

"You know my character, my words are no different than my farts."

"Tell me quickly, what is this good thing?"



As the little naughty dog ​​said this, he knelt down and hugged Lu Fei's thigh into the death button. This scene happened to be seen by Jin'er and Chen Xiang, and they laughed so hard that they fell back and forth.

"Get up, isn't it embarrassing?"

"I'm not afraid of embarrassment."

"Tell me quickly or I won't get up."

Lu Fei had no choice but to whisper a few words in his ear.

The little puppy suddenly came back to life with full blood after hearing it, and started barking excitedly.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Tengfei Auction Company held a press conference, and Lu Fei attended in person.

"Hello fellow journalists."\u003c


"I've invited everyone here today to announce something."

"At seven o'clock in the evening on May 2nd, Tengfei Auction Company will hold the New Year's hammer auction."

"All ten auction items that night were jade jewelry."

“That’s why we named the hammer sale Emerald Night.”

"The ten auction items include almost all jadeite masterpieces."

"Emperor green, royal purple, chicken fat yellow, and red jade jewelry will all appear."

"Each work is created by top contemporary masters and comes with a certificate."

"At midnight tomorrow, the company's official website will display picture information of the first nine items on the auction block."

"The last final piece was made by Master Yue Qifeng himself, but it is kept secret for the time being, leaving a small suspense for our Emerald Night."

“The auction rules are the same as on opening night, there will be no off-site telephone bidding.”

"Within three days, we will send invitations to the Emerald Night to every member, and everyone is welcome to attend."


Imperial green, royal purple, created by top masters.

After these stunts were released, the members of Tengfei Auction Company immediately became excited.

All Celebrity Boss members should check their itineraries immediately and be prepared to go to Hong Kong Island to participate in the auction.

Apart from the members of Tengfei Auction Company, the most excited ones were the old men from the two institutes, Guan Haishan and others.

In the past two days, they didn't have a sound sleep, and they mobilized all their connections to search for Lu Fei all over the world.

Lu Fei's hometown, luxury houses, companies, museums, and even the homes of Lu Fei's friends all had spies placed in various places.

The dragnet was cast, but Lu Fei was never seen.

Not only Lu Fei, but also Lu Fei's wife was not found.

Qian Guomin even put his grandson Qian Chaoyue into confinement, deprived him of food and water, and forced Qian Chaoyue to reveal Lu Fei's whereabouts, but he failed.

When I saw Lu Fei holding a press conference on Hong Kong Island today, the eyes of the old men were red, and they immediately gathered to prepare to go to Hong Kong Island to arrest people.

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